August, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Safety and a Tool for Healing
This powerful two part video is the introduction of a new teaching from Eloheim. The premise they are working from is that almost all triggers are based on us not feeling safe. Our biology interprets “not feeling safe” as physical danger. This is typically an unconscious process. (Examining your triggers to see how they relate to safety can be a very enlightening process – it was for me!)
Eloheim became aware that, although we are frequently triggered, we are rarely in actual physical danger. Our biology is using a great amount of our energy to regularly and unnecessarily put us into the fight-or-flight state.
Eloheim shares how we can get this energy back and how we can transform our experience of safety, triggers, and habitual response.
Part one is primarily the discussion and discovery of the premise. Part two focuses on the tool. It was one long discussion which I had to break in two due to video length restrictions.
Part 1
Part 2
Veronica channels Eloheim in Sonoma County, CA.

ELOHEIM: Your Relationship to Sexual Energy and Physicality
This audio clip came from a private session on August 16, 2008. In it, Eloheim speaks clearly, deeply, and bluntly about experiencing a new relationship to physicality and Sexual Energy.
The light workers’ sexual experience is going to be rewritten in the next six to eight months.
(The key) is to go into the sexual experience with the exact same frame of mind you are going into everything else (with). Where am I habitual with this? … Where are you holding a pattern within you that is old?
This is a beautiful opportunity to blow the doors open and to tap into an incredibly powerful force within you that that wants to have expansion…
Here is an invitation to (find) another place where you are habitual and where you have an opportunity to have a completely new experience.
That is another thing to own – I was built for this…I am a Sexual Being by construction!
Having this re imagined experience of sexuality is the fastest way to re-write your biology…the most powerful engine you have for biologic transformation is the sexual energy.
Click on this link below to access the audio file. It will bring up a new page and you will need to click on the link again. It may take a few moments for the file to start playing. Sorry about the multiple steps. I really don’t know why the site works that way!

ELOHEIM VIDEO: Use language to break habitual response
This short clip is from the 8-13-08 meeting. In it, Eloheim explains how to use language to remove yourself from the habitual responses of the culture.
Veronica channels Eloheim 5 times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Phone sessions are also available. Email for more information.

ELOHEIM: How to use Energies of Aug 08 to fuel Ascension
Here Eloheim explains how to tap into the flow of the energies of August 2008 to fuel the Ascension path. This two part clip includes comments from one of our group members expressing how powerful this tool has been for her so far this month. The end of part two includes a preview of the energies of September 2008.
Anything that triggers you, anything that you prefer to have differently, anything you are ready to heal, anything you are ready to release, anything you are ready to transform, anything that you are just ready to dump, drop or be done with, any state of being you would like to experience, any agreement you are making with your Soul. This is the month to get clear about what you are ready to have going on for the next two years.
Eloheim is more reserved and is very forthright during these clips. These clips came after an incredibly emotional opening to the meeting. The emotion I experienced as the channel was generated by the extraordinary amount of compassion that I felt from Eloheim.
This compassion is driven by their understanding of how challenging it can be to walk the ascension path and to ‘argue with our biology’: When our biology tells us that change is dangerous and should be avoided, when our biology tells us to avoid the unknown, when our biology tries to ‘keep us safe’ by limiting our transformation.
They explained that the biology which keeps the body functioning even when we ‘want to give up’ is the same biology which keeps us in habitual response in order to facilitate a feeling of safety. As we walk the path of Ascension, we have to rewrite our habitual responses to triggers. Often, this means confronting deep seated fears and anxieties. Eloheim’s compassion for our predicament was nearly overwhelming.
The only way I was able to process and release this compassion was through tears. This is why my voice sounds different in these clips.
Eloheim makes it quite clear that they are here to assist us on the ascension path to the best of their abilities. I included an extended amount of video on this so that you would get the full sense of what they are offering.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

Save the Date, Oct 5 Eloheim Channeling at Crystal Bill’s
Please mark your calendars for our next channeling event at Crystal Bill’s beautiful Crystal Showroom in Mill Valley (Marin County), California.
It will be held on Sunday, October 5th from 4-6 pm. Admission is by donation. There will be plenty of time to view and shop Bill’s amazing inventory.
Crystal Bill’s Showroom
407 Ash Street
Mill Valley, CA
(415) 381-6627 (RSVP appreciated)
Cost: by donation
Map Quest Map of this location
Here are some images from our previous events. Including an amazing orb!