March, 2016
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Sneak Peek inside DISCOVERING YOU
Are you “drained from doing too much”? Are you trying to answer the question, “What am I here to do?” Do you feel trapped and confused by your life? Are you wondering how you can take care of yourself AND meet your responsibilities?
Kay was feeling the same way when she contacted Eloheim for a private session. Eloheim’s answers to Kay’s inquiries are so powerful and apply to so many different life situations, I knew before the session was even finished that they had to be offered in book form.
Follow along as Eloheim offers Kay a new, empowering perspective. Eloheim’s insights include 12 tools specifically tailored to help Kay (and you!) discover “What is true now?” and how to use that truth to live more fully.
From Kay:
“Eloheim is a straight-talking, humorous resource for my soul and for any and all who feel lost within themselves. I was questioning within my being who I am as an essence, and my place in this world; this session helped guide me to the important spark of light and influence that I emanate….! ( As opposed to the sometimes random feeling of being just another cog in the wheels of life.)
Eloheim as channeled through Veronica helped point my feet in the right direction.
The information here while simple in its wisdom had a profound effect on me claiming my birthright as a divine co-creator of my wildest dreams!!”
Order ebook or paperback on Amazon by clicking here

Powerful Conference Call Replays
Two information packed conference calls with Eloheim & Veronica!
Nearly three hours of audio.
Listen on demand or download to your device.
Learn how Veronica’s life was transformed by Eloheim’s clarity and countless tools that empower us all to choose how we want to interact with life. In this Q and A format, Eloheim helps to identify the underlying energetics of each caller’s situation and offers actionable ways to shift the energy and create change. Topics include physical symptoms and body reactions, setting boundaries, job dissatisfaction, opening to insight, the compulsion to be an “information gatherer”, dealing with strong triggers, and much more.
Learn to walk step by step into a life you love using Eloheim’s tools for personal transformation.

Eloheim Teaches Levels 1-4
Eloheim Conference Call
A discussion of the Levels of Creating using the card deck. Watch the video if you can as there is a slide show. The morning began with news that Fi had died. She was one of our UK Eloheimers. It threw my preparations for the call off and left me in a reflective place as the call began.
This reflective place led to a fascinating review and exploration of the Levels teaching.
Eloheim was surprisingly emotional during the discussion of Level 3.
It was a powerful reminder of how important the Levels teaching is.
You can order the card deck here.
70 minute audio/video
Watch on demand or download to your device

How To Clear Mind Clutter
Eloheim deftly proves that spiritual evolution and spreadsheets are not incompatible by maneuvering about on a computer spreadsheet for the very first time during this conference call!
The focus of this call was on how to clear mind clutter. It’s no secret that we humans have busy, busy minds, minds full of thoughts about the things we have to do, want to do, didn’t do, and past memories. These thoughts keep insight from being accessible according to Eloheim, and so they are teaching us to sink into the moment in order to allow insight to show up.
To that end, Eloheim offers this practical visual to consider: picture trying to sign your name with 25 pencils. It’s highly unlikely it would be easy or readable! Or even doable! But when you choose one pencil, it’s much simpler to write your name.
Eloheim explains the process of clearing our mind clutter through the unexpected and fun use of a spreadsheet. This new tool will help us break down the thoughts in our minds into smaller, more manageable pieces, thereby making it possible to take actionable steps.
For those who are unfamiliar with this term, an actionable step can be described as doing anything, from noticeable to something very small like getting out a piece of paper, in order to move forward. It’s important not to think the step has to be something you consider huge or remarkable! The actionable step is simply one that you hold the focus on long enough to change it.
Eloheim’s spreadsheet tool will help you pick a pencil. In other words, this process walks you through the steps to narrow down and choose which of the hundreds of thoughts spinning around in your mind on which to focus. Then you will find clarity about what actionable step to take in this current moment.
Ready to pick your pencil?
Your order includes the audio/video of Eloheim’s presentation, the spreadsheet Eloheim crated, and a blank spreadsheet for your own use.

Sneak Peek Saturday – Birth of The Council
Veronica has channeled since 2002. During that time, she worked almost exclusively with Eloheim. Beginning in June, 2009 she started channeling additional groups to form what eventually became known as The Council. This process unfolded over a 56-week period. This series of seven books documents the arrival of The Council and details their teachings during this time. Each Birth of The Council book can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the formation of The Council as well as the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.

25 Minute Private Session – ONLY
Pay here and then choose your appointment time below
Two Conference Calls – ONLY
You will receive an email with the conference call schedule after payment
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BOTH the Calls and the Private Session
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Book your private session below
Private session appointment options are Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. I can be flexible to accommodate time zone differences if required.
To schedule a private session:
Choose your session. Find the date you want and then click on the time you want (even if there is only one choice) to bring up the next screen where you will input your name and contact information. Once you have confirmed the appointment, proceed to the payment section.
PLEASE NOTE the booking and the payment transactions are two separate processes.
Some devices are having trouble with the booking software so I have disabled it until I hear back from customer support.
To book, please email
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2. Did you click on CONFIRM BOOKING after completing step 1? You may have to scroll up slightly to see the CONFIRM BOOKING BUTTON.
25 Minute Private Session – ONLY
Pay here and then choose your appointment time below
Two Conference Calls – ONLY
You will receive an email with the conference call schedule after payment
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BOTH the Calls and the Private Session
Pay here and then choose your appointment time below
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Be The Change Replay
Are you Acting Like a Victim or Are You living as a Creator? How to tell the difference. With Veronica Torres and Eloheim
Time for another interview! Available for a limited time! Click here
The host, Keli Meagher, begins the show with a bit of information about Veronica and Eloheim’s background. As Keli was curious about what channeling really was, Veronica explained the fascinating process, disabusing everyone of the notion that it has anything to do with being “possessed.”
Both Veronica and Eloheim talk about the main topic of the show, how to recognize the habit to slide into victimhood and the “I suck” feeling. They discussed many of their tools that help humans live from a more empowered state. Eloheim explains that the tools give us practical ways to interrupt habitual patterns and form new neural pathways, pathways out of victimhood and into self-empowerment.
Eloheim says, “We’re here to help you reach your potential.”
Callers had questions about physical body symptoms, financial concerns, and boundary issues to which Eloheim replied with super helpful advice regarding re-languaging, equal signs, and using your words.
As usual, this was a wonderful call filled with tips and tools from the Eloheim body of work. For those new to the work, and even for those who have followed with Eloheim for awhile now, this was a call not to miss.