May, 2014
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Our Latest Radio Show: The Energies of Now!
Use this player to listen the latest show! You can listen to the interview I mention during the show using the bottom player.
“Your personality is great on radio. I love the balance of your authenticity (read: REAL and down to earth) and your balanced way of sharing wisdom that you bring to your show. It’s really nice to hear the work talked about by real people in a relaxed way after a concept or tool is revealed by Eloheim. The demeanor of your show provides a welcoming and loving (my definition is a combo of neutral, centered and open) space for exploration.
I was interviewed by Jean Tinder, manager of the Awakening Zone, on the 23rd of April. It was a great interview and I was asked quite a few questions I’ve never answered before.
I listened to your radio interview on the Awakening Zone yesterday and really enjoyed listening to you. I’m used to listening to Eloheim and the council but have only spoken directly to you once during the beginning of my private session. Anyway, just wanted you to know that I enjoyed hearing YOU talk ABOUT Eloheim and the teachings just as much as I enjoy hearing them channeled by you. You helped distill it for me again in a very digestible way, which is a nice checkpoint to have once in awhile to reconnect to the fundamentals of the teachings. Thank you and so glad you will have this new vehicle for sharing the teachings!