August, 2017
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$8 Eloheim Recordings!
As is my tradition, August means PRESENTS FOR YOU!!!!
This year, I have put all of the meeting packages on SALE!
There are 42 different packages for just $8 each (because August is the 8th month!)
The prices have never been this low before!!!
See all of them here!!!
, Happy to you!!!

Let’s Explore Together
Energetic clarity is vital. This is true no matter what your day has in store, be it clients, patients, customers, kids, errands, or simply navigating your internal landscape, and it’s especially important if your day includes interaction with folks who are stressed or upset in any way. Matching energy with those around us is so easy (and habitual) that it can be difficult to let the energy of others fall away once we have connected with it
, even when it leaves us feeling drained or unhappy.
I’ve found something that REALLY supports clearing my energetic field and I’ve decided to conduct a study to see if the effects I feel are also felt by others. To that end, I am looking for people who are willing to participate!
This study is perfect for anyone who identifies as energetically sensitive. HOWEVER! I would love for you to participate even if you don’t consider yourself a sensitive. I’m looking for a wide range of people to give me feedback.
It’s totally FREE with no obligation of any kind.
I will mail you a small spray bottle containing essential oils in water. You can spray this on your hands, around your body, or in the room. Do this at least once a day for five days and fill out a very short online survey each day to report on your experiences.
The bottle is yours to keep!
Register here: