October, 2011
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How to Live in Balance ~ 10-26-2011
Wonderful session last night. It focused on the “balance and integration” of all of the things the Council has covered since the end of July: The new relationship to uncertainty, opening the heart chakra, dropping ‘but’ from our vocabulary, changing the chakras, and probably a zillion other things I can’t remember just now!
REMINDER: Private sessions with Eloheim are available. Learn more by following this link.
Audio from all five channeling sessions held in October, 2011

The Council Members Have Shifted to New Chakras 10-19-2011
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting on October 19th. I have a video clip of the Visionaries talking about how the Council members are relating to the new chakras. Each of the Council members talked about this shift and gave insights on how to work with them in new ways. This meeting also included a discussion of the “occupy” movement.
Audio from all five channeling sessions held in October, 2011

List of questions answered during October Q&A with Eloheim
Great Q&A last Sunday!
Audio from all five channeling sessions held in October, 2011
Questions answered 10-16-2011
Eloheim’s introductory comments focused on a review and expansion of the way to use the chakras in new ways.
The last few days I have had a powerful experience of how I create my reality from my unhealed core emotion at a much more unconscious level than I previously was aware of. I have felt enormous physical pain in my jaw and feel like I’m releasing so much psychic pain and rage, as well. Can you help me integrate what is happening?
For the last 5 years I have had back pain that started when my granddaughter was born. It has really limited my activities — back pain, not granddaughter. I have looked at different issues in my life to see how I may be creating the back pain, but I have found no answers for myself. Could you offer some insight to me?
In the last few months, my adult acne has flared up worse than ever. It seems to have gotten a lot worse all over my face and collar bone areas, basically where I let the sun shine on me. It makes me feel dirty and embarrassed. What role does my diet play in this condition versus my emotional state? I’m in complete uncertainty if this will ever heal as it’s been around for almost 20 years. I would love to wake up one day and never have to think about this again. I’m willing and ready to transform this!
With the shift in chakras, you provide insight as to what my stronger and weaker chakras are and how it relates to being out in the world with others, along with working on my clients doing massage?
After removing BUT out of my energetic field, I find myself energetically unbalanced with my 3D reality, the energetic feels like I am walking around in shoes that are a few sizes to small for me. I would like to bring in some balance so that my 3D reality can reflect my inner world. It is not a question of getting a prize, the prize is the brand new me, it is the balance between these two worlds that I am looking for. Do you have any suggestions? I do notice small changes and winks.
I had a very strong reaction to the “shift” meeting. Can we do that every month? Kind of kidding…I am having trouble balancing having some preference in my life and keeping everything in the unknown so could you address the balancing of that please.
Here is my big pattern: I move in somewhere, I fail to pay my rent on time, the renter or roommates get sick of me, and I have to split. I need a stable foundation so this is extra hard for me and it happens ALL THE TIME. What I realized this year is that I only had stability problems ever since I became a freelance artist. I never had problems paying rent
with a “normal” job. And speaking of work, it seems like it has really dried up for me.
I’m struggling despite using mantras/tools, and I’m really confused. I just want to know how to shift this money/job/home thing once and for all, because I can’t do it anymore!!!!
I have noticed that after spending time with a friend or friends when I leave I have this feeling of like something’s missing or I don’t feel “WHOLE” like maybe I revealed too much of who I am but it is accompanied by this feeling of a piece of me is missing. I have done some short factual statement work on this feeling and I know that it is related to feeling like if I shared too much of my authentic self then I will be judged and I am afraid of that….but I was wondering if the strong feeling I get from it is related to a past life maybe. Any specific info on how to transform this would be helpful.
Meditation and breathing exercises were tools used to focus in the now. I am less successful in calming and focusing just now using breathing and meditation and even with what is true now. I am simply restless. I have a lot of family stuff up just now, and I sense this may be boundary issues. Please help me clarify my energies and methods to move on.
My cat, CALI, ran away about 3 weeks ago, and we’ve not been able to find her since. This cat is very special to both Kerri and myself, as she was abandoned at an early age near Kerri’s old home. We fed and sheltered her for a few months until I made my move to NC permanent about 3 years ago, where I was then able to take her in. Though she had been an outdoor cat, we had been hesitant to let her out since moving in hopes that she would be happy indoors at our new place, where we had given her, and her only kitten, JOSIE, free roam of our enormous upstairs living area. Since I know that all things external are simply reflections of our inner selves, my initial thought is that CALI had served a purpose or perhaps filled a void for me that is no longer needed, although I can’t say for sure what that might have been. Am I incorrect in thinking this? I would appreciate any insight you may have.
I’ve had several alternate expressions ”pop in” to say hello this last few days, all well known to me already, reminding me of their strong suits. Yesterday I found myself longing to go visit them in the physical, we could have so much to talk about and learn from each other. How can I integrate them more OR are there any other ones I’m yet to meet (become aware of) hanging around waiting to catch my attention? Could you point them out to me, please?

Working with the New Chakras 10-12-2011
Wow! Great meeting. The Guardians and the Visionaries started us off with two different types of meditation exercises to help us work with the new chakras. Then Eloheim and the rest of The Council spoke about various aspects of working with the new energies. I felt SO different after this meeting! I’ve listened to the section from 43:00 to 58:00 five times!!!
Audio from all five channeling sessions held in October, 2011

4-day Retreat with Eloheim and The Council, Sept. 2-5, 2013
Wow, what a weekend!!!! Our inaugural retreat with Eloheim and The Council was beyond what I had imagined!
I truly can say that we shared in a miracle. Anyone who spends more than a few minutes with me knows that I don’t stand for any length of time — EVER. Due to a significant spinal scoliosis, standing is very uncomfortable for me.
When Eloheim told me that I was to stand for the Saturday session, I replied with “I am willing.” I didn’t know how this would be possible, if I had used my mind to process this information it wouldn’t have been possible. I said, “Yes” and we got on with planning the session.
This is the first time I have EVER, in 10 years, channeled for more than 100ish minutes and we went to 138 minutes. Standing, channeling, and doing energy work.
This is impossible, yet it happened.
Yeah, it really did!
Our 2013 retreat will be held September 2-5.
Three nights – Nine amazing meals – all activities – recordings of all channelings!
Early bird price $649, Regular price is $799
25% deposit holds your place ($162.25):
Payment in full is appreciated ($649):
Some comments from retreat participants:
Recognizing the feeling I am greatly loved was my overwhelming experience at the retreat. Witnessing the experience of others with Eloheim as they had their own unique “obstacle” revealed to them and making a deeper connection with their soul was SO beautiful. The feeling was of our being One. You are me and I am you, we are One and that oneness is Love.
-Mary G.
I am home now, and still, in every moment of every day, the retreat is with me.
I am forever changed
-Dorothy F.
When I awoke this morning, I wished that I was back at the Westerbeke Ranch with all of my new friends, the great food, the quiet and the energy. Fantastic retreat!
-Dave G.
I am so very grateful to the Eloheim for showing me the way to finding my own self and to look at all parts of me that need and deserve immediate attention. I have resonated to the Energy and teachings of the Eloheim and the Council since they first came into my radar not long ago, but my admiration and desire to put their teachings to full use have grown tremendously since being in their company this past weekend.
-Connie O.
More details coming soon!
Video tour of the retreat center!!

Change the Energy, Change the Chakras
The Eloheim and The Council session of October 5, 2011 was quite unusual. The Guardian’s started the meeting by removing the bottom 3 feet of energy from the room. Then, they called in a new layer of energy and put it at the top of our fields. Strange but true! Folks felt it happen.
The result was that the energy of each chakra moved down one and the crown chakra was given access to an entirely new energetic.
It is quite amazing to work with the chakras in this new way.
Eloheim did a mini session on each person present to illuminate how to incorporate this new energetic into each chakra. I’ve included a video of Eloheim describing the new crown chakra energy. Each part of this meeting was incredible and filled with great examples. Plus, you get to see members of the group!
Audio from all five channeling sessions held in October, 2011

TOOL TUESDAY: Mad Scientist
Eloheim’s tool: Mad scientist
From our newest book, The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Collection 1
If you are in a situation that you are unhappy with, rather than leave the situation, experiment within the situation. Let’s say you are in a job you do not like. Rather than find a new job, consider staying in the present situation but approaching it in a brand new way.
Then when you start to make changes, you’re the only thing that is changing. This makes it much easier for you to see the dynamic play out.
Become the mad scientist and start experimenting, and by experimenting we mean changing what you think the outcome of you being in your integrity is. You think you can’t be in your integrity because you’ll get fired or because they won’t like you or because, because, because. You have all these projections, all these fears about what being in your integrity means. Change your energetic and see how it plays out. You don’t like where you are now so it’s worth taking a chance that it could get better, and you will learn a lot about yourself in the process. Make what you are not happy with your little factory for experimentation.
Show up at work and you sit down and instead of saying, “God, look at all this work, look at all these voicemails, and oh, the boss is already bitching at me,” try this, “OK, I’m a mad scientist today and this is my factory. What do I want to create? How do I want to be in this space? I don’t mind the work. I mind the attitudes. So, how are those attitudes true about me? How is my bitchy boss just a voice in my head that’s really loud when it comes out of somebody else’s mouth?” You are able to look at things in a new way because you are not requiring the situation stay the same in order for you to feel safe. You use the process of experimentation to create a reality with less suffering and more self-awareness.
Veronica writes:
I love the mad scientist tool. It’s nice to have such permission to experiment in a difficult situation. Oftentimes, a painful dynamic is really just a specific thing or person and there is actually a lot more about the situation that I like than I don’t like. The mad scientist tool lets me keep the parts I enjoy while I attempt to transform the parts I don’t. It can be a lot of fun!
This is a fun tool. When I become a mad scientist I really see how different a situation can become just by my changing the perception of it. That’s really all it takes. It’s amazing how quickly a trigger can get diffused by using the mad scientist tool.
—Randy Sue Collins
You can learn more about our latest book here https://www.eloheim.com/dlg/cart/index.php?c=10

The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Collection 1 – eBook NOW AVAILABLE
The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Collection 1
Includes Vol. 1 through Vol. 8
266 pages
EBOOK VERSION. You will receive the PDF, ePub, and Mobi (Kindle) versions of the book.
COLLECTION ONE of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 1-8. These volumes are also available individually.
COLLECTION ONE includes transcripts of EIGHT Eloheim and The Council channeling sessions held between July 7, 2010 and August 25, 2010.
The focus of COLLECTION ONE is:
It’s not WHY is this happening? It’s WOW this is happening! Experiences are here to facilitate growth, expansion, and transformation. Nothing happens TO you, it all happens FOR you. You create your reality by choosing your reactions to your experiences.
The spiritual journey is a natural process of expansion (growth) and contraction (contemplation). Through this process, you discover the truth of you and learn to emanate that truth into the world. Empower yourself by discerning the difference between vulnerability and weakness. Evolve your relationship to the survival instinct; don’t let fear and habits tell you who you are!
The truth of you is emanated into the world through your choices about how you react to your creations. If issues come up again, it doesn’t mean you’re broken, it means you’re going deeper; allow yourself to go deeper with it.
Feelings are not emotions! Feelings are a deep and powerful pathway to ascension based on what is actually occurring in this moment. Emotions are habitually, biologically, and/or culturally based. Be vulnerable. Tell the truth. Be honest about your feelings. Be willing to admit when you want to learn something. Open to the fact that you don’t know everything.
When you’re tempted to be in the past or the future, we invite you to say: “Am I courageous enough to be with me now? Am I courageous enough to attend to my concerns about me? My fascination about me. My insight about me. Am I courageous enough to do that?”
Where do you feel unlovable? The answer is the doorway to the next level of your spiritual growth. The true nature of your infinite, and immortal self resides just a breath away in any moment, and it exists for you to access at any time.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system.
COLLECTION ONE includes 29 tools:
Big toe, left elbow; Choose and choose again; Color with all the crayons; Don’t be mean to yourself; Equal signs; Feelings are not emotions; Feet under shoulders; Go to the bathroom; How ridiculous does it have to get?; Mad Scientist; Money mantra; Neutral observation; “No” is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/Judgments; Re-queue; Script holding; Short, factual statements; Velcro; Vulnerability vs. weakness; What is in your lap?; What is IS; What is true now?; Where am I lying to myself?; Who answers the door?; Why, why, why?;Wow!, not why?; You can’t have change without change; You to you (compare).
Additionally, COLLECTION ONE includes 126 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.