Hello everyone!
Powerful meeting on May 18th, 2011 and I’m not the only one who thinks so!
This last channel was so great…there wasn’t a thing in it I couldn’t use…thank you so much.
There were so many amazing sections that I had a really hard time deciding which section to use for the YouTube video! I finally settled on “doing the stump and stew!”
You’re stumped and then you stew. Then you stew until you’re stumped!!
Those authority figure voices you are still hearing? You need to say, “Not my voice!”
When you know it’s not your voice, you won’t listen to it with the same authority!
If you have a project that feels stuck or confusion about moving forward, this is the video for you! It’s a longer video than I normally post, but I didn’t want to break up the teaching.
Each of the Council members made profound contributions to this meeting. Eloheim offered a new tool: “Past-Future-Moment,” told us what it looks like energetically when we are mean to ourselves, discussed the “Stump and Stew,” and explained how they are able to read our energy. Fred offered a powerful update about his portal. The Matriarch offered a new way of looking at our progress. The Girls talked about how when we deny an aspect of ourselves, we deny “the all” access to it as well. The Warrior offered further insight on how to work with the survival instinct.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
clean up your language. I don’t believe any entity in the higher realms express themselves like you are tagging on them.
Hello and thanks for visiting!
Your comment includes a preference and an assumption. I will address the assumption first.
“I don’t believe any entity in the higher realms express themselves like you are tagging on them.”
Eloheim and various members of the Council have made it clear, many times, that they choose the language used to relay their messages. I choose neither the specific words nor the specific topics they decide to speak about. If working with me was not conveying their messages as they wish, they would find another way to offer the messages. We work together by mutual invitation. There is no victim hood here.
You stated this preference:
“clean up your language”
Some people think DAMN is a cuss word and others draw the line at FUCK. Personally, I think they are both great ways of expressing how I am feeling and I like using them.
What’s really awesome here is that we all have free will and we get to choose. “What is true now?” is one of Eloheim’s core concepts. Your truth is clearly a strong preference to access channeled material which contains “clean” language and I am thrilled that you know this is important to you.
As the Girls said recently:
As you become aware of other people’s journeys, there’s a sense of frustration sometimes with people. Like, “Why don’t you get it, why can’t you see what you’re doing? Why can’t you be aware?” That temptation really has to be mitigated. Because you’re not emanating the truth of you if you’re wondering why they won’t get it. You can observe and it can focus your journey.
The truth of it is they’re showing you, you and if nothing else they’re showing you paths you don’t wish to take. That’s a very short and sweet way of saying you love yourself by keeping your focus on you and where you can make change is within you, where you can experience transformation is within you, and other folks on your planet are giving you opportunities to know more about you. You’re not learning more about them. You’re learning more about you. Knowing more about others is actually getting to know yourself because it cannot happen in your external world unless it’s happening in your internal journey.
Many blessings on your journey,