September, 2014
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Life with Eloheim ~ 12 Years ~ 2014-14
Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of the first public Eloheim channeling session way back in 2002.
I made a (very) rough estimate and figure that I’ve held around 650 public channeling sessions.
It doesn’t feel like it has been that many.
When I first started, I was so insecure about the process. I remember crying on the way to the meetings on many occasions. Back then, I couldn’t channel and process the information that I was channeling at the same time.
I’ve always likened it to those moving billboards in Time’s Square where the message scrolls across a few words at a time. In fact, I would often use that visual. I would pretend I could see a billboard and I would read the words that Eloheim “wrote” on it until I could relax enough (usually a few minutes into the meeting) to drop that tool.
Hearing the message three words at a time with no connection to the previous three words meant I had no idea what Eloheim was saying and spent the entire session wondering if anything made any sense. Folks kept coming back so I figured it must.
In the beginning, we had the “boyfriends and dead relatives” sessions. The questions asked of Eloheim were typically things like, “Is the guy I met in the grocery store yesterday going to become my husband?” and “How is my aunt/uncle/mom/day/brother/sister/friend that died doing?”
At some point, it changed. We started talking about Core Emotions and Eloheim began exploring their overall themes of living consciously, connecting with your soul’s perspective, neutral observation, and much more. Continue Reading…

Sensitive to Energy? Round Table Conversation
Channeled Round Table conversation with Eloheim includes tips and tools for managing your sensitivities to energy. Featuring insight on how to deal with what happens when you match energy with others.
Sue says:
Eloheim asked that someone type this up from the Roundtable Discussion. When I heard them say the following statement an electrical current ran through me and my mind went blank for a second, so I know it’s important! Eloheim said they had packed an energetic into the statement and I certainly felt it! “If you think you know it all, the parameters for the knowing that you’re experiencing are bounded by what the survival instinct has allowed you to think. Imagine how limited that is.” It was actually so difficult to remember that I practically had to type a word, pause the recording, type another word, etc. It was very odd.
Kate says:
Regarding the quote above, I had a hit like a “ping” in my brain when I first heard it. Even when I forgot what it was, I knew it was something profound!
Watch the video and/or download the audio ON DEMAND

Survival Instinct – Serving You or Using You? 2014-09-10
Eloheim and The Council channeling of September 10, 2014
The Guardians talked about “the question-less state,” the Visionaries came up with something NEW!, Fred took us on a magic carpet ride meditation (yeah, it was epic!), Eloheim told us about their retreat preparations and how they are weaving your energies together and breaking my neural pathways (LOL), the Warrior was super funny, the Girls were serious, and the Matriarch was lovely.
PLUS: Eloheim explains Fred in a jaw-dropping WOWZA inducing way. Yep, all that and more.
I experienced a LOT of body reactions to this session. I felt a lot of pain in my legs after the session. The following day my arms and chest were very sore and I had a hard time walking or doing anything. I slept most of the day and felt “normal” again on Friday.
We are fully in retreat warm up mode now!!!
Watch the video and/or download the audio.

Life with Eloheim ~ Jumping In ~ 2014-13
I find myself looking for a project. How about writing a new book? No, been there done that, don’t have any clever ideas anyway.
What if I channeled a special package? Not in the mood to fix my hair!
What about thinning out the clothing supply? Maybe, if I could get motivated to go into the bedroom and give that a whirl.
I realize the project really is me.
It’s looking at the world and my movement through it from the Level 7 perspective. This isn’t all that easy or natural feeling.
It’s like when I stall before starting the channeling. That’s exactly how I feel. I feel like I’m stalling.
Gotta jump in with both feet.
When I access Level 7, everything subtly shifts. My vision actually changes. A sense of quiet falls over me. The unknown unknowable stretches out in front of me. It’s rather surreal.
I have to keep choosing this perspective. It is not a default state by any stretch of the imagination.
When I’m in it, everything that used to matter is less important and what I am experiencing feels so different than anything that has come before.
It requires a type of courage that I’ve not accessed before. Maybe that’s not true. It requires the type of courage I use when I sit down, close my eyes, and invite the Council in.
Level 7 asks me to invite myself in. What will I find when I do?
Read the Life with Eloheim series: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12

Life with Eloheim ~ Getting Creative 2014-12
Last Christmas, I was in Seattle visiting a friend. Eloheim had been talking about creating a “game” to help people understand just how Creating Your Reality actually works. As I was lazing about on the couch, I got clarity on how we could proceed. I asked my friend for some printer paper and a pair of scissors.
I cut the paper up and started writing on it.
Turned out like this:
Once I was home and after a few fits and starts, Kerri James (epic graphic designer and super cool chic!) and I got down to business. We wanted to finish this project before I left for Europe in July 2014.
We worked for weeks. So many decisions to make! Colors, shapes, fonts, text, box size, card size, number of cards and on and on and on. We were up against the Europe deadline and the printer’s deadlines and the shipping time needed!
It was intense and so much fun all at the same time. The last three days were a little nutty. I worked 40 hours in three days (including a 17 hour stretch that last day).
Then it was done.
I still get rather emotional when I think about it. Continue Reading…

Life With Eloheim – Fractal Living ~ 2014-11
We are in retreat preparation mode around here! Sorting out the final parts of the schedule, getting the dietary request/requirements dialed in, talking about rides from the airport…all the little details involved in bringing a group of people together for four days.
I walked down to my mail box yesterday with my mind filled by these thoughts and more. I caught myself drifting out of the moment, stopped, cleared my mind, and looked around with new eyes.
My gaze landed on this Manzanita tree. I’ve seen this tree 1000 times if I’ve seen it once. Yet, this time, my eyes saw something brand new.
Level 2 – Such a limited number of choices. They look old and weathered. All paths well traveled and leading only to a revisting of themselves yet again.

Life with Eloheim, Earthquake! ~ 2014-10
On August 24, 2014 we had a 6.0 earthquake. I live in Sonoma and Napa is just (points East) over there on the other side of that mountain/hill.
The USGS site describes it this way:
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck in northern California on August 24, 2014 at 10:20:44 UTC.
This event is being called the South Napa earthquake.
This is the largest earthquake in the Bay Area since the magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, almost 25 years ago.
Yes, I felt it. It was 3:20am for me. Here is what I posted on Facebook later that morning:
Thanks for the messages asking about my well being following the earthquake. Continue Reading…

Unravel Your Money Mysteries: How to Stop Blocking Abundance
Navigating money challenges can often feel like it’s two steps forward and 1.99999 steps back. It’s about time for THAT to change!
This book offers new insights into the underlying issues that affect your relationship with money, and thus your relationship with yourself and others.
It’s designed to show you why money challenges you, and offers you straightforward, easy-to-use tools to come to a conscious, healthy relationship with abundance.
Subjects covered: The built-in properties of money, “equal signs” about money, the Law of Attraction and how it’s really a Law of Magnetism, the beliefs that cause us to push money away, does money really “Make us safe?,” new insights into our perspectives on “rich people,” guilt and triggers about having more money than others, how to steward the funds we have, charging for work that others feel should be free, and much more!
Included: Nine tools to shift your relationship to money and 67 definitions of terms and concepts.
Ebook, approximately 142 pages.

Get a FREE Gift when you buy the Create Your Reality Deck!
We held a Round Table conversation with Eloheim about the deck
Get the ON DEMAND access to the Round Table FREE
when you purchase the Create Your Reality Deck!

You, Me, and the Honey Bee, Why we ALL Matter with Randy Sue Collins
So much great information about bees and some easy ways we can help them!
You, Me, and the Honey Bee, Why we ALL Matter with Randy Sue Collins 90 minute interview including a channel with Eloheim to get their insights on bees!