October, 2013
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Change is not Easy
Reblogged in part from http://lifeheartandsoulblog.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/change-is-not-easy/ Follow the link to read the entire post.
It’s so powerful to read about the impact Eloheim’s teachings have in the lives of those who listen to our sessions.
Change. A subject I have considered for well over two decades. I tried to do little things to satisfy the need, like changed my hair color, went on mini vacations, changed my house decor. While all were fun, none were really what I wanted. It’s like craving chocolate and having everything else in the house but chocolate, all the while trying to ignore what your taste buds really wanted all along. Finally you give up and have the damned chocolate! At least, I do. Should have had it first and saved all the calories lol. Ahh, that’s what I wanted.
What I really want in my life are kind, spiritual people, sunshine, warm weather, water all around me, and the option to explore new experiences without being given grief about it. Freedom to be me. Is that too much to ask? Well, I thought so for years.
This past week, I asked Eloheim a question during their monthly Q&Q concerning all the obstacles and detours that keep popping up as we make our way towards our big change, our move to another country. It has been one hassle after another, paperwork, people, and the most recent thing this past week was about the house we thought we had settled on with the owner, who now is changing her already agreed on parameters.
Here is part of their answer to me: Continue Reading…

What Transformation Looks Like! ~ 10-20-2013
Our October Q&A was powerful!!! Join our next Q&A on November 17th.
Questions answered 10-20-2013
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What’s It Like Past The BIG THING That Bothers You?
The October 9, 2013 session featured Eloheim and Fred! I had watched a video (see below) about the Hubble Deep Field and was very interested to hear Fred’s comments about it. I have received so many emails and comments about Fred’s talk!! People really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. You can watch the ON DEMAND video replay of this meeting by ordering it below.
Guardians: Potentials are sparkly in the room. You are ready.
Visionaries: You feel ready for the new. At the retreat, we held the energetic of the post big-thing open for you. It put you in uncertainty which gives you the opportunity to allow change. In uncertainty, you don’t use control, tension, old patterns. You just relax into it. You allow uncertainty deep within you, without any resistance. This puts you into level 6 and upwards.
Eloheim: What is your relationship to uncertainty? Most of what’s in your life is already uncertain. So when a survival instinct thought comes up, catch it, decide if it’s giving you anything new or useful – and, if it’s not, then dismiss it. And THEN, for transformation into the rich Homo spiritus experience, you embrace uncertainty. That’s the next step. You say “Oh, there’s uncertainty. And I’m uncertain by nature.” You own it. Use the word “uncertainty” in place of the old labels of fear, anger, confusion, sadness, etc. It’s all under the umbrella of uncertainty. “I am just uncertain” puts you in a state of vulnerability. Relax into uncertainty just as you relax into breathing. You are mining uncertainty for what it offers.
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Set Boundaries Early and Often!
We had our monthly session in Sebastopol, CA on October 7, 2013.
Eloheim did nine individual sessions covering many topics.
This video is the first of those nine sessions.
Later in the meeting Eloheim speaks about:
Connecting with those who have left the body,
How to let the energy of others into your body in a healthy way,
Authentically expressing your truth,
Changing relationships with family,
How to BE, control issues,
Relationship to money, and more. Continue Reading…

Making Peace with Uncertainty
Reblogged from http://johnbecker.solfeggiosound.com/wp/?p=70
In this post, John refers to the exchange he had with Eloheim at the recent retreat.
You can order the retreat recordings and watch Eloheim interact with John and all the other participants too. Learn more here.
Join our next retreat October 6-9, 2014. Learn more here.
Here are some highlights. Follow the link above to read the entire post and his follow up posts.
When I agreed with Eloheim that I would be totally open and be with myself for 1 minute a day I had no idea what I was really agreeing to. I would suggest that you be really clear with yourself before agreeing to anything with that guy because he will take you for a ride, just saying. Continue Reading…

A Win/Win!
For those of you that use the US site of Amazon, here is a special offer! Amazon is offering 30 days FREE of their Prime service. I have Prime and I use it ALL THE TIME! Super duper for me, so it’s easy for me to promote this offer!
As a Prime customer, you get FREE 2-day shipping, streaming videos, and free ebooks. This month, if you sign up for the 30 day free trial using the link below, I get $6! How’s that for a win/win?
http://www.amazon.com/gp/prime/signup/videos?tag=channwitheloh-20 Continue Reading…

Retreat Experiences, Day 3
Reblogged from http://lifeheartandsoulblog.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/final-day-of-the-retreat/
The final channeling was, as usual, potent. This time the Council members went in order of the Chakras they resonate with, beginning with the root chakra.
Eloheim (the fifth chakra). “Gawd, this has been fun! We love chatting with you guys.” We love when you go, I never thought of it that way! In this way, you embody a new item on the Circle of Possibilities and it opens up your narrow viewpoint. Don’t discount even the smallest shift of awareness that you found over the last four days. The ripples will spread out. Use your Warrior nature and face your fears, your triggers and who you are. Yes, it’s true, it doesn’t change the truth of it to not be there. Face the pain that says, who I am is not okay. You say, that’s me and the world will magnetize around me. Explore it. Have a healed relationship with who you are.

Retreat Experiences, Day 2
Reblogged from http://lifeheartandsoulblog.wordpress.com/2013/09/13/day-2/
Breakfast was at 8 a.m. I can’t say enough about the food except it’s too much to choose from and simply delicious. We go in thinking, I’m not hungry then we smell it and see it and take too much, again.
This year, the weather was warm and sunny and I was thankful not to feel cold like last year. That morning we spent some time milling around after breakfast, each of us off doing our own thing until the morning channeling began at 10 a.m.
Eloheim had requested that chairs be set in front of Veronica in two rows of three, a row to each side of her facing inward so they could do the “witnessing exercise”. The ones on her right were the folks waiting to speak with Eloheim, the ones on the left witnessing the speaker after their own session. Eloheim’s original plan was to have each of us bring our favorite “big thing” to the hot seat to see what was on the other side of it, and we weren’t to look at Eloheim but at the human witnessing us. Of course, that changed with the first person up. Continue Reading…

Retreat Experiences, Day 1
Reblogged from http://lifeheartandsoulblog.wordpress.com/2013/09/11/day-1/
Driving into the grounds created a feeling of homecoming. We were among the first to arrive and it was such fun to watch and greet everyone, many of them familiar faces, and many I didn’t know yet. But all felt familiar and good. It was like real family from the start, a family who is kind, respects other views, honors each emanation and loves unconditionally. This year I was able to spend some time with Veronica and touched base with each and every one of the others, unlike last year when I felt a bit separate. A separateness of my own making. I felt different this year and was determined not to be the wallflower this time. I made it a point to make contact with everyone I could. My goal was to get the most out of this experience I could. And I did.

Bliss is a state with no opposite ~ Leave duality! 9-25-2013
The September 25, 2013 session featured the entire Council. Eloheim revisited the Levels of Creating and explained how to incorporate non-duality and bliss with the levels. There is also an incredible discussion of how our relationship to uncertainty is evolving after the retreat.
Guardians: (Feels a rigidity in the attendees). You need to open the doors within you, as we can only go through the doors that are open. On the other side of your big thing are new things: opportunities, challenges – and uncertainty. Right now, it is like you are on a diving board springboard, the part that compresses on the last bounce, before jumping. You are standing in that place of compression but, even so, you don’t have to be tense. You can choose to be relaxed in uncertainty. You can be receptive. “I am willing; I am present; I am open”. Continue Reading…