March, 2007
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Eloheim: 03-07-07 Describing how instantaneous manifestation will affect you
This interesting clip follows questions about investing in the stock market, saving for retirement, etc. Eloheim moved the conversation to what it will be like when you are able to instantaneously manifest.
Instantaneous manifestation, just like all other types of Spiritual Growth is going to be an incredibly personal experience which, at least in the beginning, will be a challenge to share with groups of people.
Eloheim: 03-07-07 Describing how instantaneous manifestation with affect you

Eloheim: 03-07-07 Are you arguing with listlessness (Reality)?
It is amazing how the Eloheim material is right on the dot, even when I completely forget what they said! It has been days since I posted on the blog because, well, I haven’t felt up to it. So, today, I pull up the last meeting and here they are addressing exactly what I have been going through for the past four days. Wonderful!

Eloheim: 03-06-07 What is bringing Consciousness to a situation?
What is bringing Consciousness to a situation?
Putting your Attention and Intention together to explore something that your Soul is showing you.

Eloheim: 03-06-07 Are you trying to manifest from lack?
Eloheim: 03-06-07 Are you trying to manifest from lack?This is a clip from the meeting we held on 03-06-07 in Santa Rosa, CA. We are going to hold an Eloheim meeting on the first Tuesday of each month in Santa Rosa in addition to our weekly meetings in Sonoma.
This meeting focused on manifestation. The highlights of this first clip were the questions, “Are you trying to manifest from lack?” and “Is (your manifestation) a fear based intention?”
When you are wanting to manifest something, it is important to know why, to be focused, and to see what the intention behind the desire is. Then see what comes up in your body when you state that intention clearly. Be willing to look at what you’re experiencing in your body and what it is revealing to you about the unconscious and subconscious actions behind that desire for manifestation.
You have to watch that you are not trying to manifest from lack or fear, but instead are manifesting because of what it gives you.

Eloheim answers: What if you don’t know what is upsetting you?
In this clip from the 02-28-07 meeting, Eloheim explains how to determine what is upsetting you. There is also some additional information about ‘the closet’.
Eloheim answers: What if you don’t know what is upsetting you?

Eloheim: 02-28-07 Dealing with the items “in my closet”
This clip from the 02-28-07 meeting follows a sharing by one of the people in the group about her frustration in trying to apply some of the recent teachings about applying consciousness to the ‘items in the closet.’ Just before this clip, there were tears, yet the clip ends with laughter. Sounds like an Eloheim meeting to me!
Some quotes from the clip:
A part of your creative ability, part of your subconscious life, is keeping that closet door shut. Part of the goal, according to our cosmology, is to open the closet door, take things out, apply consciousness to them, so that then they become healed and then they are an asset.
They add consciousness to you instead of requiring consciousness to keep away.
BE KIND to yourself in the process
Later in the meeting Eloheim says:
Any time anything comes up where you wish it was some other way, THAT’S your closet.
It is that internal dynamic that leads to emotional experience, we are trying to teach you that when you go into emotion you are giving your power away, you are being a victim, you are doing all of these things that you know are not empowering you. When these things come up and you hold them in your body and deal with them in your body….that is the process we have been describing….the things that come into your life that you wish weren’t that way and how you deal with them in order to find a way that makes them more acceptable to you because you created them.
Eloheim: 02-28-07 Dealing with the items “in my closet”
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Eloheim: 08-30-06 Two people discovering their Core Emotion
Two of the members of our group asked Eloheim for help determining their Core Emotions on 08-30-06. They have both given permission for me to post this audio clip. You may like to listen to and read the other posts on Core Emotion
Eloheim explains the Core Emotion – written
How to determine your Core Emotion – written and audio
before listening to this one so that you have the context of what is being discussed.
Eloheim: 08-30-06 Two people discovering their Core Emotion
This comment is from the person who received her Core Emotion second in the above clip. In it she tells us how she is applying her Core Emotion and other Eloheim teaching in her life:
03-04-07: Last week, when I went looking in my closet to deal with one item that I am not proud of, I realized that I was so hungry for connection in that situation and so falsely duped into thinking I had found it, that I had almost prostituted myself, figuratively speaking. As I was mulling that over, and how I could respond in a better way, hence changing the “ripples”, I was remembering that recently Eloheim said that the feeling of disconnection from God came from the time when all souls separated from God, but that in truth, we are always connected. The feeling of disconnection is a false feeling, but understandable in human form in this dimension. So as I affirmed that I am always connected to my Source, I formed in my mind a new response to the situation. I used my voice to help open my throat chakra and protect my integrity.
As I was changing that memory, other memories tumbled out of the closet one after another, and again I realized that I was looking for connection in all instances. With each one, I affirmed my connection with God, and changed my response using my voice. They all feel much better now. I was able to see the underlying motivation for my actions, take responsibility, forgive myself, and form a new response. For years I had to keep that door closed so that those “not so proud” memories would not be known. I couldn’t let anyone know what was in that darkness. It was draining to hold the door shut. I feel much lighter as those memories are transformed with awareness. I feel those situations “ripple” much better now.
I have looked into my closet since, and there are still some things to look at and change in there, but I have cleaned up a large portion of what was there. I have the tools that Eloheim has taught me, and the desire to make changes. Thank you Eloheim and Veronica.
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Eloheim: 02-28-07 an example of applying the 4 levels of creating
In the meeting of 02-28-07, Eloheim asks for feedback about how the group is experiencing the information about the four levels of creating/attracting which was shared in the meeting of 02-21-07. They then expand on the example that is offered.
This clip is especially helpful if you are having difficulty applying or understanding the Law of Attraction.
This quote followed a comment about how we get mad at ourselves for making a mistake, like turning the wrong way at an intersection.
If you said, “oh I was supposed to turn right at that intersection and I turned left”.
1. You are arguing with reality, you are arguing with the moment which never gets you anywhere.
2. You are being mean to yourself, which is the biggest barrier to Spiritual Growth
3. You are loosing the chance to experience the new moment, where everything happens, in the moment.
That is a lot to give up just because you don’t want to take responsibility for your creation.
Eloheim: 02-28-07 an example of applying the 4 levels of creating

Eloheim: 02-28-07 Living the principle, “I create my Reality”
In this clip from the meeting of 2-28-07, Eloheim gives an overview of living according to the principle of “I create my reality.”
I especially like the very end of the clip:
You are creators. You are creating. You take responsibility for what you create in order to then apply consciousness to your creations to determine what is going on on the unconscious and subconscious levels in order to facilitate the collaboration with your Soul to then create according to what you truly desire.