September, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Update on the Energetics of Now 9-23-09
SAVE THE DATE! ~ Sunday, October 11th, 4:00pm California time ~ Eloheim’s first live webcast! The details are still being arranged, but I wanted to put the date out as soon as it was decided. I will provide all the details and instructions on how to join the webcast early next week!
Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting started with Eloheim discussing the energetics present at the meeting. That isn’t a common way for them to begin and they had some really interesting things to share.
The YouTube video is from three different sections of the meeting.
I also included Margy Henderson’s intuitive sounds which closed the meeting. Her closing contribution was especially moving to me this week.
A large percentage of the meeting was Eloheim checking in about how last week’s gathering was settling in with folks. Last week the meeting opened with a message from the ‘Collection of the Soul’s present.’ I suspect this also includes the Soul’s of the people who listen to the meeting at a later time.
What I found especially interesting is the powerful and VARIED experiences folks reported. People really did experience their individual ‘Soul flavor’ in the mix of Soul energy present.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009

ELOHEIM: The Completeness of You 9-16-09
SAVE THE DATE! ~ Sunday, October 11th, 4:00pm California time ~ Eloheim’s first live webcast! The details are still being arranged, but I wanted to put the date out as soon as it was decided. I will provide all the details and instructions on how to join the webcast very soon!
Talk about 180 degree turn around! Last week was the INTENSE Visionaries. This week we had a new visitor who is soft, supportive, and even tender. Eloheim later explained that it was the collective voice of the Souls present.
I decided to present their message in the video.
This meeting also includes a really interesting and lengthy conversation about Shame which is a continuation of the Visionaries message from last week.
Everything has given you the opportunity to come to the knowing of the completeness of you that still seeks.
Be nice to yourselves.
I’m patient with me, because I’m not through with me yet.
I am complete
yet I seek
and I am patient with myself in the process.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009

9-9-9 was so powerful I am not sure where to begin with this summary. From the opening moments of the meeting, I knew something big was coming. I actually got up and opened the door as I started feeling really hot. The Visionaries came in first and did a group energy treatment. Then, they started in on their message.
Let me just say, the Visionaries are INTENSE!
They talk non-stop, they move my body around a lot, they are LOUD, and they bring a lot of energy into the room.
I just started playing the video from the meeting and I felt like I needed to move away from the computer! Their energy is so forceful.
Years ago (I remember the night quite clearly) Eloheim told us that there were two modifications made to the free will zone after it was created. Since external modifications to a free will zone sort of negate the whole ‘free will’ part it was a VERY BIG DEAL that these changes were made.
However, it was deemed necessary and ‘approval’ was received.
At that time, Eloheim shared one of the things that was changed and told us that they couldn’t share the other.
Well, the Visionaries decided to share it on 9-9-9.
The entire meeting (aside from the last question) was a discussion of this revelation. The Visionaries turned the meeting over the Eloheim after about 20 minutes and Eloheim told the story from their point of view as well.
Writing these summaries isn’t the easiest thing for me to do and this week is much more challenging that most. What direction do I take this posting? Do I talk about how it feels to channel the Visionaries compared to how it feels to channel Eloheim? Do I talk about the awe I felt when this information was finally shared.? Do I talk about Eloheim sharing that I am healing the core emotion of the collective? Do I talk about how liberating it was to hear Eloheim talk about their “Fuck up” without that meaning a mistake was made? Do I talk about why I wept in amazement after the meeting?
I really don’t know. I guess it will have to suffice to say that this meeting rocked me to my core and you just might like to hear the whole thing.
It was short meeting, only 66 minutes. I could hardly sit up by the time we got to the one hour mark. I was very tired yesterday, but feel like myself today.
Perhaps this quote from one of the group members sums it up:
“I’m very altered from last night. WOW. On the way home my third eye had so much activity and my muscles didn’t want to work. Then after I got home I started to sweat. Interesting night of dreams and teaching all night long. I feel pretty listless this morning still integrating what happened. I would have to say, that was the most phenomenal experience of my life.“
Here is video from the Visionaries.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009

ELOHEIM: Deepening the Experience of the Body 9-2-09
Hello everyone,
This week’s Eloheim channeling focused on deepening the experience of body. It was a very warm night and we had both of the big doors open in our meeting room for the first time this summer. You can probably hear the crickets in the background. We could also hear the breeze in the trees.
This clip also includes the Energies of September.
The sound can become a feeling. Can you feel that sound as it just washes across the skin? When you are operating as an ensouled human…your senses become heightened because you are not ONLY operating from the human perspective any longer.
You’re the one deciding how deeply you experience the moment.
Energies of September 2009: Sneaky September. The truth of you has found you!
You start to live in a place that has no opposite: This is my TRUTH! That is how you live free: When your position is not dictated by someone else, but is instead created by your internal process.
I found a new function on my video editing software which is going to save me A LOT of time preparing the videos. This made it possible to pick snippets from various parts of the meeting for this week’s video.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009