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February 2023 Sessions
Four Sessions held in February 2023
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February 5, 2023
Eloheim talks at length and leads a community conversation on Disorienting Uncertainty clarify the concept and kicking out Personality’s definitions that have been confusing community members.
A very helpful and profound conversation!
– E expounds on “disorienting uncertainty” within the “brand-new brand-new” of level 12 that we are experiencing now
, with a focus on flushing out the P muddying up clarity on “disorienting uncertainty”:
– Disorienting uncertainty – a fundamental shift in the way we encounter the world, and every single thing, away from the previous P-based orientation, while avoiding the temptation to let the P orientation re-assert itself. The previous orientation was completely dependent upon P’s filtering and distortion of reality.
– Disengaging from orienting through P is disorienting because it has been the orientation in every earth lifetime. It’s disorienting to the sense of what we thought mattered – goals, dreams, aspirations, what defines “success” … we have to be willing to abide in this disorientation
– Personality is the sunglasses, the nose plugs, ear plugs and everything-else-plugs that says to you, you do not get to have the true experience of what is actually possible. You only get to have a distorted experience, experiencing physicality only for the very limited filter of its P-defined usefulness/function rather than for its its reality
– Personality is not wrong, it just is, and the is of it is suffering. Personality weaponises our reality to keep us in limitation.
– Don’t conflate personality with uniqueness. P only offers distortion as a filter to life. A filter between what we perceive and what we experience. A filter that can be removed, a removal that causes disorientation because its a big change. But where you land when its removed is FIP. Personality is not required to “run your life.”. Don’t let P tell you you need it. Personality hallmark is limitation and suffering
– It takes courage to say “I am not going to see the world the way I have seen it until this point”. A courage that leads to a discovery that can only be experienced as it cannot be pre-conceived. That leads to the opportunity to experience something brand new
– Personality does not get to tell you how it needs to be in order for it to count. Instead, you can be present to how it actually is happening. You are no longer oriented in the way that personality has had you be oriented, you’re no longer chasing certainty, in the way personality has told you to chase certainty that has always led to suffering. So you are “disorientedtly uncertain” because you have retracted yourself or retreated from living life in that way.
– Disorientedly uncertain does not mean anxious uncertainty; the anxious uncertainty is a personality definition. Personality cannot define disorienting uncertainty as it is absent in it. Infinite possibilities does not mean anxious, more like wow
February 8, 2023
Eloheim follows up on the previous session continuing the clarification of Disorienting Uncertainty. The conversation then shifts to the Sensory System and how that fits into Level 12. The meeting closed with an extremely moving experience with a new Visitor.
– Disoriented uncertainty arises from no longer being in the personality orientation. Uncertainty comes from abiding in “I don’t know as a steady state.
– “I don’t know” is uncertainty and we are not used to it meaning infinite possibilities rather than “danger!”
– It may not – likely not – feel “normal” to no longer use P to navigate the world. It’s a new way of living. May initially feel freeing in some topics and burdensome in others. Pick less “dire” situations to practice as a GB kindness
– Be watchful of “Its gotta be this way or its wrong” or “Either/Or” opposites of sneaky-P
– Abide in awareness, allowing experiencing uncertainty as potential not danger. And then navigate the fact that it’s a completely different way to live in the GB and it can bring up disorientation confusion and a whoa feeling.
– “I don’t know”, abided in A, as a doorway to bubble up, clarity, choiceless-choice
– Sensory system is grounded in perceiving, being aware of, without running it through the nervous system for “danger or not”, or imagining its happening to your GB.
– This is not being a “robot”; more like the quality of presence paramedics and emergency response bring to a situation. Holding the truth of what you are aware of, in Presence, without going into overwhelm, or to blocking it out.
– We will eventually learn to have perceptions that do not then get filtered through the survival instinct to activate our nervous system.
– Sensory system is not just of collective pain, suffering. Its perceiving that is not limited to the GB
– Down-and-in to Presence is never P, provided its not as a means to cater to vending machine
– Powerful and moving Visitor referred to as “Yearning for Evolution”: In their dying breath the visitor shares a heartfelt and moving message of gratitude, appreciation and respect for our willingness to change, to seek evolutionary transformation and the emanation it offers to their world. An emanation that offers hope of sparking a wildfire of change in the visitor’s world, to transform the sadness, loneliness, pain and rigidity that weighs upon their world.
February 19, 2023
Eloheim speaks about the “silence” and how it relates to activity inspired by Tidyness and Choiceless Choice. A new Visitor bestows a blessing!
– The Silence, and activity: P has used the nervous system, especially fear, to tell us how to be. As we have broken down the different ways that P controlled us, it leaves us with impulse to activity being Choicelessness and Tidiness, while being present to what is happening now, and then dropping into the Silence of Presence when that activity concludes.
– Abiding as Silence can feel deeply uncertain, which can feel disorienting confusing. We cannot take anything into the Silence, other than the willingness to abide as it. This can lead to a visceral sense of feeling naked and vulnerable in it.
– In this VCS of Silence, turn into it, recommit, more deeply as Presence, rather than trying to control it which would be using P. Not burning up GB nervous system, memory, resources by hamstering in P frees up capacity to be available to impulse to activity from Choicelessness and Tidiness, and to be available to experiencing and explore as Presence.
– Visitor “Bestowing Traveler” (BT) – comes forth to give a message and a blessing:
– The BT combines their energetic with our potential, to fuel our propensity to evolution
– The BT affirms that our slavery to personality in the unique way that Homo sapiens has dallied with it is coming to an end. Our labors are concluding, our freedom is assured.
– The BT arrives with provisions for the next phase of our evolutionary cycle. They bestow and bring forth a decreased barrier to manifestational experiences. They bestow this blessing in honoring our escape from the jail of P, and in honoring of the gift of our stance+template+field. Our abidance as Silence gives us access to this blessing.
– Our capacity for non-interference in the unfolding truth of experiencing infinite-possibilities-unveiled is exponentially increased; that is the BT’s gift, and that is how they thank us.
February 22, 2023
Full Council speaks on the Potential of Humanity and our relationship to it as we experience and explore the collective heart. Kerri offers a profound update on her experience with her ex-husband and his new family.
– There are lots of healthy ways collective heart energy will be integrated into our lives.
– The collective-heart allows us to become aware of our potential as a species
– In collective-heart, perception of the human species is not simply a filter through current GB and incarnation, rather its a collective assessment of all-that-is in the human realm.
– This is how we begin to become aware of our potential as a species, and come into an appreciation for the species, in a way we have never experienced before.
– As collective-heart unfolds, the larger “duh” impacts to society will become more and more revealed as a by product
-In this collective phase, we start experiencing things that are a lot more profound than before. “I don’t know” allows not limiting what is possible. Being open to what is rising, not in outcome.
– The potential of the species is a recognition that our species as a whole has an energetic of movement embedded in it that, unfettered from P, has a potential that has never been recognized
– We are an ambassador of this, as an energetic “stance-template-thing”, not as an action or definition.
– Wanting to know is a P stance, abiding is an Awareness stance.
– The collective-heart, when no longer habitually processed through nervous system, starts to touch into all the amazing records of human interactions
– Don’t stop with the collective-pain, allow yourself to feel into the amazing potential of humanity, without fixating on the lunacy of humanity.
– Abide in the infinite collective-potential, streaming as a wholesome force through the heart-chakra, once no longer filtered, distorted and fragmented by personality.
– The temptation to want/define visitors to look like something specific so we can box them in is P.
– P-paradigm is rife with bias based on gender, race, etc. As we emerge into galactic citizenhood this has to be outgrown
– Everyone has some bias because P culture and conditioning is soaked in it.
– When we stop “othering” each other based on physical, social, political etc attributes, we will be ready to interact with non-human visitors
– There has been a lot of progress in this over the generations, but more is needed in all of us.
– E invites Kerri to share an amazing and inspiring account and example of tidy timing, choicelessness, presence and perfection related to challenging developments in her life that she had shared with the group previously.
– We are entering a species level engagement with the world, rather than a tribal, national etc. Collective-heart opens into collective-voice, collective-mind, collective movement
– The energy of the collective can be fuelled in support of the individual. The individual is not sacrificed or bargained away in this; that is a P limitation. A rising tide truly lifting all boats, not just those who can afford boats as it is experienced very often in P world.
– There is really an instinct in humanity for collectivation, for all-for-one and one-for-all, but its has been hijacked by racism, tribalism of various sorts, etc
– When P is no longer distorting the movement of potential through us, collectively we have access to the full potential of the human species. What this looks like cannot be preconceived.
– It’s beautiful to witness our big beautiful hearts filled with high integrity and intention in the surrender of P, and our movement as an evolutionary transformational force
– It is gorgeous to witness our stepping into our potential that the Matriarch had foreseen, and emanating in this way
Four Sessions held in February 2023
Watch on demand or download to your device.