May, 2016
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Trigger is a Doorway
A trigger is not something you push away or try to erase. A trigger is an invitation for growth. It’s an invitation for transformation. It’s a doorway.

Interview ON DEMAND RealRawYOU
RealRawYou Interview
May 11
, 2016
With delight, host Jeneth Blackert says about Veronica and Eloheim’s work, “This is real, true, modern, cutting edge channeling.”
A fascinating and easy flowing interview! During the interview, Jeneth asked Veronica what Eloheim has access to – the past, the future, energy, information – in regards to helping people. Veronica explained Eloheim’s huge range available and how they use it to help folks be present, make changes, and take actionable steps.
Veronica went on to talk about a few of the numerous tools and teachings that Eloheim offers: Uncertainty, the Survival Instinct, and Favorite Familiar Suffering. In answer to the host’s questions, there was an in-depth discussion about how the body is the last to come on board – after ahas and decisions – as well as triggers, being a Creator or a Victim, the collaboration between the soul and the human, and what Comparing You to You means.
After Jeneth and Veronica shared the package offering, Eloheim joined the interview and had a wonderful question and answer session with the audience:
I’m feeling stuck professionally. Do you have any insight?
Lately, I’m surprised to find myself sensing a little girl in me. She feels like a victim, I don’t feel like that. What is that about?
I’m feeling called to take my business to another level and I’m scared.
Eloheim and Veronica were at their finest in this totally enjoyable interview!
Click here to listen ON DEMAND

Past Life Bleed Through
According to Eloheim, Past lives are more accurately described as Alternate. As time is not linear, all lifetimes are happening simultaneously. The result of this is that information from other lifetimes can bleed through into this one.
Veronica began the call by explaining what the bleed throughs mean and gave her own personal example of “Boris,” the suicidal cello player. Veronica says that the more spiritual work you do, the more likely it becomes that you will tap into your alternate expressions. She then described ways to recognize and interact with them to get the most out of the experience.
Eloheim joined the conversation at this point, and before taking callers, talked more about AEs, emphasizing we are ascending ALL of our lifetimes, not just this one.
The question and answer session that followed was lively and informative and included revealing Alternate Expressions of the callers.
Among the questions asked were:
Is the loss of a child in another lifetime affecting this one?
Can you speak to the guilt and shame I feel about smoking?
I have left knee issues. Can you help me with the block around healing it?
I have follow up questions about my sound channeling.
I signed up for a class and now I have resistance around being told how to get ready for it.
90 minute audio recording

You Had Questions, Eloheim Had Answers!
Being in the Current Version of You, Information Gathering, and Emanating the Truth of You
Eloheim wasted no time in this session, jumping right into the callers’ questions.
The first caller wanted to know more regarding her online dating, about understanding what has changed in order to reproduce it. Eloheim talked about being an information gatherer, about being present in the moment and what our emanation is and does.
This caller asked about her spinal problems and described how being psychically attacked by an ex has her now constantly on guard. Eloheim replied that her body has responded to the tension of being on guard. They asked the caller to notice how the story validates the pain and the pain validates the story. They discussed their tools: the Hamster Wheel Mind
, Favorite Familiar Suffering, and Equal Signs.
Another participant wanted to know how to work all day with others and not take on their energy and end up feeling exhausted. Eloheim suggested imagining the energy flowing around them like water around a boulder and using the Blue Bubble tool.
The first question the next caller asked was about pain in his right knee. Eloheim helped him to find his real focus, which is his hesitation about his new interest in sound channeling and wanting to have an income through it. Eloheim said the body is having issues due to wanting to jump but that it feels too hard. They asked the caller to use the Step by Step tool and when the body is having issues, remembering to ask, what step am I on now?
This caller asked for tools and support to quit smoking. Eloheim’s answer spoke to the ritualistic aspect of smoking and how becoming more conscious and changing those rituals around smoking can help facilitate change. They said, break the pattern, change the neural pathways, make it a conscious thought, own the choices. And they emphasized, this answer applies to everyone’s own personal habits they want to change.
The next questioner asked what she needed to focus on now that she was back on her ascension path. This led Eloheim to the Magic Wand tool, talking about financial abundance, the actionable piece, and being an information gatherer.
Eloheim closed the meeting saying, “Our work is going to always bring you back to what’s in your lap [and] changing your reactions to the experiences you’re having.”
75 minute audio recording

LIVE May 11th – RealRawYOU
Think back to a low-energy or no-energy day. Your body was telling you something. Did you ask it?
Chances are you did not. Chances are you pushed on while beating yourself up for not getting everything done
, imagined you were a disappointment to others, or simply revisited past “failures.”
We all seem to have one, ‘Favorite, Familiar Suffering.’ It’s your #1 lie and it’s holding you back!
When facing uncertainty or trigger, we retreat into a type of “fake certainty” by replaying our favorite, familiar sufferings. We get a strange comfort because it’s familiar, yet we suffer because the repetition doesn’t have the power to transform anything; it just offers the same story over and over again.
We all have one, two or three favorite, familiar sufferings we revisit.
It could be concerns about money, relationships, weight and body issues. What’s yours?
You are not here to cope well until you die. You are here to thrive!
On this call, Veronica Torres, the channel for Eloheim, will offer you step-by-simple-step guidance (and fun to use tools) to transform your experience and start living a life you will love. Woo Hoo!
Please join us on May 11th at 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT!
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 Pin: 126308#
Register here

Interview – Energetics of the Soul
Energetics of the Souls with Dana Louis Williams
Activate Your Gifts…Align with the wisdom of your soul!
You are here to be a chooser, to bring as much of your soul into the physical form as you allow, and to explore a free will zone-Earth. ~ wisdom from Eloheim
Each new interview Veronica and Eloheim give offers new insight and awareness to the audience, and this was no exception.
Dana’s interview with Veronica began with Veronica sharing her background story before they moved into a great discussion around the teachings of Eloheim. This, of course, was followed by a super interesting chat with Eloheim, as channeled by Veronica.
Feeling that the lack of a supportive community not only took a toll on her, but affected all of us doing this work, Veronica explained she was led to create an Eloheim community on Facebook, Connect with Eloheim. This is where those working with the teachings can share and and grow together, she said.
In response to a question from Dana, Veronica went into detail about getting messages from our non-physical helpers. It takes awareness and practice to pick up on the messages, she explained. She tells us that not only do we have internet on the computer, but that we also have an internal “galactic internet” available for guidance.
Veronica impressed upon us that Souls are here to learn and grow
, and that the soul is in partnership with the human during this process. Eloheim is here to help us humans to learn to be a full partner with the soul while on Earth.
Dana then asked Veronica to speak more about what’s going on with the planet and what might be coming up for us in the future.
During the final segment, you will be interested to hear how Eloheim answered Dana’s many fascinating and pertinent questions.