January, 2011
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Is Your Life a Museum or a Mausoleum? 1-26-2011
Hello everyone!
Wednesday’s meeting was a lot of fun. This week, I have chosen The Girls to star in the YouTube video. Their question is: Is your life a museum or a mausoleum? If it’s a mausoleum they suggest calling two guys with a truck. God, they crack me up!
The Guardians helped us release energy from the back of our necks.
The Visionaries spoke further about the truth of you and the fallacy of safety.
Your desire to have a life that doesn’t include so much suffering is consumed by your fear of change and the uncertainty you feel when you consider change.
Eloheim answered questions about sexual energy and creativity. Fred, the Warrior, and the Matriarch closed the meeting.
Wow, I have been working on the book SO much lately. We have 240 terms/tools included so far. The Council keeps giving us more and I keep finding more to add. But, serious progress is being made!!!
I’ve added the sign up links for all of the February meetings below I hope you can join us for one of our upcoming webcasts!
UPCOMING INTERVIEW: The Crimson Circle has started their own online radio station, Awakening Zone. I have been invited to be a guest on the New Potentials program on February 9, 2011 at 5:00pm Pacific. Follow this link to tune in!
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
Guardians: Opened the meeting with energy work, clearing clogged “control” energy in our neck area.
Visionaries: Discussed how allowing ourselves to become comfortable with uncertainty opens us up to living from our soul’s perspective. Our souls want to experience everything there is to experience, and living in fear and always striving for safety closes us to many experiences.
Eloheim: More exploration and discussion of the “I’m tempted to” tool and how to use it as an all-purpose tool to stop and center ourselves. Also discussed sexual energy and conscious and unconscious sexual responses.
The Girls: Encouraged us to look at the world we’ve created around us as the museum of our life and appreciate the beauty we have gathered. They also advised us to consider whether we have created a museum or a mausoleum, and get rid of anything that would be considered fit for a mausoleum.
Warrior: Continued his story of going to see a neighbor’s neighbor, another king who is threatening war. He also talked about Cedric being his heir, and the love he feels for him.
Fred: Led us in a visualization exercise to connect to our soul’s perspective.

Dealing with Heartbreak Consciously ~ 1-19-2011
Hello everyone!
Our meeting on January 19, 2011 began with the Guardians doing energy work on everyone. They see us “bringing forth a whole presentation of your energetic structure.”
The Visionaries noted that “fear is so strong and so limiting and so familiar to you all that it can be present without your awareness.” They continued, “You don’t have to have a solution! You just have to be aware of what IS! Be aware of the truth of the moment where it is possible for the truth of you to be known. What judgments do I have about the truth I find myself in?”
Eloheim asked people to speak about their reactions to the previous meeting. The video clip this week is Eloheim responding to an inquiry about heartbreak. “Your relationship to change is really under the microscope at this time.” Eloheim also indicated that there seems to be “something cooking” for the first part of March and suggested that March 9th might be an especially important meeting.
The Girls reminded us “What better way to stay in the fear-based operating system than to be mean to you, what better way to backtrack the work you have done than to be cruel to you in that way.”
The Warrior jumped ahead five years in their story. They spent time catching us up on the events which have transpired and left off by saying they will be speaking about community in the coming weeks.
Fred…Fred was Fred. “We want you on a steady progression of transformation that feels like it meets your needs and it gives you opportunity.” They also got all happy with the fact that they got to experience ‘holding it’ as I needed to use the bathroom.
The Matriarch expressed how much we are loved. It was awesome.
You can watch the video replay or listen to the audio recording by following the links below.
Follow the READ MORE link to access the free video clip.
Continue Reading…

Q&A ~ Living Gracefully From Your Soul’s Perspective ~ 1-16-2011
Hello everyone,
The January Q&A was great. Eloheim loved the questions! The list of questions answered and the links to purchase the entire recording are below.
The video is from the end of the meeting and introduces a new idea: Living from your soul’s perspective is like accessing a search engine of every experience your soul has ever had. The video also includes a discussion about how to handle change gracefully.
The February Q&A will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:00pm Pacific. I will have the sign up link posted by the end of January.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
In the last 2 weeks I’ve created 2 triggers around the same issue. The first time I went straight to rage in 2 seconds flat, but on Friday I recognized this was a ”re-cue” issue before getting angry… Without going into the sad details, this is occasions where I get to pick up the slack (clean up the mess, and we’re not talking spilled orange juice…) or pay up financially (or emotionally) for some else’s INCOMPETENCE. It makes me feel like a victim and I don’t like it. There have been a string of these kind of incidents in my life. But what is really going on here? They are script-holding something and I clearly don’t get it.
I am determined to find a very nice living situation that suits my needs. The problem is that having one month of rent AND a deposit at the same time feels impossible. I can’t even remember the last time I had that much money at one time. Just coming up with one month feels like a huge challenge. How do I REALLY change this? I have done all kinds of “money work” and, if anything, it feels like I have less money in my life than ever before. And that scares me. I don’t feel I deserve to live in broken living situations.
Prior to 2010 I was really struggling with building a nest of comfort and relationships. Today I am much more skilled as I have successful experience under my belt and tons of useful Eloheim inspired tools! I often wonder why I choose to start out in this life so far from happiness.
Since we last talked, I have a lot more clarity about my business, but I still tend to get caught up in “do to get”. Even though I have a (long) way to go regarding living from my soul’s perspective, is there a way to do business in a more soul-based way now, instead of being so goal and planning orientated . . . and ending up overworking?
I would like you to discuss dream state and what dreams mean to us and why I keep having drug related “scary” dreams from which I wake up fearful and yucky. I did a lot of drugs in my past, but not my present. How can I have hopeful, uplifting dreams?
It’s been a really rough few years of struggle with little relief. Losing jobs, homes, income, pets, and so on. I feel like I’m finally at the end of my tolerance/endurance, and none of the “inspired actions” I’ve been taking to find income or a job to support my son, dogs and I have had any positive result. What’s going on? Is there relief in sight? Regardless of all my spiritual studies and practices and all actions I’ve taken, I am losing hope.
I feel like I am completely clear about what I want and why I want it. I have spent almost a year turning my life upside down to convince the not so bright part of myself that I really want this manifestation and change. So what else is there and is there anything I can do to force the issue if necessary?
I am having difficulty in telling the difference between my soul’s perspective to my mind’s voice, so are there any tools, that would help and also tools that bring in the soul’s perspective into a more 24/7 reality connection other than my connection within my meditation.
I have been consciously taking out the equal signs around my finances. Do you see other areas where I can increase financial flow in my current life?
I find myself telling myself that I have plenty of time to accomplish my chores is not working so very well. My focus is easily distracted. I then consciously breathe in ease and grace to complete the highest priority. I start and am distracted yet again. How do I better define and keep the highest priority?
I had an experience while meditating a couple of years ago and was wondering if you could shed some insight on anything about the experience that you can see…any information. While meditating I remember having this thought about “oh’ that’s right… I just forgot who I really am – This is who I really am”….and the feeling was that of great power and strength but not that of physical power but of wisdom and confidence and steadfastness. I remember seeing the room as it was but my eyes where closed….except right in front of me was a outline of a head and it was filled with blackness….it was just the shoulders and head. The feeling was great and at the time it seemed that me having the experience was not that unusual at all. It was not until after I was done meditating that I realized that I just experienced something grand. In trying to find the words to describe it….myself now feels in comparison very immature compared to the wisdom and confidence that I had in that moment. Can you tell me what was behind this experience at all?
How can we be more graceful during this time of huge change?
How can we be more conscious with our partner?

Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011

Are You Living or Just Coping? ~ 1-5-11
Hello everyone,
January 5, 2011 started off with The Guardians doing silent energy work and the Visionaries jumping in to passionately speak about uncertainty. This meeting is FULL of examples of how we easily experience uncertainty in some situations (How does the car actually work? How does my body actually digest its’ food?) yet become paralyzed in other situations (What does he think of me? What job should I take?)
When coping craps out, consciousness comes in. Turn on the engine of consciousness. – The Visionaries
I don’t know what’s going on here – YEAH!!!! You are uncertain all the time and this isn’t something to be ashamed of. – The Visionaries
Eloheim tied the uncertainty/certainty idea into how we handle our relationship to safety.
[Being uncertain] is normal human stuff. If you are not resisting I don’t know….you take away the tension. We’ve come to the meat of it – what do you do with uncertainty? – Eloheim
The Girls, wow, they are great!
If you desire certainty and control all the time, but you can’t have it, then you can feel like a failure. A new relationship with uncertainty makes it easier to love yourself. – The Girls
The Warrior
MARRIED!!!!! Everyone agreed that they should pick up the story right where they left off the week before. It is the story of the wedding feast and making peace with the neighboring king through Cedric and the other stable boy getting into a fight! This week’s story concluded Chapter 1 of their story.
Fred and the Matriarch finalized the meeting by adding their unique signatures.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
Guardians: (Silent energy work)
Visionaries: A deep discussion of uncertainty. Moving out of just coping with our fears and into finding comfort in uncertainty.
Eloheim: Told us that being uncertain is our nature, and when we become comfortable with our nature, we can be more in the moment. Questions and answers about uncertainty and practical usage in our lives.
The Girls: Because we can never attain certainty, striving for it leads us into being mean to ourselves. Whenever you want certainty, you’re setting yourself up to fail. When we can find peace with uncertainty, we can find serenity. Peace with uncertainty is serenity.
Warrior: Continues his story of the wedding, using Cedric getting into a fight with a boy from the neighboring kingdom to help illustrate the points: When you tell your truth you help other people to be more sure about who you are and where you stand. When you’re comfortable in uncertainty, you make it easier to be around you.
Fred: Talked about the joy of uncertainty, using a story comparing playing pool to creating the universe and the fun and creativity that can only be experienced in uncertainty.
Matriarch: Commented on The Girls’ talk about setting ourselves up to fail when we look for certainty.

GUEST AUTHOR: Rene Duer, Astrologer – 2011 The Year of Balance
2011 – The Year of Balance – Saturn in Libra
2011 is here and it’s The Year of Balance! Eloheim and the Council made this announcement back in December – just a tad early – but then we all know that “time” is speeding up! I find this fascinating as one of the major planetary aspects of this coming year is transit of the planet Saturn through the sign of Libra. This transit began in late October of 2009 and will continue through October 5, 2012. We are approximately half way through this transit. (Saturn retrograded back into late degrees of Virgo for about 3 months in the late spring early summer of 2010). It feels so perfect that Eloheim has called our attention to this transit at this time – the halfway point – what most of us might think of as the point of balance – or the center.
The ideas of balance and the center are intriguing ones. They are so simple and yet so complex. We can easily envision two children perched at either end of a see-saw, grinning at each other, legs dangling, having achieved perfect balance; a stunningly simple example of the principle of the fulcrum and the lever. We can look to geometry and remember the various formulae for finding the centers of circles, squares and triangles. We can think of plotting points on a graph, always counting out from the zero point; the center and intersection of the x and y axis’s – also representative of the intersecting planes of matter (horizontal) and spirit (vertical). On a personal and physical level we can feel our own center of gravity. Anyone who has ever been skiing, ice skating, ridden a bicycle, practiced yoga, played football, baseball, or basketball, danced, or even walked upright knows the feeling of being in or out of balance.