February, 2017
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Online Retreat with Eloheim – The Levels Teaching
Registration is OPEN! Follow this link:
On November 11, 2011, Fred (channeled by Veronica) told us that he would teach us to live fractally. At the time, Veronica was very skeptical that Fred could pull off such a thing. With the help of the Council, HE DID!!!
What does it mean to live fractally? It means that you are empowered to evaluate your experiences in new ways, to mine the potential of every moment, and to live as a CHOOSER.
This is you living as the BIG version of you
This is you living without baggage and static
This is your pathway to Homo spiritus
This is your birthright
We will be using Eloheim’s Levels of Creating deck to facilitate this journey. It’s strongly recommended you order your own deck before May 1st (to allow for printing and shipping time – this is a print on demand product). You can place your order on this page: https://www.eloheim.com/levels/
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the cost?
The online retreat is 100% FREE
When does the retreat take place?
May 17 – 27
, 2017
I can’t be online everyday, can I still participate?
Absolutely! It’s all at your own pace. Veronica will add new activities each day. Participate in whichever you like.
I’m brand new to Eloheim’s teachings, is that ok?
If this is your first experience with Eloheim’s teaching, a recommended preparation is to explore the items included in this package. https://www.eloheim.com/special-packages-online-retreat-follow-up/
Do I need a Facebook account?
Yes, this retreat will take place inside a private Facebook event so you will need an account for the duration of the retreat. After you register, Veronica will connect with you on Facebook and invite you into the retreat.
Can I invite my friends?
Please do! Registration for this retreat ends May 18th.
Registration is OPEN! Follow this link:

The 50th Step
It’s so habitual to imagine a step far down the line rather than stay on the current step in any project.
After all, the current step is the place of uncertainty. How will it work out? Will people like it? Can I do it?
The make-believe 50th step in any project is a way to get “fake certainty” for a bit. However, it doesn’t move your project forward and frequently results feeling worse!
“Why was I thinking about things down the road and not actually DOING something? I will never get this project done!”
Stay on the step you are on. If it feels too big, break it down into smaller and smaller steps until the step you are on feels managable. Even if that means the step you are on is taking a breath.
Use the What is True Now? tool to connect you to your body and the moment.
Use the I’m Tempted To Tool if you find yourself drifting into the future.
Step by step is the only way anything has ever gotten done! It’s totally ok!
Yes, it can bring up feelings of uncertainty. Uncertainty is not danger! Uncertainty is the place where creativity lives. It’s the birth place of the new. It truly OK to be uncertain!
Here is an audio clip with more on the 50th step teachings.