October, 2014

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October, 2014

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October Q&A with Eloheim

Our Q&As continue to get more and more powerful.

Watch the entire session! Audio and/or video, watch ON DEMAND or download to your device.


Price: $9.99

Questions answered during this session include: Continue Reading…

How to stop being mean to yourself!

From the opening night of our 2014 retreat.

The Girls explain how to stop being mean to yourself!




“We know you….when you sit in front of us, and you say ‘I am willing’ you are not saying ‘I am willing’ to something unknown, you are saying ‘I am willing’ to a friend. You are saying ‘I am willing’ to someone who trusts YOU.” ~ Eloheim, first night 2014 retreat

We had an AMAZING TIME at our 2014 retreat with Eloheim and The Council!

Watch the video and/or download the audio!!! ELEVEN HOURS OF CHANNELING and bonus recordings!

The set includes the following:
Monday channeling – 1:50
Tuesday channeling – 2:16
Wednesday channeling – 2:40
Thursday channeling – 2:41
Closing circle – 50 minutes (no channeling during closing circle)
Extra channeling, mini sessions for locals after the retreat ended – 1:39
Talent show – 1:30
Skit – 17 minutes

Order the entire set of recordings here:

Price: $29.99
  Continue Reading…

Channeling: What it is, What it’s like


October 1, 2014 Interview

This was our first Google hangout! It was great!

I’m using this format on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30am Pacific. I will interview various interesting people and channel Eloheim as well.

Our first show was an overview of the history of my own spiritual journey, how I connected with Eloheim, what it’s like to channel, and various stories about my experiences in the last 12 years with Eloheim. Mary George shared how she connected with the group and what is has been like assisting Eloheim and me with all of our projects (webcasts, books, etc.) over the years.

I channel during that last 30 minutes or so giving Eloheim the chance to share THEIR experiences too.


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