May, 2013
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The Body and The Spiritual Journey
Our next Conversations with Eloheim will be on The Body and The Spiritual Journey. If you have a question you would like to submit on this subject, please do! It’s important that you follow these guidelines.
1) Question should be 20 words or less
2) Start it as a question i.e “How can .. ? “, “Should I” etc.
3) Phrase it as an “I” question
You can email your question to eloheimchannel at yahoo dot com or put it in the comments section of this post.
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Join us Monday in Sebastopol!
Join us for an Eloheim channeling LIVE in Sebastopol! First Monday of each month. That’s Monday, June 3rd!
Sebastopol Center for the Arts 282 South High Street Sebastopol. First Monday of each month, 7:00pm, $15, We use the outside room. Enter on the South side (the first parking lot you come to). Continue Reading…

Q&A with Eloheim ~ 2013-05-26
Eloheim gave a powerful introductory talk about static and how the generation of static is holding us back. Eloheim defines static as,
Unconscious reactions and thoughts; coping mechanisms, masks, lies, baggage, dishonesty, hiding from your authentic expression or the completeness of you; anything that interrupts your ability to stay in the authentic truth of the moment. The mind, the survival instinct, the body, and fear all generate static to keep you small.Static includes all the reasons you have sold yourself on which you use to avoid presenting the truth of you to the world. It will crop up more intensely as you start to recognize the greatness and the vastness of your true self.
During this talk they expand on how static is affecting us right now. Continue Reading…

Finding “Comfort” In Familiar Suffering ~ 5-22-2013
Guardians: Be aware of the bottoms of your feet and your back and bottom on the chair. Touch and bend at your hips. Come into the present moment. Any answers or questions that you’ve brought, set them aside for now. Be here, period.
Visionaries: In spite of any craziness you feel, your trajectory feels good to us. Continue to be aware of where you park in your favorite familiar suffering. This has been a deep, unconscious pattern for so long, and it is still asking for your emotional attention. But it is not unconscious any more, and now you’ve got this big hole in your life where you used to stick everything. So we asked last time: what do you do instead? That was a big request, to face the deepest habits you have. When you notice it, the temptation is to go into “I suck.” Instead, take small steps, even if small steps feel too powerless in the overwhelm you naturally feel. But we assure you that, even if you feel like a mess, your trajectory is solid. Continue Reading…

Your Favorite Familiar Suffering ~ 5-8-2013
The study of familiar suffering contained in this session has been so helpful for me. I found myself right back in my favorite familiar suffering – disappointment – yesterday and realized I needed to re-listen to Eloheim explain how to shift that energy. Vital information for navigating out deepest habits. Continue Reading…

Fascination and THIS Moment ~ Sebastopol, May 6, 2013
We always have a powerful time in Sebastopol. Eloheim does short one-on-one sessions with participants. The May session began with a fascinating exploration of fascination. Continue Reading…

Join us live this week for Eloheim and The Council Channeling Sessions
Eloheim asked me to ask you to consider this question in advance of the Wednesday meeting:
What if infinite possibilities didn’t include disappointment?
Tonight is the first Monday of the month so we will be in Sebastopol at 7:00pm.
Wednesday is the second Wednesday of the month so we will be in Sonoma at 7:30pm.