June, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Shifting the Biological Response 6-24-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, the Eloheim channeling of June 24, 2009 started off with a bang. The reboot is in full swing and Eloheim made sure we knew it. There is so much in this 10 minute clip! The entire meeting was 92 minutes and is available for purchase below.
Eloheim has told us many times that they translate an energetic into words. They will use ANY word to do that. They make up words and they use (what some might consider to be) swear words as well. Their intensity at the end of this clip surprised me. They are really, really doing what they can to let us know how important this is.
This clip includes a discussion of the difference between the Homo Sapiens and the Homo Spiritus states.
Eloheim also puts out a challenge for those that come to the meeting (and those who hear the material online): Show up with an intention for growth.
Here are some quotes from the clip:
The main thing that is going on is you monitoring the biological response, that means how your body reacts to what is going on, as you deepen your ability to live consciously or reinforce your choice to live consciously.
I planned to add more quotes, but I got wrapped up in listening and never quite figured out what section should be singled out! No wonder Eloheim took a drink of water at the end of it, this clip goes at a fast pace and is almost one long sentence! Even the neighbor’s dog wandering into the meeting room didn’t stop Eloheim’s flow!
Alternative definition of Fear: A biological reaction to the idea of change.
The full meeting also includes a powerful discussion of healing the societal core emotion of service.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in June 2009

ELOHEIM: Physical Changes Through Consciousness
REMINDER: The Martinez, CA meeting has been postponed. We continue to meet every Wednesday in Sonoma.
Hello everyone,
The Eloheim channeling of June 17, 2009 was held in Sonoma, CA. The meeting focused on discussion and information following the appearance of the Visionaries during the meeting of June 10th.
Eloheim spent the meeting answering questions and ‘getting us all on the same page’ so that we can move forward.
Eloheim made it clear that we have been rebooted and are in a brand new place: Finding delight in the idea that ‘we don’t know anything’ about living from the Soul’s perspective so all things are new.
Eloheim did indicate that we may continue to have ‘special guests’ at the channelings. So, even in that way, we are in a new beginning!
This video focuses on our increasing ability to create physical changes in our bodies using consciousness.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in June 2009

ELOHEIM: The Visionaries
REMINDER: We will have an Eloheim channeling in Martinez, CA on Sunday, June 28 at 4:00pm, if you would like to attend, email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for details.
Well, I am really not quite sure where to begin with this entry.
Wednesday’s meeting was stunning and I am not using that word lightly.
Eloheim has told us for many, many weeks that June would be a month of transformation. It appears they were right!
The meeting started off in a normal way. Shortly into the meeting Eloheim lost their train of thought. They asked the group what they had just been talking about and NO ONE could remember. (Pretty funny actually)
So, Eloheim settled into exploring WHAT that was all about.
The result of their exploration was inviting a new energetic to come in and speak.
This was not just an aspect of Eloheim. This was, as Eloheim describes later in the meeting, one of Eloheim’s guides.
Eloheim wasn’t satisfied with that description and goes on to speak at length and quite emotionally about their relationship to this new energetic.
When the Visionaries came in a few things happened.
I decided to include three things in the video. A bit of the beginning where you can experience Eloheim and the group recognizing the shift. The middle of the video is some of the talk from the Visionaries. Then I added in a portion of Eloheim’s emotional reaction to experiencing their guides while having access to the physical form.
It is impossible to convey the energetic that accompanied the Visionaries. Their message is still rippling through the folks that were present.
The entire 84 minute audio file is available.
To download the audio recording of this meeting for $1.99, please follow this link:

ELOHEIM: Energetics of June 2009 – Living from your Soul’s perspective ~ 6-3-09
Hello everyone,
The Eloheim channeling of June 3, 2009 focused on the energies of June 2009. Eloheim has been telling us for some weeks now that June would be a powerful month of transformation.
This week they explained that the openings of June will allow us to start living from our Soul’s perspective.
This video is a portion of their opening talk where they share some of the ways things will change as we start living from our Soul’s perspective.
Everything becomes brand new because nothing has been experienced in this way. It is bit like saying you have run around this entire lifetime with a blindfold on. When you take off the blindfold everything is new.
Opening up to seeing things in a new way.
You have to continue to allow this transformed state presence in your system.
You are in a place where continuing in the habitual reactions….is just no longer as interesting as it used to be and it is certainly nowhere near as interesting as your Soul’s perspective is.
It is your birthright to live in Grace, Ease, and Bliss.
6-3-09 85 minutes
The connection between us all and the repercussions of every action on the ALL. Gaining awareness of these effects from a soul’s perspective.
All things seem brand new and fresh and alive!! Commit to the truth of YOU.
The only thing that’s common between all people is the need to breath. No amount of proof can change this. If their perception of reality doesn’t embrace an idea, it cannot be true for them, it will be false and they will block out any proof offered.
When you are asking for insight-you are not asking to think-you are asking for something new. A new way to BE, not what can I DO, but a new way to BE.
Connecting to your guides BEFORE you NEED them is advised.
Recommended Reading:
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in June 2009