April, 2019
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Weekend with Eloheim – May 31 – June 2
John and Marti Murray are once again opening their home to host a Weekend with Eloheim!!! I hope you can join us!!!
Eloheim & Friends Awareness Exploration Weekend, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Friday May 31st
4:00 P.M. Arrival & Registration
6:00 P.M. Optional Dinner
$15 pp RSVP Appreciated
Chinese Food Buffet
Dessert & Coffee
Wine & Beer
7:30 P.M Eloheim Channeling with Veronica Torres – Living Room
9:30 P.M. After Meeting Social Time
Camp Fire
Cracker Barrel – Snacks
Heated Swimming Pool – Open
Saturday June 1st
8:00 A.M. Optional Breakfast
$5 pp RSVP Appreciated
Assorted Fruit
Cereal & Milk
Juice & Coffee
9:00 A.M. Cemetery Walk from House – 2+ miles – about 45 minutes. Led by Marti
11:00 A.M. Wayne Hoff – Professional Dowser – Living Room
Topic- ‘Dowsing to Change your Life’. Limited private appointments available.
12:00 P.M. Optional Lunch
$10 pp RSVP Appreciated
Make your own sandwiches
Chips & Potato Salad
Assorted Beverages
1:00 P.M. Sibyl Star – Evolutionary Astrologer – Living Room
Topic: Astrology as an evolutionary Tool. Limited private appointments available.
2:00 P.M. Margy Henderson- Group Sound Healing Workshop- Living Room
Margy will also be available for private Hand Analysis appointments.
3:00 P.M. John Murray – Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Discussion – Living Room
Topic: Achieve financial abundance with the coming digital currency revolution.
3:30 P.M. Free Time
Doterra Essential Oils Workshop & Q & A – Poolside
Crafting Projects – Poolside
Heated Swimming Pool – Open
Personal Readings – As arranged with presenters
6:00 P.M. Optional Dinner
$15 pp RSVP Appreciated
Handmade Dinner Pies from local bakery (TheWholePieShop.com)
Salad & Bread
Dessert – Amazing pie selection from The Whole Pie Shop
Wine & Beer
7:30 P.M. Evening Social Time
Camp Fire
Heated Swimming Pool – Open
9:00 P.M. Movie – ‘The Matrix’ – Media Room
Sunday June 2nd
8:00 A.M. Optional Breakfast
$ 5 pp RSVP Appreciated
Assorted Fruit
Cereal & Milk
Coffee & Juice
9:00 A.M. Cemetery Walk from House – 2+ miles about 45 minutes. Led by Marti.
10:00 A.M. Eloheim Channeling with Veronica Torres – Living Room
12:30 P.M. Optional Lunch
$10 pp RSVP Appreciated
Grilled Hot dogs and Tofu dogs
Chips & Macaroni Salad
Salad & Assorted Fruit
Assorted Beverages
1:30 P.M. Goodbyes & Departure
Event Fees (You can come for 1
, 2, or 3 days!)
Friday Eloheim Channeling $25 per person
Saturday All Inclusive $25 per person
Sunday Eloheim Channeling $25 per person
Meals – A la carte or package price of $50 for all meals.
Sleeping Options:
Yard Camping – Free
Hotels/Motels – Numerous from $75 -$300 per night locally
Camp Host –Samantha Murray
Cook – Marti Murray
Register with John Murray at Murster@Earthlink.net

Make Uncertainty Work for You
This amazing call introduces the Uncertainty Spectrum.
Uncertainty is a fact of life, and we spend much of our life being afraid of it — thanks to our preprogrammed Survival Instinct. Using Eloheim’s new skills with the computer and a chart they spent several weeks keeping Veronica up at night devising and refining, Eloheim explored how we can move from fear to fascination while in uncertainty.
Eloheim said, we want to help you understand, once and for all, “How all this works.”
Constant uncertainty is not always danger, Eloheim states. When you don’t let the survival instinct run your life, you get to explore and live life as Homo spiritus.
During this call, Eloheim became extremely emotional with the love they hold for us all and had to pause to collect themselves before they could proceed.
The place where we say I know I created this terrible thing and I don’t know why or how makes us a victim of our own creation, and this is where uncertainty, danger, and the survival instinct lives. You are NOT victims of yourselves, Eloheim declares. You are always exploring uncertainty.
Eloheim explained that when you have uncertainty and fear but ignore it or avoid it, you’re simply coping, pretending, and lying to yourself. When you are in uncertainty and fascinated, you’re in discovery. Their teachings show you how to get from one side of the spectrum to the other.
The Uncertainty Spectrum is divided into:
Fear (experienced as intense through ignore) – which creates judgement, control and rejection.
Fascination (experienced as neutral through exploration) – which creates peace, centeredness, openness, and creativity.
Eloheim asked for caller input and examples for each part of the graph, then they explained what the types of examples lead to and how to get unstuck. They suggested we use this graph to get to the other side of the middle line and to create a larger discovery zone. The center line is movable and we can shrink or expand either side. This is where the levels of creation teachings and tools come in.
According to Eloheim
, if you find yourself on the left side of the graph, then the Survival Instinct is in charge. At this point, stop everything, apply tools, and transform your experience. Choose fascination and discovery. Ask, what is the real gift here?
“Every single thing we have taught you has led here.”
90 minute audio/video
Watch on demand or download to your device
Special price – $8

What’s in YOUR Lap?
Turn your focus inward. Change happens from the inside out. Sure, it’s easy to point fingers and sort out what others should be doing
, however, to truly make a difference, YOU have to be different!
Image is one of the cards from my Levels of Creating deck! Learn more here: Click here
Want more tools from Eloheim? We have lots of ebooks and paperback books available on Amazon
Want to make your own deck? I can show you how! Click Here

What’s a Healthy Version of Success?
The problem with success is you’re always chasing outcomes. ~ Eloheim
Veronica opens this conference call with an introductory talk about success and what it means to those of us on a spiritual journey. She says the more we evolve and change, the more our ideas have to change. The notion of success is one of them.
Eloheim probes deep into the notion of success, discussing its relationship to outcome and how our past versions of self often hold outdated ideas that were implanted in us by the authority figures in our life. They reveal that dreams of success are often those of our teenaged self and that the background “shoulds” running in our minds make us out to be the bad guys in our own life
, smothering any feelings of success.
Listen to the callers interact with Eloheim as they share their comments and concerns about success and other topics. Hear Eloheim suggest how writing your own personal version of “The Road Not Taken” works. Offering tools and suggestions for issues with jobs
, weight, body pain, smoking, and guilt, Eloheim gets straight to the heart of the matter for each caller.
75 minute audio recording

Your Super Hero Power!!!
My Living and Thriving as an Empath course will show you how to use your sensitivities for YOUR benefit and how that SUPERHERO POWER can also help others!
It took decades of study for me to finally learn how to THRIVE as an empath. In this class (watch on demand and in your own time) I share all the best tips and tools I’ve gathered along the way including:
How to clear your field.
How to stop picking up on the energy of others.
How to use your sensitivities ONLY when you want to.
How to stop letting other people use your nervous system.
How to cultivate a connection to your centered-self.
How to be the calm at the center of the storm.
How to trust your insights and ahas.
How to use your empathic skills in healthy ways at work
, home, and in social settings.
How to deal with “energy vampires.”
How to know what you are broadcasting to the world and how to change it.
How to say “No” and mean it so that when you say “Yes” people can trust it.
How to use the fact that empaths see and sense the world differently to improve your relationships rather than create blocks in your connections.
$35, watch on demand
Living and Thriving as an Empath

Feeling the Weight….
In 2016, on the heels of yet another mass shooting
, I was feeling like I needed Eloheim to provide their insights on how to be an energetic leader in a world filled with a seemingly never ending news cycle of problems, disasters, pain, and suffering. Eloheim, of course, was amazing.
This 70 minute audio recording includes Eloheim’s powerful opening comments and then Q&A on the subject.
Download the audio or listen on demand