November, 2017
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Eloheim’s Greatest Hits!
This year I have so much to be grateful for especially after the fire and everything that followed.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Eloheim’s teachings gave me so much strength during that time. Their work really does empower me and so many others. Many of the teachings are tucked into the variety of books I’ve published. All of the teachings are documented in the archives.
I thought it was a great time to bring out some of those teachings and shine the spot light on them once again.
We will start with the “Four Weeks on Fear” meetings.
This string of four meetings are Eloheim Classics!!! All you ever wanted to know (and more) about evolving your relationship to fear!
FREE for you to listen to at your leisure.
Please join our Facebook Group to share your experiences with these teachings!
Many Blessings,
Week 1
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FEAR. What it is and what the body does with it.
Fear of getting dead or the body ceasing to function.
Where are your fears of getting dead running up against your body’s survival instinct?
Eloheim asks each member of the group to speak about their current fears.
Questions answered in this meeting include:
I want to transform my relationship and I am afraid of my husband.
I’m afraid I will be beset by robbers and being injured.
I have hurt myself very badly and I need to not go to the doctors because I know they wouldn’t allow me to heal.
Fear of not getting well even when experiencing wellness.
My body is afraid.
Fear and DNA, healing your lineage.
My fear is that I won’t walk normally again and I will be experiencing longterm bone and nerve pain.
I have been trying to get clear about what my fears are.
Fear of not being able to handle whatever comes up in the moment.
Being comfortable in the journey of transformation.
Excitement fear, am I ready for what’s coming?
Fear of not doing enough.
Tarot cards and meditation.
My ‘check engine’ light came on.
Week 2
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Continuation of the discussion of fear from previous meeting. Eloheim introduced a new concept: the fear freeway.
On being a light worker.
Fear is a choice.
The payoff for living consciously.
Adrenaline junkies.
Questions answered in this meeting include:
Can we find the body’s fear switch so that we can turn off the fear and open to all possibilities?
How to override the survival instinct when getting pulled over?
Feeling the other side.
The other crayons in the box.
You have the golden ticket.
Look for the aha!
Is there a picture on how we can rewrite the neural pathways?
Acknowledge it before you can heal it.
I want to create a different life for myself.
Why the twelve step program works.
Week 3
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Eloheim recaps the topic of fear and invited everyone present to dialog about how they are re-experiencing fear.
Topics covered in this meeting include:
Fear is a static attachment to a moment in time. Very do-able new habit.
A lot of the pain in my body has been from terror but if I notice it my shoulders can drop.
The day goes by and I don’t notice that I’ve accomplished anything and I get mad at myself.
Ego is getting more interested in a life purpose.
When you say mind are you talking about the brain?
CFO for non-profit. Excited that I was going to be my grown up self in this meeting. I knew I wouldn’t be perfect but I knew I was going to show up and feel like I was conscious.
Event happened. I felt like I had choices instead of the past but not being able to see the choices.
I have the experience of being more fear than not. Gut wrenching fear. A lot of it is around judgment coming back to self worth.
I have all the fear plus I have pissiness.
Sometimes when I feel like I’m too focused on my growth I’ll just veg out.
Part of the pain is about becoming awake about our actions?
Maui month “working on it” numerous fears. If trip fails
, then what am I going to motivate myself with? Goes on with list of fears. This trip has been my reason for living. Housing, money, what if I hate it there.
Would it be useful for me to make a list of all my fears? They’re all over the place.
In this clip, they describe two different fear patterns.
This clip is especially interesting as you can see how Eloheim develops a concept and then build on it as the meeting continues.
Week 4
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Our interest in adrenaline in elation and in survival mode.
What to do when the fight or flight response kicks in.
What to ask oneself when presented with fear.
How to stay present during a fear based situation.
A brief summary on where we’ve been and where we are headed.
Questions answered in this meeting include:
Being grateful for the lesson.
Eloheim asks each participant ‘What’s the aha here’?
I feel like I’m under the adrenaline rush all the time.
I’m actually okay in this moment. Things are going well because of the consciousness that I do in everything in my life.
I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Crayon names are interesting now as well. “Happier ever after” instead of brick red.
I realized that I go into an adrenaline rush every time I have to speak in this group. I don’t know what to say.
Eloheim defines thought and insight.
It’s a conscious choice to allow for the aha?
What about when you’re at work? Linear thinking happens there.
Time on your hands, I feel like I have to fill it.
I’m grateful to see myself making progress. Parking of the car. Space is right where I needed it. Since my accident I have been more in the moment.
Body rushes and expansion. At the same time body feels like shit. Things that are happening now would have scared me in the past but now I feel like I’m practicing. I’m in awe of life at this point.
I think of it as breaking energetic ties and there’s a rebound. There’s an additional response.
I’m stuck in this fear. Looking at old photographs and putting things away. Crayons.
I don’t seem to have a lot of adrenaline fears but I do have fear and I have to recognize it. They’re not as obvious. I work around them so they don’t go to adrenaline fears.
For me it’s just like being pushed in the corner that I just don’t like.
I have both kinds of adrenaline going over the last few weeks. I’m not being in neutral observation.
I’ve had some incredible connection experiences happening but no real aha’s.
I’m tired, uninterested, lack of motivation.