December, 2016
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Special Message from the Matriarch
I channeled the Matriarch to close out our first Ignite Insight Parenting Support Circle.
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Matriarch – Ignite Insight #1
2017 Ignite Insight Events are scheduled for:
Apr 2nd
June 4th
Sept 10th
Nov 12th
Thrive Center for Birth & Family Wellness – Santa Rosa
4859 Old Redwood Hwy
, Santa Rosa, California 95403
$20, no one turned away for lack of funds
Preparing for birth, going through labor, and parenting children of all ages is a challenging endeavor! Could you use some support?
Veronica Torres brings an incredible gift: her tools for transformation gleaned from years channeling Eloheim and the Council. Elizabeth Erickson contributes the healing vibrations of her cello and her experience mothering her three children. Both have a passion for uncovering deep truths, crafting analogies, and helping others to shine.
Each support circle will open with an original improvisation by Elizabeth on cello. All participants are then invited (but not required) to share their current challenges and ask for support. Each circle will close with a message from the Matriarch channeled by Veronica.
Because of the possibility of sensitive/mature subject matter and the desire to create an environment conducive to focused awareness, babies may attend; please make alternate arrangements for other children. The circle is open to all past, current, and future parents and caregivers. All races, ethnicities, genders, and orientations are welcome here.

Read my Article in 11:11 Magazine!
Did you see my article in the latest 11:11 Magazine?
Click on the Dec 2016 issue. I’m on page 32!

2017 Eloheim Retreat at Sea

Eloheim Retreat on Princess Cruise Line
October 15-22, 2017
Featuring THREE channeling sessions!
We have a specialist handling all the cruising details!
Book your passage by clicking here
Payment for the channeling is separate.
We will have three channeling sessions
in the mornings of the 2nd
, 3rd and 7th days.
Total cost for all three channeling sessions is $200
(includes the recordings)

Amazing Summary of Recent Teachings
Day two of our recent retreat was an AMAZING summary of recent teachings!
Don’t miss this one!
Eloheim has spent the last few months teaching us how to get out of overwhelm by bringing new energy systems online.
Additionally, they have been teaching us how to access AHAs on demand by pinging the field of infinite possibilities.
Eloheim used the second day of our recent retreat to do an incredible review and a FANTASTIC expansion of this overall teaching.
I’m offering it as a stand alone purchase.
Don’t miss this! This work has revolutionized my life!!!
148 Minutes