

Price: $9.99

One session held in April 2016

This package includes audio and video from the one session held in April 2016.

April 27, 2016 Sonoma

How to Walk Through the World as a Monk in the Marketplace

“When you don’t tell stories, you can’t get away from what’s real.” Eloheim

“The access to Levels 7, 8 and 9 is through vulnerability…through the raw truth of you.” Eloheim

Eloheim began this meeting with a bare-bones overview of the recent teachings. They noted how few of us had already listened to the material up until this point and strongly suggested that everyone go back and listen to the other meetings so they can more clearly understand and use the references in the new material. They said that everything they have ever taught us all these years has been brought together in these recent meetings. These important teachings concern the Body-Personality-Awareness aspects, the red line and the Uncertainty Spectrum, Staying in the Moment, Monk in the Marketplace, Stories and Reporting – all of which form the basis for moving forward.

Briefly, the foundation for moving ahead is DON’T TELL STORIES! Assuming “facts not in evidence” is no longer acceptable, whether to other people or in your own head.

And now, “every single thing we’ve ever taught you has come down to one word, Moment. We’re teaching you how to have a different relationship to the moment, how to have access to the moment in a constructive way,” Eloheim said. They want to teach us how to be a Monk in the Marketplace, and how to have clarity so the world can rise up to meet us as we walk through it.

Eloheim introduces the idea of being a good witness, of experiencing the current moment, and learning how to stay in the experience of “me” in this moment. They describe how when someone reports, they’re being vulnerable, not looking for reassurance or fixing. They’re looking for a witness. Please note, there will be a further exploration of witnessing in upcoming meetings as Eloheim receives our input about our experiences. But the recent teachings are extremely important to have as a basis going forward.

The attendees then asked questions and shared examples while Eloheim gave feedback.

At the close of the meeting, Eloheim asked everyone to write down examples where each of us did or didn’t witness or report well and then share them on FB with the rest of the group. They requested we be vigilant and catch ourselves in stories and limitations. Sharing them is extremely important, they reminded us, as we can all learn from them, and we are here to support and witness each other in our experiences.
This is a white board meeting so you will probably want to watch the video.



Price: $9.99

One session held in April 2016

This package includes audio and video from the one session held in April 2016.