August, 2011
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An Important Update From Veronica
Hello everyone,
A few years ago, in addition to offering channeling sessions, I was working as the Network Director for a Holistic Practitioners Group. It became clear that I needed to leave that job – and it’s steady paycheck – to focus all of my attention on channeling Eloheim.
It was a decision made from intense clarity, but as you can probably imagine, it was a very large “leap of faith.” The quality and intensity of the channeling work immediately shifted. This decision led to me channeling the entire Council and brought us to where we are today.
The same feeling of intense clarity has shown up in the last few weeks. I believe that this is directly tied into the four sessions on uncertainty that began on July 27th. This is clearly the most powerful information I have ever channeled and it is shifting so many things in me and in my life, as well as the lives of others.
The clarity I have is this:
I need to do only the things that only I can do.
Namely, channel, write books, and create new products.
You might be wondering what else I do. Well, the list is long and includes: YouTube videos, Facebook, Twitter, Website updates, Search Engine Optimization, Marketing, and all of the other “stuff” it takes to get the word out about what we do each week. There are 29 items on my “work todo list” right now and I haven’t even updated it since the beginning of this month.
So, what does it all mean.
I don’t know yet.
Here is my commitment:
1. I will continue to channel Wednesday nights, the monthly Q&A, and private sessions.
2. Recordings of the public meetings will be sent to the subscribers by noon Pacific time the day after the meeting.
3. Recordings of the public meetings will be offered for sale in the shopping cart within 24 hours of the meeting.
Here is the uncertainty:
The newsletter, website updates, YouTube videos, Facebook posts, tweets, and the like will probably be quite different from now on. They may stop altogether or they may just be sporadic. I really don’t know.
Here is my preference:
My income increases so that I can comfortably hire an assistant.
What does it mean to you?:
The best way to be kept up to date with Eloheim and The Council’s teachings is join us as a subscriber. Subscriptions start at only $10 per month.
Another leap of faith, another example of following clarity, another voyage into the unknown with Eloheim.
Sounds like a regular day to me!
Love, Blessings, and Gratitude to you all,

August Q&A with Eloheim – Questions answered
On the third Sunday of each month we hold a Q&A with Eloheim to allow the folks tuning in online to ask their questions and hear the answers live.
Audio from all six sessions held in August, 2011
Questions answered on 8-21-2011
Ever since I can remember I have suffered from Vertigo. Up until around 7 years ago, I used to drive my car as fast as most people would on the motorways (up to 90 miles an hour comfortably), but all of a sudden, one day I got into a panic and experienced the same feeling of vertigo and ever since that time, I have experienced the feeling of vertigo every time I drive faster than 45 miles an hour. Also, I can’t drive faster than 30 miles an hour if it’s raining, windy, if I have to go downhill or when driving round a bend. This means it’s now impossible for me to drive on motorways (it’s illegal to go so slow) and therefore long distances. This wasn’t such an issue before as my ex-partner would drive me if I needed him to, but now he’s an ex … and I’m moving into a new area, starting a new business and it would be very useful for me to drive further afield. How can I heal this?
I know that my body is able to heal itself, and I am very interested in restoring my physical vitality. I am not asking for the body I had when I was 23, but I have a tremendous desire for a body that feels whole. I am very interested in any energetic insight you can provide on why I have created this for myself and any helpful healing processes that are specific to my needs.
My career path appears to be taking an interesting turn away from coaching into the world of being a personal chef/house manager….I am wondering if the coaching work will reappear or if I am heading off in a totally new direction and should I just be more comfortable with this new uncertainty đ
I have had a lot shift in the last few days so I would like to know what would be the best or most loving thing I can do for myself right now.
I’d like to know what’s going on with my right foot (and left hand). It’s going on for about 4 weeks now and it’s getting worse not better. I’ve tried talking to it and it stays mute. I’ve tried magnets, magnesium, potassium, anti-inflamatories, pain-killers – nada. So it’s got to be something energetic, right? It’s the same foot I injured badly in Egypt 10 years ago, (ripped tendons and ligaments) but thoough the healing took a long time, itâs been ok since, except I can’t grip things with my toes or wear anything but flat shoes. So I dug out the photos to see if I could find some static… fail. It’s also the one that used to trouble me sometimes when I was cycle-racing. I am curious! And I want to know what it’s trying to tell me. Please help.
I am still having trouble with pains in my thighs especially when I have been sleeping for a while. As I am waking, the pain is very uncomfortable for a couple of minutes until I feel I have acclimated with my body again. Sometimes the pain will wake me up too. I also have developed a pain near my tail bone which only seems to bother me when in the evening when I’m at home.
I took my car in to my mechanic who I feel is trustworthy & fair last summer to have my air conditioning fixed. Tomorrow I will be taking the car back for the 8th time because it just won’t stay fixed. Although he hasn’t charged me for all these extra trips back with the car, why am I still spinning my wheels around this issue?
I would love help understanding what further inner work I need to do to complete the clearing of the energy blockage that has kept me apart from the energetic stream of work that is in my highest expression right now. Is my job in my field right now? Can you tell me if I’ve already applied for it? I’ve done a lot of inner work around this and it still feels like there is something still to do. In terms of 3rd dimensional terms r/t housing and security, I have to be working full-time or have more than one part-time job – yesterday – but we are making the best of it all by downsizing and putting the remaining things in storage…and seeing that in the bigger picture my husband and I are actually moving toward an amazing place of freedom and expansion, but what about NOW and doing this all with as much ease and grace as possible. đ We actually don’t know where or with whom we’re going to be living in 2 weeks, so any help with what direction to go in with that is most appreciated.
For a long time now I have been desiring to buy a house. I did not have much buying power recently with prices go up. Now they are somehow lower so I almost pushed myself to look for houses last week and the first that I looked was what I wanted and where I wanted. The price and some circumstances are such that bring fears to make an offer, plus I do not want to invest much of my time now because I committed to 11-11-11 event and it requires my energy and time to prepare. As I can see moving out of this quadrant with resolving this issue. One is to buy the house and the other is to let it go. I know that working with the group in preparation for 11/11/11 is most important for me so letting go sounds better for me, plus less expansive:). The problem was that I would let this idea go and then want the house again. Could you, please help me to see it the way it would help me to release this old energy of me desiring the house? I am very grateful for your wisdom.
I know that you work closely with the people in the meetings during the week but as far as the people that attend online do you and can you follow our progress as closely as well? And how do you follow our progress…do you just look at us as a group or do you look at each of us individually? My question is basically how well do you know us individually speaking? If so how would you describe me from your viewpoint the way that you see me energetically as an individual? For example if you had to describe me to another how would you?
As I am still allowing old habits / blockages to stop me from moving in my desired direction, I would like some more clarity on where I need to focus. I question if it is now mostly that I am not trusting in my soulâs perspective input – as I still view this as “fantasy” as compared to “reality”.
All through my life I have been really bashful and shy. In life I grew up in a family who immigrated from Laos and who came with nothing on their back. They rarely speak English to me growing up. I have been sort of afraid to speak my mind toward my peers and its tough expressing myself without shutting down. Its been hard on me since it given me somewhat low esteem at times and makes me doubt myself. I’m 23 and a person who is an aspiring entrepreneur. What insight do you have for me to overcome this?
I was confronted this morning by a man with a clipboard pretending to be helping folks register to vote. His real purpose was the follow up comments of a registration bonus. I had been agitated with the demeanor, and I flashed with anger at his tone of the follow up. I walked directly away from him to have him reach out an arm and tell me not to walk into traffic which was clearly NOT a danger. Again I responded with anger and stated “Good bye.” I rarely feel outright anger at all anymore, so this event stands out as worthy of attention. Was I fighting his attempts to control? Why did I respond with such anger for something that is clearly not a big deal on a lighted public parking lot where I could give him a lot of space?

The Uncertainty Series – 5 Sessions
I have created a package download of all five sessions on evolving our relationship to uncertainty. Eloheim has stated this is the most important information they have ever given us. It sure has changed my life!
In this clip, the Visionaries share their insights.
In this clip, the Guardians contribute an overview.
In this clip, the Girls share their views on this new teaching.

Integrating Uncertainty 8-10-2011
Eloheim continues with part three of their series on uncertainty which began on July 27 and includes the meeting of August 3rd.
During this meeting, Eloheim uses the white board to describe how to incorporate the new revelations about uncertainty with many of their tools including: Circle of Possibilities, Vulnerability/Weakness, Short Factual Statements, and more.
Audio from all six sessions held in August, 2011

TOOL TUESDAY: Concurrent and Cascading Fears
It’s Tool Tuesday. Every Tuesday I share one of Eloheim’s tools for spiritual growth.
Today’s Tool is: Concurrent and cascading fears, two different patterns that fears follow in response to triggers.
With cascading fears, the trigger is followed by a train of fears that are similar. A classic example is when somebody cuts you off on the freeway. You react with, âDidnât he see me?â Then the train of cascading fears starts to form. You might next move to the pain you felt when you were ânot seenâ and passed over for promotion, then to the suffering you experienced when you were ânot seenâ and not invited to the prom. Before you are even aware of it, youâre reliving being five years old and upset because someone took your wagon because they didnât âsee youâ playing with it.
Cascading fears connect experiences in the present to experiences scattered throughout your history. Not only does this result in you suffering over and over again, but it never allows you to actually attend to what the initial trigger was.
During this cascading fear pattern, you may hear the voice of an authority figure from your childhood narrating the entire sequence. That is a way to alert yourself to the pattern.
You tend to have âfavoriteâ cascading fear patterns that you turn to even if the initial triggers are quite varied. When you catch yourself in this fear pattern, gently remind yourself to come back to the moment, choose to stay in the moment, and allow yourself to become more conscious about your reaction to the initial trigger.
In the case of concurrent fears, the trigger is followed by a train of fears on completely different subjects, each of the fears pertaining to your current experiences rather than going into past experiences.
This pattern is typically used when you are dealing with the top triggers: Money, sex, job, housing, relationships, health. You find yourself triggered by one of these and rather than becoming conscious of the trigger and using it for your growth, you jump to the next subject. You take the triggered state with you and find something to be triggered about with the next subject.
This jumping from subject to subject and trigger to trigger is full of suffering. It makes it very difficult to actually transform any one situation. You never stay with it long enough to change it. Concurrent fears can leave you feeling like your life is full of problems and you are unable to cope with any of them.
As an example of concurrent fears, letâs say youâre worried about your marriage. Thinking about your marriage is too triggering, so you jump to thinking about your job. You think about your job until that is too triggering, then you jump to worrying about your heath, and on it goes. Nothing ever changes. Even the thoughts you have about each of these subjects are unchanging. You simply use the hamster-wheel mind to continue to run in circles. Suffering is the result.
The key is to pick one subject and stick with it long enough to bring consciousness to it. The pattern will try to draw you away from that one subject, but choose and choose again to stick with it, past the discomfort you are feeling.
You are looking for new information, but new information doesnât come from rehashing old thoughts, it comes from insight. When you apply consciousness to one subject you can actually be in the moment with it long enough to get to the âaha.â
Veronica writes:
I think this tool gets the award for the tool with the most awkward name. We never did come up with a more clever way to say it. This one is really helpful in alerting you to patterns of habitual fears. I donât know how many times I have done that: trigger in the moment and all of a sudden Iâm five again thing. Being aware of these patterns really helped me change them.
For me, this tool combines well with âWhat is true now?â tool. When I find myself spinning off into the past or projecting into the future, I can stop myself short if I just remind myself that what is true now has nothing to do with either the past or the future. Itâs especially obvious to me when Iâm worried about money and just switch over to worrying about my health, with no break in between! Iâll know that these concurrent fears are just my hamster-wheel thinking taking me out of the moment, where my conscious self would actually rather be.
If you would like to read more of our Tool Tuesday entries, use these links:
Candle Wax (Nobody Gets Your Wax)
Who Answers the Door?
Velcro – Don’t Have Velcro For That
Preferences / Judgments
Shovel or Ladder
There are more Eloheim and The Council tools in our books:
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living
The Homo Spiritus Sessions

You Show Up Saying: I Want My Life To Be Different
We are here to help you do what it is you wish to do. It is not our agenda being played out. It is your desire being extracted from our abilities. You are pulling from us everything that you ask for. This is why we ask you to ask us questions because youâre drawing out of us that which you need, that which you want. Youâre showing up saying, “I want my life to be different. I want it different and I want it different soon and Iâm willing. Iâm willing to align my free will with this and Iâm willing to be in the energy of transformation and sometimes itâs really hard and challenging but I want whatâs on the other side. I want it and I want it now.” Visionaries 6-15-2011

Guest Author: Anna – I Passed My Board Exams!
Today’s Sharing Sundays post is a follow up by Anna. You can read her first post by following this link.
I passed my board exams with flying colors! Of the 130 students in my class, I was one of 16 who took the exam and passed. So many thanks to Eloheim for their guidance in: respecting my own rhythms, knowing my truth, being kind to myself, staying in the present moment before and during the test, and keeping my vibration high while waiting for the results. We did it! I so appreciate the loving wisdom and support.
Congratulations Anna!
To read the other installments in our Sharing Sundays series, click here – coming of age ceremony, here – private session experience, here – my favorite Eloheim tool, here – realizations about victim hood, here – my favorite Eloheim tools, here – how Eloheim helped me in Medical School and here – I Am Transformed
Would you like to contribute a story to our Sharing Sundays series? Send an email to

Continuing the Exploration of Uncertainty ~ 8-3-2011 – Part 2 in the Uncertainty Series
Hello everyone,
Our August 3, 2011 meeting continued the exploration of uncertainty that Eloheim started on July 27, 2011.
This is the most important information we have ever shared with you. ~ Eloheim
Personally, this information is blowing my mind. It has shifted so many things. I’m almost speechless about it. It’s that good.
Received by email:
V…you and the E’s were on fire last night…I loved it….really loved it….I had to check in late and missed a bit but I will listen today…There were some things that really spoke to me and I need to listen again.
Hi Veronica, I have already listened again and think I could benefit from another listen and take away more as everything given to others had some application to myself…..maybe the best session ever????
The July 27th meeting introduced an exercise Eloheim specifically designed to illuminate our relationship with uncertainty. On August 3rd, Eloheim did a mini session with each person following up on what came up on the 27th. The meeting of August 10th will integrate this new information with other Eloheim teachings. Last night, Eloheim gave me a preview of the integration and that’s when I got speechless.
Audio from all six sessions held in August, 2011

TOOL TUESDAY: Shovel or Ladder
Today is Tool Tuesday! Shovel or ladder
Every Tuesday I share one of Eloheim and The Council’s tools for spiritual growth.
The choice for consciousness is challenging, but habitual response is a pit of pain.
You get a shovel or a ladder, itâs your choice to dig yourself in deeper or to climb up the ladder and out of the pit. The shovel is repeating habit, itâs you not being willing to say, âWhat the hell is going on here in me? Not with him, not with her, not with the boss, not with the kids, not with the bank, not with the credit card statement but within me. What is going on in me?â
âAm I going to dig myself in deeper out of fear, guilt, lack, victim hood, or am I going to put my hand on the ladder and say something has to change? And am I going to keep climbing the ladder even when my pit partners look at me and say, âWhat are you doing? Where are you going? Who do you think you are? Youâre getting too big for your britches!ââ and all those other lines that they might give you. The ladder isnât just a hop. Youâre so far down in these pits of habitual response that you need one of those tall ladders, but the beauty is your ladder is tall enough.
You figure it out by putting one foot in front of the other and continuing to make the choices that say, âHabit is not who I am.â Because when habit gets to tell you who you are, the scenery doesnât change. Do you want a shovel or a ladder? We will not give you shovels. But we have loads of ladders of all different sizes, shapes, and lengths and we even know how to make them taller. So if you get dug down in there, donât think youâre ever lost. Youâre not ever lost in the pit of habit. You simply have to keep making the choice.
Weâre standing there cheering you on. Just lift your foot. We know itâs challenging to break habits, but it will get easier. If you want your life to change, you need to choose and choose again to climb the ladder of consciousness.
Veronica writes:
When Eloheim first came up with this one, I was blown away. It is classic Eloheim, funny and practical. I picture them standing at the top of the hole saying, âWe have ladders for you!â There is something so comforting about the image of them standing in the light looking at us down in the dark just waiting for us to reach up for the ladder they are lowering.
When dealing with a coworker who flips into hysteria/doom and gloom thinking when confronted with a problem, I find it helpful to use the Shovel (are you really sure you want to dig that great big huge hole for yourself?) / Ladder (donât you think we might actually get a better overview of this problem from up here?) approach. I used to call this the âTake the noose off your neck and get down from that chairâ maneuver. But I like shovel/ladder now because it actually offers an alternative way of thinking about the situation rather than just a plea for different behavior.
If you would like to read more of our Tool Tuesday entries, use these links:
Candle Wax (Nobody Gets Your Wax)
Who Answers the Door?
Velcro – Don’t Have Velcro For That
Preferences / Judgments
There are more Eloheim and The Council tools in our books:
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living
The Homo Spiritus Sessions