
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009


Price: $9.99

If you would rather read the transcripts of these sessions, Volume FOUR of the Birth of The Council series includes transcripts of EIGHT Eloheim and The Council channeling sessions held between November 25, 2009 and January 13, 2010.
Click here for details.

2009 12 02 ~ 79 Minutes

(First channeling of the Guardians)

Guardians: Introduced themselves and suggested we call them the Guardians.

Visionaries: Discussed where we are now and where we’re going with the 2010 energetic. They urged us to come to terms with our truth by “recommitting to the authentic expression of you, which is the ensouled energetic expressing physically in collaboration with the personality, and offering that as an emanation without it being dependent upon how it’s received.”

Eloheim: Talked about balancing the energy of our chakras, especially the third and fourth chakras. They also discussed how sometimes it’s hard to be graceful in telling the truth of ourselves. This is something that we will learn with practice. We can start by saying, “Even when I’m triggered, I can still tell my truth.”

2009 12 09 ~ 66 Minutes

Guardians: Opened with a mostly silent energetic alignment.

Visionaries: Want us to bring into focus the idea that our soul’s energy and perspective are available to us now. Urged us to seek our soul’s perspective in our everyday activities.

Eloheim: Talked about the how the Guardians are helping us with our heart chakras, and the effects we’re feeling. Urged us to practice being in the truth of ourselves no matter the situation. Also talked a bit about how our alternative expressions will become more apparent to us as we go forward.

2009 12 13 ~ 93 Minutes ~ Q&A with Eloheim

2009 12 16 ~ 87 Minutes

Guardians: (silent energy work)

Visionaries: We have come to a crossroad where it is easy to feel that we can turn off our path. The Visionaries ask us to attend to the truth of the moment, which is that we’re not in bliss yet, we’re not done yet, so to continue on our path.

Eloheim: Asked us to choose something (the thing) that we want to let go of and allow the energy to be cleared away by the Guardians. (very intense energetic work!) Then led us in a powerful exercise—the fingertip tool—to emanate and move the energetics we feel around particularly stagnant energy.

2009 12 23 ~ 104 Minutes

Guardians: Open the meeting with energetic work. They say we carry the truth of us in our hearts like a basket, and ask us to carry that truth with our chins up and shoulders back.

Visionaries: Told us that we are coming up to a portal in which we will experience our own creativity more intensely. They urged us to meet our triggers and challenges with the truth of us, and said: “The only creative force is you experiencing the completeness of you internally and then emanating that into the world, which allows for the complete experience of the world to be revealed to you.”

Eloheim: Discussed the fingertip tool that was introduced last week and asked group members how they used it during the past week. Questions and answers with the group led to a deep discussion of alternate expressions.

2009 12 30 ~ 79 Minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to breathe into now.

Visionaries: Urged us to be in the truth of ourselves in our physical bodies, and told us, “The energies of 2010 start with yes to now.”

Eloheim: Questions and answers about what shifted in our lives, and what energies came in, in 2009. Talked about 2010 being about physicality. Helped us with an exercise to learn to appreciate the current expression of our physical bodies, even if we want our physical bodies to change.