April, 2014
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Loss, Suffering, and Spiritual Evolution – Round Table #2 with Eloheim
April 30, 2014 – Round Table on Loss and Suffering
Also covers a LOT on levels 6/7/8/9!!!
This Round Table went far beyond what I anticipated. It was amazing!
I joined the round table discussion today…..so glad I did. I have always had issues with suffering and wanting to understand it. I remember when I was a young girl I would pick up trash off the street because I thought everything had feelings and I didn’t want trash to feel alone. LOL.
The whole suffering concept was at the root of a lot of diff. things for me and it never sat right when it came to understanding it with consciousness. Until this discussion today. I highly recommend listening. They spoke about their perspective and experience of it as a soul versus human and the clarity of it was amazing. I feel like it wiped out all the questions in me on the subject.
It gives me such freedom to have that information and not need to muse over it anymore in my head. Thank you Eloheim and Veronica and everyone who asked questions today because it has helped me immensely. You guys are rockstars!
Video replay. Watch ON DEMAND or download.
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What do you want from us? 2014-04-23
I would like to begin this post with a big THANK YOU to Kerry who has been summarizing the sessions for me for a LONG time! She did an incredible job and I’m so very grateful. Her schedule has shifted so she is stepping away from this for the time being. THANKS KERRY!!!
April 23, 2014 – Audio and Video replay or download ON DEMAND
The April 23, 2014 session began with the Guardians talking about the opportunity we are now in. The Visionaries continued this theme speaking about focusing our attention.
Eloheim then introduced a new idea, our “template” which represents a sort of energetic name tag that we wear and make sure that others know about. Things like “I can’t afford it,” “I’m not supported,” “Don’t expect much from me,” and other ideas that are showing up very powerfully now that we have cleared so much of our baggage and are generating so much less static.
Eloheim also provided and energetic check in for the community and asked for feedback about what we want from them. (See Video)
Fred continued this idea speaking intensely about being spiritually passionate and the “spiritual survival instinct.” Asking, “What does it want?” Fred reminded us that we are attempting to experience being human in a brand new way! Are you coasting?
The Girls give their perspective on how they see us “being human.” Very funny!
The Warrior told a long story! It’s been awhile and it was really fun!
The Matriarch concluded in her beautifully, comforting manner.
April 23, 2014 – Audio and Video replay or download ON DEMAND

Veronica Interviewed on the Awakening Zone
I had the pleasure of joining Awakening Zone Content Manager Jean Tinder last night. Jean asked great questions many of which I had never been asked before! It was a wonderful interview. Use the player below to listen ON DEMAND free!
I will be hosting my own show on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30am Pacific. Hope you can join us! Click here for details.
So glad it was recorded- listened to it this morning- great job!!
Thanks for the link, I was wondering if there are online archives for the show. I did listen live and enjoyed it so much that I was hoping to be able to listen again
You sounded vibrant, alive and refreshing…You bring in a totally new angle to spiritual growth…brilliant show
Loved it!

Moving Forward
31 individual clips, a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes that can be listened to in any order, taken from Eloheim’s Q&A sessions from 2009 until mid-2011.
Audio recordings, listen ON DEMAND or download
01. Become a more confident creator 10:51
02. Being in the moment with routine tasks 1:29
03. Big life changes, uncertainty, and solidity 4:37
04. Boundaries – not control 2:00
05. Clearing static on your path 1:12
06. Creating from unhealed core emotion 6:05
07. Dealing with fears and phobias 8:44
08. Dealing with the past in a new way 3:16
09. Energetic prosperity 7:20
10. Even if you don’t know 4:09
11. Fitting in and the truth of you 4:36
12. Hard vs suffering 7:23
13. Healing core emotions 3:08
14. Heart chakra 12:55
15. Hidden programming 6:49
16. I need a new life 7:10
17. Labels and who you really are 4:02
18. Lay it down and walk away 4:27
19. Let the cake bake 9:49
20. Looking in a different way 5:32
21. Make your choice from consciousness not fear 4:04
22. Making the shift and making it last 7:22
23. Manifest and magnetize intensive 5:50
24. Moving internally or externally 2:41
25. Natural caring vs. service 2:00
26. Onions that come around again 4:09
27. Opening up to your soul’s perspective 7:31
28. Overriding addictions 5:34
29. The oil spill where are you gushing 5:19
30. Who am I and underpinning issues 4:06
31. Working with “difficult” kids 4:46
Continue Reading…

How to stop caring what other people think about you ~ 2014-04-13
We had a great Q&A this month!
Questions Answered Included:
Starting last November in Turkey I started having heart palpitations. The initial cause seemed to be linked to sugar – I had been majoring in Baklava- which I do not normally consume much of, and to trying a few Turkish coffees. I normally only drink decaf and usually one a day. I then noticed that even a small amount of alcohol had the same effect. This carried on through Christmas and the two and a half months I spent in Mexico. I have cut out coffee, alcohol and most sugar, which has reduced the frequency. I also know, from tests in the late 70s, that I am hypersensitive to my own adrenalin. I am wondering if the stress around traveling, and the consequent rise in my adrenalin levels, has made me hypersensitive to all stimulants or if a physiological change, I am not getting any younger, is driving this. What is the energy surrounding this?
What is the main thing that I need to be done with in my life to have my life change?
I have had plantar fasciitis in my left foot since July of last year. I am curious what this means on an energetic level and if there is anything I can do to clear it. If you are not familiar with it, it’s a tendon that runs from the heel to the toes and is constantly inflamed and is very painful when you step on it. There is nothing much to be done and it will eventually clear up on its own.
I have been working on making this moment my meditation. I do still strongly feel the split between the monk in the market place and the monk in the cave. I also feel scattered and challenged. Can you tell me if I am monitoring my emanation enough?
I want to get rid of being so focused on what other people think of me and how they see me. How can I do this?
I would like to know what is in my energy that I am not seeing. What do you have to share about my energy?
Watch this entire session ON DEMAND

Increase Your Consciousness – New Collection
21 individual clips, a total of one hour and 42 minutes that can be listened to in any order, taken from Eloheim’s Q&A sessions from 2009 until mid-2011.
Audio recordings, listen ON DEMAND or download

Morning Message #2014-18 April 11, 2014
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-18 April 11, 2014
Have you been fascinated today? Don’t wait for something to jump out as fascinating, seek to delight in whatever you find. The way your body feels, the sights and sounds that surround you, the skill and cleverness that went into the manufacturing of the tools you use, anything and everything can be fascinating. Choose to view it that way!
Special packages
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or follow this link for more details Conversation with Eloheim: Animals |
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or follow this link for more details Eloheim on Alternate Expressions |
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or follow this link for more details Fred on the Planets |
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or follow this link for more details Conversation with Eloheim on Relationship |
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or follow this link for more details Conversation with Eloheim on the BODY |
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or follow this link for more details Conversation with Eloheim on Guilt and Shame |
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or follow this link for more details First Appearances of The Council Members |
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or follow this link for more details Conversation with Eloheim on Fear |
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or follow this link for more details Conversation with Eloheim on Money |
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or follow this link for more details Eloheim Answers: Life as a Light Worker |
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or follow this link for more details The Uncertainty Series |
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or follow this link for more details Levels of Creating |

Morning Message #2014-17 April 5, 2014
Morning Message #2014-17 April 5, 2014
Boredom can be described as a lack of familiar stimulus “I’m bored because my good TV shows are not on, because my friends are not around, because I can’t go outside.” You have familiar activities and without those you experience what you call boredom.
In the advanced spiritual student, what presents as boredom is actually something quite different. It’s not, “I can’t have it the way I am used to.” It’s, “I have dropped so many habits, I am not used to the way it is now!”
The habitual ways you have navigated your life are gone, be cautious that you don’t see this as something, “missing that you should miss.” Let it be that the fog has finally lifted and you can now see clearly.
What is actually here now? What are your authentic options for experience now that the grip of habit has been loosened? Do not look to feel the way you did when habit ran your life. The old stimuluses are gone.
Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.

Roundtable #1 Business & Self Employment
Roundtable #1
Business and Self Employment
In this hour long community discussion, Eloheim explores the choices, patterns and energy around how we choose to earn income. Whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, its important to express the truth of you and grow as a person. Each question and answer gives fresh perspective on the choices we make around earning money.
Thank you so much for this FANTASTIC offering … JUICY and extremely NOW for me. Thanks to all who showed up to ask those great questions which elicited great answers. I got something out of each answer.
I’m sure to listen to this one several times.
I loved this format, loved the easy going feel and continuity …. really really GOOD.
Roundtable Conversation #1 – Business and Self Employment

Morning Message #2014-16 April 2, 2014
Morning Message #2014-16 April 2, 2014
You are accustomed to adrenaline dictating your experience. This shows up as excitement, fear, stress, butterflies in your stomach, pressure, dread, and more.
As you begin to have longer and longer experiences of peace, the lack of adrenaline-driven feelings and actions will likely feel quite strange. It’s a big change and requires getting used to.
Often it’s processed as boredom, numbness, confusion or self-doubt. The quiet of peace can be seen “nothing going on” or “no juicy options to explore.”
We suggest that it is a time to use fascination to explore. For perhaps the first time, you are not driven by the survival instinct. Your challenging journey of choosing for consciousness is now bearing fruit. Be very vigilant in this new space that you choose fascination rather than slip back into old habits to make sense of the new.
Old habits will pop up to try and give you something familiar in this changed experience. Those old habits did not get you to this new place and will not help you explore the now. Use the same tools that got you here “what is true now,” “I am willing,” “what is in my lap,” and short factual statements will be very helpful.
You are here. Explore with fascination.