January, 2013
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The Big Lie We Tell Ourselves and Emanate To The World 1-23-2013
The Council stressed that, as we are going into new levels and into more powerful emanation, we need to continuously own our truth.
Guardians: We send a wave of emanation out into the circle and we see what happens; we watch it move. Tonight, we sense a feeling of new horizons. You can see that something new is happening. Also be aware of the gift of this community, the ability to practice what you’ve been taught with each other. Grab the opportunity, and the experience, provided here.
Visionaries: You need to start from a higher place in order to go deeper into the levels. 2-5-8: 2 – victimhood, 5 – own your trigger 8 – watch that ownership move in the world. Continue Reading…

A Fascinating Exploration !~ 2013-01-20
2013-01-20 ~ 66 minutes
My favorite Q&A thus far. Such powerful answers!!! The video clip below is amazing!
Questions answered during this session:
On the radio show a caller mentioned people who were in fear because they lived in what may be a very unsafe area. How does a person rise out of victimhood if they are facing such circumstances?
Recently, I’ve been gaining more weight than I’m comfortable with. I’d like some help in understanding what this is about and how to go about resolving it as the usual suspects (diet and exercise) aren’t the culprits. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes and in my yoga postures again.
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I Want Clarity! Circle of Possibilities Tool
We returned to Sebastopol on January 7, 2013. Sebastopol sessions are very different from our weekly session in Sonoma. In Sebastopol, Eloheim invites people to sit beside them and ask their questions. There is often hands-on energy work involved in the answers.
I was able to crop out this great explanation of the Circle of possibilities and Step-by-step tools! This meeting also includes a lot of information about the Levels of Creating. Continue Reading…

More On Using The Levels of Creation ~ 2013-01-16
Some comments about this meeting:
“That was a landmark meeting last night.”
“Wow! Just wow. I am blown away.”
“Last night’s meeting was for me probably my favorite one. All members of The Council touched me deeply and their energies created a beautiful balancing effect in me and a new level of understanding.”
“The download of last night’s meeting is one that I am going to play over and over for nights to come.”

53 Tools and Their Corresponding Levels!
A grand summary of all the tools that have been included in the 13 Eloheim and The Council books and the levels from which they work. SEE GRAPHIC at the bottom of this page Continue Reading…

Clearing Static and Fears Using the Levels of Creation ~ 1-2-2013
PLEASE NOTE: Eloheim and The Council have spent all of January exploring the Levels. This is incredible information.
To see how Eloheim’s tools work with the levels, visit this page and this post.
This meeting continued the exploration and has been called “my favorite” by more than one person.
After recent meetings about illuminating static, the focus now shifts to how to get rid of our static, with Eloheim re-addressing levels and fractals. Determining which level the individual static is coming from can help shift our relationship to it.
Guardians: This is a time of expansion-ness. You are ready to let go of your limitations. 2013 is about being aware of more possibilities and, the more you clear, the more the possibilities transform into probabilities – and the more you will have genuine choices. Take responsibility. Be in the experience of clarity; you can always find something to have clarity about in each moment. “What is true now?”
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