October, 2012
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Q&A in person, Sebastopol, November 12
Join us for an Eloheim channeling LIVE in Sebastopol! Monday, November 12th.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts. 6780 Depot Street, Sebastopol. 7:00pm.
$20 suggested donation.
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What’s Your Favorite Part of Being Human? Insight into Oneness
(Before the meeting, attendees were in-joy watching the Giants win the first World Series game. This inspired the Council to change their plans and instead address the subject of Joy).
Guardians: There are delights of being human. You have the opportunity to fill the empty space with joy, rather than with fear, habit or distraction.
Visionaries: Sports are a great example of what duality looks like. When your team is doing well, there is a feeling of community and oneness. But what does “losing” bring up in you? You can choose to have a non-dualistic experience in a dualistic environment. “If I cannot be in neutral observation about this, then what CAN I be here?” Choose a new relationship to the non-preferred side. Choose to incorporate both outcomes without bringing up a trigger in either direction.
Eloheim: Eloheim asked everyone at the meeting: “What’s your favorite thing about being human?” Continue Reading…

Looking for connection? Why we spend so much time online
We had an amazing Q&A this month. The entire list of questions is also included below. Our next Q&A with Eloheim will be November 18th. Register to join us and ask your question here.
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NEW BOOKS! Birth of The Council, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4
Birth of The Council, Vol. 2 is now available as an ebook!
I loved reading this book and I bet you will too.
This book includes the incredible 9-9-9 session, two messages from the then brand new Visionaries, and the first and only channeling of The Unnamed!

Soul’s Perspective Feels Like This ~ 10-17-2012
The three Council members who spoke were extremely firm about the importance of the time we are in. If we want to catch the current wave of transformation, we must choose to do so. This is not a time to coast or be in neutral. It is the time to stop being attracted to habitual responses, fears, familiar suffering, or focused on the past and future. It is time to choose. Continue Reading…

Overview of Eloheim’s Teachings
August 12, 2009
A person attending the group for the first time asked Eloheim to summarize their teachings.
Eloheim: The primary thing is we are all about choosing for consciousness and exploring within yourself places that you’re unconscious, where you’re habitual, where fears are running their patterns. And as you choose for consciousness, a couple of different things happen.
One, you start using a different part of your brain. As you start using a different part of your brain it starts sending different signals into your physical form. Those different signals that are being sent to the physical form start to give you more control over how your body presents, how your body experiences the world. Also, as you choose for consciousness you raise your vibration, and by raising your vibration you make yourself more closely matched to your soul’s energetic. And by getting the past and the future out of the moment, you allow yourself that space we talked about for your soul’s insight to come in and give you access to the Akashic Records, so you don’t have to run your lifetime based on your limited mind, but you can run your lifetime based on the soul’s information. Continue Reading…

Looking for Work or Housing? ~ 10-10-2012
Last week Eloheim introduced a new tool and this week’s session included a lengthy and POWERFUL discussion of it’s effects.
The tool is called the “10 ads” tool and it’s used primarily when you are looking for work or housing. The idea is to take 10 really, really random ads (not just the ones that you would normally read) and to discover what those ads show you.
Randy’s experience with the tool was incredible. Continue Reading…

Who Answers The Door? 10-08-2012 ~ Sebastopol Session
We returned to Sebastopol on October 3rd and had another powerful session! Eloheim answered questions and did powerful energy work as well!
Listen to Eloheim use the Who answers the door? tool to help with situations when, “They just don’t get me!” in the video. Continue Reading…

Guilt and Uncertainty – What to do? ~ 10-03-2012
We had an unusual meeting on October 3, 2012. Eloheim did a mini session with each person asking two questions:
The answers were so revealing and powerful. The session lasted nearly two hours and was 95% Eloheim. Continue Reading…