January, 2012
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There’s Nothing Like YOU! The Universe Moves FOR You! 1-25-2012
The session of January 25, 2012 was so powerful. It included a long discussion of mother/daughter relationships and the challenge of how to fit the BIG new you into your old life.
Received by email:
Hi Veronica, I just wanted to tell you that this meeting was amazing and especially insightful to me…a lot of pieces of the puzzle slipped into place. When Eloheim was talking with Devon about how the new version of her felt so uncomfortable trying to fit back into her old life, I realized I’ve been feeling the same way. So much internal change has happened for me in the past year…really, the last 6 months. I’ve been wondering why I’m not drawn to be with old friends and nothing feels quite right any more. I’ve been trying to fit the new me into the old package!!
Eloheim’s words helped me realize that I need to do some adjusting to my world (I’ve already put up all new artwork!) and I think it’s more about letting the world see who I am now and to stop trying to make myself fit the way it was. I guess I was really ready to hear that because last night I heard a huge “gate latch” click.
Thank you so much, and please pass on my deepest thanks and gratitude to Devon and Randy Sue. I hope Randy Sue is coming to the retreat because I really want to meet her…the topics that she speaks about with Eloheim always resonate quite profoundly with me and I have such gratitude to her (and everyone) for her willingness to be so open.
much love,
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in January, 2012

The Difference Between Planning and Outcome ~ 1-18-2012
The Council’s main focus was to remind us about catching those last bits of unconscious triggers within, mainly by discussing the effective use of “This Trigger is Mine” level 5 awareness.
The Guardians were pretty intense as they asked us to watch our emanation in each moment, especially as we encounter our triggers. They advised that checking our energetic emanation is a great way to bring our attention to this moment, to our creations, and to taking responsibility for our reactions to our creations. They asked us to consider, “How can i take further responsibility for this emanation that is occurring?”
Visionaries reminded us, as our internal world is reflected in our external reality, it is important to look for our unconscious triggers. These can often be found by looking in the places were we make assumptions. Only by going through level 5 awareness will we get to level 6 which is, “The complete and utter willingness to stare at our triggers” and when they try to put their hooks in us, know that they are here for growth.
Eloheim spoke in detail about the difference between planning and focusing on outcome. SEE VIDEO BELOW The group offered powerful and humorous examples for Eloheim to work with.
Girls spoke about the discovery of additional layers we will encounter as we process a trigger. Triggers can be revelatory moments that continue to unfold.
Fred spoke about the flexibility of our consciousness as we navigate between fractal levels and he is facilitating the process of moving in a non-linear way to facilitate us experiencing ourselves in a new way.
The Warrior was straight forward about owning our truth and speaking our truth, even if it is at times, “I don’t know.”
The Matriarch brought our attention to the need for balance as we let the world in, the balance of setting boundaries and being open to new experiences. This balance will give us a foundation of wholeness as we interact with the external world.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in January, 2012

Questions Answered During Eloheim’s January Q&A
If you are interested in asking Eloheim a question during our February 2012 Q&A, follow this link to register!
Questions answered during the January 2012 Q&A with Eloheim:
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Are You Hiding From Your Fears? 1-11-2012
The intense energies of this time are stirring up deep rooted triggers. The energies are poking at the sore wounds within, those parts which are stubborn and often bring out feelings of, “How can I ever integrate this?” The triggers are here because we love ourselves SO profoundly that, even in discomfort, we are willing to choose self-discovery.
The session was mainly about the effective use of level five, “This trigger is MINE!” as we face our last bits of unconsciousness.
The Guardians reminded us of the value of the opportunity we have when we gather with like-minded community to transform our lives. They brought our attention to the present moment. They spoke about the release of those last unconscious aspects, the places where we are hiding the last holdouts, the places where the baggage is invisible to us, and is deeply rooted in our cellular structures. They asked us to be brutally honest with ourselves about where we are still hiding from facing our truth. (see video clip)
They reminded us the need to BELIEVE that WE HAVE THE ABILITY to transform the triggers on a cellular level; a transformation which is totally supported by the energies of 2012.
The Visionaries appreciated the depth that we each have with in us. They reminded us that we have the full power to transform those last unconscious bits. Additionally, they pointed out that we are evolving our physical forms and that’s why we are constantly required to face our triggers and transform them.
Eloheim revealed out that when we claim, “This trigger is mine” we are also saying, “This moment is mine” because we are in the moment by choice, from self-inquiry, and self-love. This is the fractal way of experiencing life and being deeply in the moment. The discomfort we feel when we claim the trigger is the potential for discovery
Fred reminded us that we are the galactic beings, we are the expression of God’s curiosity, we are infinite and immortal, and we have been built to have the most wondrous experiences. Fred stressed the importance of emanating our TRUTH as it is, freely and without filters. As we emanate our truth this way, we dissolve our “limited beliefs” and allow ourselves to expand infinitely. Mastering level 5 is essential in order for us to fully move on to level 6 and the countless deeper levels.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in January, 2012

This Trigger is MINE!!! 1-4-2012
In the January 4, 2012 session, The Council spoke about experiencing triggers from the 5th level of awareness. The group provided great examples which allowed Eloheim to discuss the topic in-depth.
The Guardians began the session by reminding us that the “exploration of oneness” is the theme of 2012; we will emanate our truth into the experience of the interwovenness of all.
The Visionaries highlighted that one of the major aspects of 2012 is releasing our baggage as ascension cannot be accompanied by baggage. One of the main things that is required of us is willingness to change our relationship to triggers. We need to catch the patterns which do not serve us.
Eloheim invited the group to share their experiences and addressed a few crucial points about “This trigger is mine.” When triggers happen and discomfort is felt, the temptation is to look for comfort in the feeling such as, “It will be ok.”
This act can help us break out of obsessive worrying however, it tends to put us in victim hood.
Eloheim advised us to let the discomfort and the entire story around it come alive in us to discover what it has to reveal. This will help us avoid further unconscious creations based on this trigger and allow us to catch the patterns when they are small and not yet manifested in our external worlds.
The Girls stressed the importance self-love and being kind to ourselves as we work on our triggers. Level 5 doesn’t have to be a place of mental clarity, it is a place of discovery, curiosity, and uncertainty. SEE VIDEO CLIP
Fred spoke about his further exploration of fractal levels. He has been laying down the energetic pathways and probability matrixes, which we can navigate quantumly .
The Warrior asked us to focus on staying in level 5 as long we can and reminded us that when we leave it to leave it as a conscious act.
The Matriarch was amazing as she beautifully reminded us that we are loving ourselves so deeply that we are in a willing dance with those last unconscious aspects within so that we can move fully into bliss as our transformed state. She asked us to be in the place of appreciation and gratitude as we encounter our triggers, for they are gifting us a deeper knowing of ourselves. It is important to not to avoid triggers or move away from them, but to face them with the intention of discovery.
By constantly facing our triggers from level 5, we get to experience Level 6, in which we won’t feel the effect of the trigger as it appears in our experience, but will appreciate it as part of what IS from a place of clarity and soul’s perspective.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in January, 2012

EZ Ways to Help – Win an AMAZON KINDLE!
Today’s EZ Ways to Help has a THEME!!! – Remember, when you help in EZ ways you will be entered to win an Amazon Kindle!
Today’s theme: Let’s get Veronica and Eloheim on bigger radio shows.
Now, that might sound like a BIG job….It’s not!
If we all chip in a few minutes of time, I know we can do it!
Here’s why: The 2012 book is #1 on Amazon in the Channeling category and has been for DAYS. We have sold 291 copies so far this month. Radio people are going to want to interview us, they just don’t quite know it yet.
This is my plan for changing that!
Follow this link:
You will see 9 reviews of the 2012 book. Please answer the question: Was this review helpful to you YES/NO on as many as you can. You can say YES to as many as you like. If the review is helpful, please click YES!
Do you listen to online, spiritual radio shows or know of blogs that review spiritual books? Email me a link: Veronica@rontor.com! We are creating a press kit so I will be able to easily contact them. I’m specifically looking to get on larger shows this year. Recent interviews have really helped expand our community. I want to keep the ball rolling.
Ok, so this one takes a bit more time…..if you have read the 2012 book, please leave a review on Amazon. If you haven’t, perhaps now that you have read all of those great reviews you will want to! The ebook is $0.99 and the paperback is $5.95.
Thanks for your help! Be sure to email VERONICA@RONTOR.COM with the number of EZWTH you did so I can enter you to win an Amazon Kindle!

EZ Ways to Help Spread the Word! – Win an Amazon Kindle!
Some of the followers of Eloheim have expressed a desire to help spread the word and want to know the best way to do that. Toward that end, I have the first of some super Easy tasks that will go a long way toward getting the necessary rankings on Google to increase our presence on the Internet.
As an extra, fun incentive, every time you perform an “EZ way to help” (EWTH) task, I will enter your name in a quarterly drawing for an Amazon Kindle.
Simply email veronica@rontor.com with “I did it!” Tell me how many EWTHs you did and I’ll enter your name in the drawing the corresponding number of times. More EWTHs, more chances to win.
Here are today’s EWTH!
Visit this link:
Warrior’s Book Reviews
Under each review you will see the question: “Was this review helpful to you?” Click Yes or No
Please rate any or all of the reviews.
Visit this link:
Rate the playlist by clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down icon at the top of the page.
That really was EZ, wasn’t it? Be sure to email me so I can enter you in the drawing for the Amazon Kindle!!!
Feel free to share this offer with others!
Amazon has a advertising program called Amazon Associates.
When I refer customers to Amazon, they pay me a percentage of the customer’s purchases.
This is an EASY way to support The Council and it’s super fun to get paid for having friends!
Start with this link when you first go to Amazon. Once you are there, shop normally.

Levels of Creation ~ How to Create Your NEW Life 12-28-2011
Lately, each meeting has been about the intense exploration of the deeper levels of creation and the mastery of the survival instinct. The Council is explaining how we can move in the world in a new way using freewill as we interact with our creations.
The Guardians and Visionaries reminded us that there is a WISDOM greater than our mind within each of us which we need to listen to, for the mind tries to limit us. The body will help us in KNOWING that wisdom as we tap into insights from the soul.
Eloheim further discussed in detail (using white board demonstration ) The Levels of Creation. (video below)
Level 1 is – Duality.
Level 2 is – Victim hood, hamster-wheel mind, rat in the maze; feeling like you are a victim of limited choices. Unconscious level two reactions create entanglements – connection to a dynamic/person in an unhealthy way.
Level 3 is – I Create my Reality (and it – usually – sucks.) We often don’t understand why we created it. Level three does offer more to explore.
Level 4 is – I Take Responsibility for my Reactions to my Creations. Knowing that, “I created this and I take responsibility for how I react to it.”
Level 5 is – This Trigger is Mine. “My soul and I collaborated on this experience, and I want all the learning from it.” Taking complete responsibility for the opportunity go deeper into the knowing of yourself. Fascination, which arises from self-love, helps us to abide in the discomfort of uncertainty where we are able to uncover the gift of the trigger. Level 5 is also a resting place where we can become aware of our unconscious entanglements.
Level 6 is – What Trigger? Stimulus occurs, and we don’t perceive it as trigger because we are able to embody “what is, IS.”
Levels 7 through 10 – Include exploration of oneness, mastery of the survival instinct, quantum shifting, control of time, and instantaneous manifestation, with level 10 being the ability to leave the body and come back at will.
In every experience, every moment, we are choosing a level of awareness.
Eloheim explained that next resting place is Level 5, which is abiding in uncertainty as we claim our triggers in self-love and fascination for self exploration. Fixation on outcome puts us in duality and limitation. Uncertainty moves us through the levels of infinite probabilities. All probabilities exist equally, though we tend to observe (interact with) probabilities that don’t trigger the survival instinct and that match our current vibratory level.
The Girls reminded us that we have to abide in self-love in order to experience Level 5 awareness.
Fred encouraged us by expressing their love and confidence in us that though it is NOT easy, we CAN and WILL do it.
The Warrior asked us to bring those triggers which make us the most uncomfortable and fearful really close. He reminded us that the trigger is giving us everything that we need to grow in just the way we wanted to grow, that we are following just the plan that we and our souls wanted to have, and that we should bring the trigger close to us and love the it deeply as it is a part of our wholeness.
The Matriarch encouraged us to take each step with fascination, intention, and attention and to allow our freewill combined with our soul’s perspective to move us towards the direction of our desires.
Audio from all five channeling sessions held in December, 2011