August, 2012
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First channeling of THE WITNESS
August 22nd was the first channeling of THE WITNESS. Absolutely amazing, powerful, extraordinary experience. In addition to The Witness, Eloheim “took it back to the beginning” and walked us through the progress we have made, spoke about how we are using the second, third and fourth chakras, and explained how love fits in. Continue Reading…

I Wait ~ A Place of Power ~ 2012-08-15
Our August 15th session included The Guardians, The Visionaries, Eloheim, Fred, and The Matriarch.
The Guardians started it off by describing the energy of “opportunity” they felt in the room.
The Visionaries message was my FAVORITE Visionaries message thus far. I have included it in the YouTube video below. Continue Reading…

We’re Published in RUSSIAN!!!
Our book, The Homo Spiritus Session, Collection One has been released in Russian!!! A lady just contacted me who bought it in MOSCOW!!!!!
Take a look:
Вероника Торрес is Veronica Torres in Russian! Who knew???? !!!!
Want to read it in English? Click here.

Q&A with Eloheim ~ 2012-08-11
Once a month we travel to Sebastopol, CA for a Q&A with Eloheim. These events are quite different from our Wednesday night gatherings. In Sebastopol, Eloheim tends to do more work on physical body and relationship issues. Continue Reading…

You Are Not Dead!!!! 2012-08-08
Our Eloheim and The Council channeling session of August 8th was VERY powerful. The Guardians, The Visionaries, Eloheim, and The Warrior all contributed to the conversation about what happens when you abide in your triggers and discover what they are covering up. Continue Reading…

FREE SAMPLE of Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 2
FREE sample of The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living: Vol. 2
This sample contains four tools. The full version of this book contains 16 tools, 134 definitions of terms and concepts along with special features and additional information.

Incredible Feedback After Private Session With Eloheim
On December 19th I had a session with Eloheim where I got to work out what my core emotion is for this lifetime. Wow! Talk about eye opening! It was definitely an Ah-ha moment. Just from asking some key questions, Eloheim was able to put together the core emotion from my answers. It was like getting the most important pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Once they are in place you can see the big picture. Looking over the past 46 years, I can see how my core emotion has been managing my relationships with family, friends and even my pets. I could sense there was a pattern, but I couldn’t figure out to make things better or even what the issue really was. Because of this session, I now know what I need to work on and how to address it so that I can be more successful in my relationships. Because of my work with Eloheim, I now have a mantra that reminds me of my past patterns involving my core emotion and allows me to step outside the pattern and do things in a better, healthier way. It’s almost a relief, because it feels as if I have moved to a different level that involves more self love, and that is okay. My session with Eloheim couldn’t have come at a better time. I had been struggling with some friendships that had run their course. After this session, I was able to make the decision to move on in a healthy positive way. Thank you Eloheim for all your help, and thank you Veronika for having the courage to bring Eloheim to us.
TP – Medford, OR
Another testimonial:
Incredible feedback after a private session with Eloheim on a SATURDAY
Hi, Veronica,
During my chat with Eloheim yesterday we talked about an ongoing issue with my right shoulder and arm — pain and limited movement for several months. They suggested this is related to letting go of work (retiring) and that I should imagine a long glove of energy going from the tips of my fingers up my entire arm and over my shoulder. They further recommended imagining stripping that off and dissolving it, layer by layer if necessary. After the call I tried to do a visualization of stripping the glove off. I actually fell asleep and normally I do not take naps. When I woke up my arm had improved. This morning I became aware of a buzzing sensation around the affected shoulder and it was even more improved from yesterday. Continue Reading…

Four Tips For Loving Yourself Well ~ 8-1-2012
We had a lovely session to start off August. After the Guardians and the Visionaries got us started, Eloheim explained how we can release preconceived notions, Fred was very funny while making a recommendation of how to remove static from our lives, the Girls offered four tips for loving yourself well, the Warrior spoke about responsibility, and the Matriarch ended the meeting with an exercise in knowing that you are “really here.” Continue Reading…