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Hello everyone!
Well, WOW. Last night took everything up a notch. All the INTENSITY that has gone on in the last ten days seems to have been fertilizer for the process.

Some feedback from the meeting thus far:


WOW, can I just say WOW again, this week’s session was amazing.

The Visionaries came in for the first 30 minutes. Eloheim spoke for an hour after that. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries section. You can purchase the entire 92 minute audio file by following the links below.

I clipped out 10 minutes of the Visionaries talk for the video, but the entire 30 minutes was VERY powerful. I have listened to it many times already. If you are unclear about applying the “What is true now?” tool, this meeting offered lots of clarification; It was the only subject covered during the meeting.

“What is true now?” is a Bliss place of existence rather than a place of information.

“What is true now?” is a question that needs to be experienced constantly.

We are clear that “What is true now?” is dredging up all kinds up stuff…when you have to manage the past, the future, the biological response…you are constantly working on consciousness…you are clearing your cellular memory.

“What is true now?” will illuminate to you the places where you still have baggage. It is not the aHa that tells you where the baggage is. “What is true now?” is what comes up from the past, what comes up from the future, what comes up in the biology. “What is true now?” is shown by what the past/future/biological response reveals. The truth of you is what remains when you process through those things. That’s why you end up in bliss.

11-04-09 92 minutes


Visionaries: Talked much longer than usual, nearly half the meeting, about the importance of getting ourselves in shape to move from Homo sapiens to Homo spiritus. To do so, we use the “What is true now” tool. In this, our complete selves will begin to infuse our day-to-day lives.

Eloheim: Opened by talking about their perception of the Visionaries. Discussed in further detail the use of the “What is true now” tool. Answered questions about the Visionaries, the move to Homo spiritus, and the coming changes and energetics.


Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009


Price: $7.99