January, 2023
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January 2023 Sessions
Five Sessions held in January 2023
Watch on demand or download to your device.
January 1, 2023
I can’t even describe this meeting in a way that would do it justice… So many layers, clarity, incredible revelations, tender community, and launching into the new. Wow. Watch the video if you want to see Eloheim do hands on work as they did three sessions in the middle part of the meeting.
– In-person meetings return!
– E talks about energies/themes of 2023 (revelation)
– 1:1 “in the chair” sessions with Cornelia
, Annie and Kerri
January 11, 2023
What a beautiful session! Amazing insights from Eloheim and Mags was incredible!
– Collective heart; letting the noticing of collective heart suffering/pain be a reminder to come deeper into Presence in the light of it.
– Tidy timing; letting the noticing of tidy timing be a beginning, “and …”, movement (rather than an end, a period, or whew!)
– Mags goes deeper into collective heart; about landing profoundly in Presence in a transformational way in the light of the pain/surrender in the collective heart experience of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mags also talks about not bouncing off the feminine/mother energy response to collective heart, into masculine fix it/figure it out sneaky-p.
January 15, 2023
Eloheim introduces Level 12.
As a reminder:
Level 1: Duality
Level 2: Victimhood
Level 3: I Create My Reality and I Don’t Like What I’ve Created
Level 4: I Choose My Reactions to My Experiences
Level 5: This Experience Is Mine
Level 6: What Trigger?
Level 7: It’s All Me
Level 8: Watch it Move
Level 9: Choiceless Choice
Level 10: Reunification
Level 11: The “Gingerbread” is Personality (the GBisP) – April 27, 2022
Level 12: The Collective Heart – January 15, 2023
January 25, 2023
– The significance of level 12; the start of a new paradigm beyond identity, and a recap of the level 1-11 evolution that led to it
– Collective heart: perceiving pain and pressure of P-limitation on the life force of humanity. There is a lot more to the collective heart than this, but it happens to be loudest on the surface initially
– Evolving from abiding as the I-me P-identity to abiding as a focal point into the collective heart beyond identity. A focal point with a transformational healing impact
– Accepting uncertainty as a key to abiding as Presence, rather than settling for false certainty to placate Personality
– Personality influence on the limited form that “wanting” takes
January 29, 2023
– This meeting delved into the engagement with the sensory system, and disorientation liberated from nervous system filtering, being a doorway to deepening into the exploration of that
– We are at an essential moment in this human transformational journey. We are engaging with brand new energetics in level 12, collective heart, while still in the body, and offering that engagement to all-that-is. Just engagement with it is a gift to all-that-is.
– The tapestry for engagement is going to be the sensory system, disengaging with personality filter of “what to do or think”, and from nervous system “danger or not” survival-instinct processing
– Experiencing and exploring the now without P filter offers the reality of the sensory system. A perception that does not process through the nervous system, and GB physical senses. Sensory system perception lands as a duh without being evaluated through nervous system processing for danger.
– Sensory system perception does not require being anywhere in particular in the world. It is the interconnected, interwoven, interlaced tapestry of all-that-is that is constantly being updated with ALL that occurs. The doorway to sensory system perception is learning to abide in disorienting uncertainty without processing it through fear-filter for danger
– The new “I” is “I don’t know” on all levels. We are not our nervous systems. We don’t end at our skins. We are going to need to call upon strength of willingness, intention to abide in disorienting uncertainty without engaging the fear filter but it will pay off. If there is a choice to be made it is choosing not to think about disorienting uncertainty as we abide in it.
– We are experiencing an evolutionary act in the extreme right now. Going to the post office, grocery store, emanating transformational energy everywhere we go. Being the stone dropping into the pond, not trying to figure out where the ripples go.
– We venture into a brand new vista of experience, a brand new perception of our reality, a brand new use of our nervous systems, a brand new requirement of our minds. Let engagement with doubt or discouragement that many arise be just as another thing to be surrendered. Our internal transformation offers transformation to all.
– Embrace the truth of disorientation as infinity being accessed and begin to reap the transformation opportunities that we have been cut off from all this time.
Five Sessions held in January 2023
Watch on demand or download to your device.