April, 2011
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What is the opposite of GUILT? What Happens When We Die ~ 4-17-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a wonderful Q&A with Eloheim last Sunday. Eloheim answered 18 questions (listed below). For some time now, I have noticed that many people are searching for: “What is the opposite of guilt?” so I asked Eloheim to address this specifically.
You can download the entire audio recording and/or watch the webcast replay for $1.99. The link is at the bottom of this post.
REMINDER: I will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Questions answered during this session:
Earlier this year I asked about these burning sensations I was getting in my thighs and you told me it was from one of my other lives. A fellow referred to as Grey Beard who had been wounded in a battle and was no unable to care for himself to too proud and ornery to ask help from any of the village members. I tried telling him it was okay to ask for help. I no longer have the burning sensation but now both knees are very stiff and there is pain in the right thigh when I lay down. You told someone at a recent meeting that pains that we have are rarely from a past life. So is this now ascension symptoms or something else? I’m confused. Thank you.
You have mentioned that you sometimes answer not the question asked rather than the one you wish people had asked… Maybe you could answer the question you wish I would ask? I have been working on soothing alternative expressions with relation to traumatic events keeping me from learning Spanish. I say working, it’s been very interesting. Can I have some more clues because I still can’t even force myself to go back to studying, I just can’t.
My Core Emotion session wiped out my question box. While I am in this pause I’d like to create a big bright me. Bigger than I’d previously wished for, so today I’d like to look at a fun alternate expression or two. I’d like to fold them into my today to create this bigger expression. Would you like to play with this imagination with me please?
In February, my intuition led me to ask out a guy I’d been gradually noticing for the last 4 months or so. He accepted, but despite his assurances that he was interested, I found myself crying a number of times as my “hopes were dashed” – he didn’t call when he said he would, didn’t show up or follow through on tentative planes, and we have only officially met up a scant few times over the last 2.5 months. He says it’s just timing and that it’s not personal, and I know he’s been hurt in the past, and my intuition seems to sense he’s telling the truth. Yet I long / “need” physical contact and more demonstration of interest than he’s shown. Again, my intuition says to hang with it, despite “common perception” that such actions mean he’s not interested.
Is this a lesson for me to detach from “needs” or “desires” in a relationship, like someone eagerly seeking me out, calling more frequently, and physical touch? What is the difference between having conscious needs/desires and being needy? How much of what I think I need do I need to let go of?
I was at an event where someone talked about a cathedral of souls. Is there such a thing?
What happens when we die?
What is the opposite of guilt?
I seem to attract low-vibrational people; they seem to flock to me. What do you suggest I can do to attract a higher vibration of people?
I just wanted to check in and see where I might be resistive.
So when I walk down the street I may see ten people IN A ROW that look down at their feet IMMEDIATELY when they see me. I create stuff like this ALL the time… it started years ago. People will cough when I linger on a negative thought for too long. I get snaps, crackles and pops in my ears. This can occur when I’m at the brink of overeating. The walking signal is related to how I feel about my legs. I have baggage about fairly recent physical changes and I even create people literally calling me retarded, stupid, etc. In fact I created the idiot commentary almost non-stop for a few years. I thought those very direct remarks were over but it occurred last night at a party when I was not exactly sober. A person was literally calling me out as if he knew things about me. I end up meeting people who just “know” that I’m stupid, etc. I know that I’m NOT stupid, and that it’s my baggage. Last night’s signal was a clear indicator of how I’ve been mean to myself in the past and the fact that it came through another person was at first alarming, but then quite empowering FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER – I left that environment immediately and felt very happy that it happened. I’ve never been happy to be called stupid before! So that’s cool. But sometimes I have NO idea why these signals are happening. They can come at random. I’ll just get air pops in my ears. Sometimes my mouse cursor just moves itself. I understand the communication on some level, but not entirely. I wonder if these are bleed-throughs.
I just wanted to say that the last time we spoke I was trying to be comfortable with being in uncertainty with a lot of things including job, place to live, money, and my divorce. And I just wanted to say that I am so proud of how well I did and how I stuck with it ….trying to be comfortable with uncertainty and now I have got a fantastic job and am still enjoying my uncertainty with the rest of the things in my life right now and I feel more confident about being in uncertainty because I saw how i opened up this opportunity with my new job. Question: I am still meditating with the intent to channel. Recently I have been receiving thoughts of ideas that are new to me…or new perspectives of things and it almost seems like so much information that I have to write the ideas down. This is very exciting and I think I am channeling the information but I am not sure if it’s just my imagination or not. Can you tell me if it is my imagination or not? Am I working with a spirit such as you are to veronica or am I just opening to different perspectives? Also, do you have any suggestions on how I could tune in more so that I could work up to direct voice channeling…..that as always been a passion that I have wanted to do.
I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on something for me. Perhaps this is past-life related, but I seem to experience a negative reaction when seeing what Kerri and myself refer to as “strange farm equipment”. These are typically vehicles or tractors with blades or other tools used for farming attached, that when seen instantly send shivers down my spine. Any insight would be appreciated.
I had a job interview this past week. I felt really good about the position, and I felt myself being able to grow spiritually, being fully conscious and my truth. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the job, which I’m not sure why, and wonder if they might come back to me in some way after the fact….or what am I sensing here? Also, I did notice that regardless, I felt a sense of inner peace over it, which surprised me – given the circumstances. How am I doing in creating the right job for me? What suggestions do you have?
I’ve always believed that my body aches and pains are big road signs that I need to change. I also have believed that transformation and ascension relieves all pain. Is ascension the road to a pain free body?
I have body related question. Feeling differently my left and right sides. The right side is strong, the left one is faded. At the point where neck is connecting to a shoulder feels like a hanging balloon. Also, couple of weeks ago started to have a paint in the lumbosacral plexus. Both pain spots feel very stiff. Could you please give me a read on those.
I have a mentor, who has helped me immensely over the last 3-4 years and continues to do so especially regarding the creation of my career and my future. I’m not sure what I “do” with this relationship, but I notice that I really yearn for her approval and her insight. When I read her email correspondence, I often feel like I’m not able to measure up….No matter what she says I often feel that I am just a “client”, even though I know one can love one’s clients. What are you seeing to help me with this?
I have had headaches nearly every day of my life, how can I change this?
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

The Magnificence of YOU – You Will Know It ~ 4-13-2011
Hello everyone,
As the meeting of April 13, 2011 started, it was very clear that the energy of the room was very different. Everyone in the room had huge energy “standing behind them.” The YouTube video this week is the Visionaries explaining why this was happening and what it means.
You are going to know the magnificence of you through this journey. You will experience yourself as part of the infinite nature of creation. We are going to explore awe! ~ The Visionaries
The Guardians opened the meeting. Eloheim’s section of the meeting included very moving examples of integrating Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The Girls reminded us to be loving to ourselves as we encounter these other lifetimes. Fred spoke about Pluto. The Warrior continued the story of being a young man and traveling away from his home village. The Matriarch concluded the meeting.
Veronica will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011
January, 2011
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Is Your Life a Museum or a Mausoleum? 1-26-2011
Hello everyone!
Wednesday’s meeting was a lot of fun. This week, I have chosen The Girls to star in the YouTube video. Their question is: Is your life a museum or a mausoleum? If it’s a mausoleum they suggest calling two guys with a truck. God, they crack me up!
The Guardians helped us release energy from the back of our necks.
The Visionaries spoke further about the truth of you and the fallacy of safety.
Your desire to have a life that doesn’t include so much suffering is consumed by your fear of change and the uncertainty you feel when you consider change.
Eloheim answered questions about sexual energy and creativity. Fred, the Warrior, and the Matriarch closed the meeting.
Wow, I have been working on the book SO much lately. We have 240 terms/tools included so far. The Council keeps giving us more and I keep finding more to add. But, serious progress is being made!!!
I’ve added the sign up links for all of the February meetings below I hope you can join us for one of our upcoming webcasts!
UPCOMING INTERVIEW: The Crimson Circle has started their own online radio station, Awakening Zone. I have been invited to be a guest on the New Potentials program on February 9, 2011 at 5:00pm Pacific. Follow this link to tune in!
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
Guardians: Opened the meeting with energy work, clearing clogged “control” energy in our neck area.
Visionaries: Discussed how allowing ourselves to become comfortable with uncertainty opens us up to living from our soul’s perspective. Our souls want to experience everything there is to experience, and living in fear and always striving for safety closes us to many experiences.
Eloheim: More exploration and discussion of the “I’m tempted to” tool and how to use it as an all-purpose tool to stop and center ourselves. Also discussed sexual energy and conscious and unconscious sexual responses.
The Girls: Encouraged us to look at the world we’ve created around us as the museum of our life and appreciate the beauty we have gathered. They also advised us to consider whether we have created a museum or a mausoleum, and get rid of anything that would be considered fit for a mausoleum.
Warrior: Continued his story of going to see a neighbor’s neighbor, another king who is threatening war. He also talked about Cedric being his heir, and the love he feels for him.
Fred: Led us in a visualization exercise to connect to our soul’s perspective.

Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011

Are You Living or Just Coping? ~ 1-5-11
Hello everyone,
January 5, 2011 started off with The Guardians doing silent energy work and the Visionaries jumping in to passionately speak about uncertainty. This meeting is FULL of examples of how we easily experience uncertainty in some situations (How does the car actually work? How does my body actually digest its’ food?) yet become paralyzed in other situations (What does he think of me? What job should I take?)
When coping craps out, consciousness comes in. Turn on the engine of consciousness. – The Visionaries
I don’t know what’s going on here – YEAH!!!! You are uncertain all the time and this isn’t something to be ashamed of. – The Visionaries
Eloheim tied the uncertainty/certainty idea into how we handle our relationship to safety.
[Being uncertain] is normal human stuff. If you are not resisting I don’t know….you take away the tension. We’ve come to the meat of it – what do you do with uncertainty? – Eloheim
The Girls, wow, they are great!
If you desire certainty and control all the time, but you can’t have it, then you can feel like a failure. A new relationship with uncertainty makes it easier to love yourself. – The Girls
The Warrior
MARRIED!!!!! Everyone agreed that they should pick up the story right where they left off the week before. It is the story of the wedding feast and making peace with the neighboring king through Cedric and the other stable boy getting into a fight! This week’s story concluded Chapter 1 of their story.
Fred and the Matriarch finalized the meeting by adding their unique signatures.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
Guardians: (Silent energy work)
Visionaries: A deep discussion of uncertainty. Moving out of just coping with our fears and into finding comfort in uncertainty.
Eloheim: Told us that being uncertain is our nature, and when we become comfortable with our nature, we can be more in the moment. Questions and answers about uncertainty and practical usage in our lives.
The Girls: Because we can never attain certainty, striving for it leads us into being mean to ourselves. Whenever you want certainty, you’re setting yourself up to fail. When we can find peace with uncertainty, we can find serenity. Peace with uncertainty is serenity.
Warrior: Continues his story of the wedding, using Cedric getting into a fight with a boy from the neighboring kingdom to help illustrate the points: When you tell your truth you help other people to be more sure about who you are and where you stand. When you’re comfortable in uncertainty, you make it easier to be around you.
Fred: Talked about the joy of uncertainty, using a story comparing playing pool to creating the universe and the fun and creativity that can only be experienced in uncertainty.
Matriarch: Commented on The Girls’ talk about setting ourselves up to fail when we look for certainty.
November, 2010
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November Q&A with Eloheim ~ 11-21-10
Hello everyone,
The November Q&A with Eloheim was a lot of fun. Mary did something different with the set up. She added a second computer to the mix.
A little bit of background. Part of the webcast software is a chat board. During the Q&A we use the chat board for two things: 1. It allows the folks on the Q&A to talk to each other and 2. it allows Eloheim to ask for clarification/details on the questions which are submitted. In the past, Eloheim would ask for clarification, the answer would be typed into the chat, and then Mary would read it to Eloheim.
Since we had two computers this time, Eloheim could watch the chat board while the meeting was going on which changed the dynamic of the meeting quite a lot.
Continue Reading…
September, 2010
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September Q&A ~ It’s all about the Body! ~ 9-19-10
Hello everyone, September’s Q&A was all about the BODY! Almost every question focused on our relationship with the physical. The list of questions is below as are the links to purchase the on demand video replay or the audio recording.
Questions answered during this meeting:
I have a lot of self-judgment concerning body-image. Both negative and positive, but lately, mostly negative. It’s so deep-seated that it almost feels like a core emotion issue.
Would you please discuss any tools that I can use to help me move through this?
Do we indeed incarnate with a group? And if so, can the group have a common theme that they are exploring, such as power, addiction, poverty, etc?
What is it that’s blocking me from being able to transform my relationship to money – or better yet, transform my relationship to the lack of it? – I feel really ready to heal this issue in my life now.
Continue Reading…
August, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Feelings are NOT Emotions ~ 8-4-10
I woke up on Wednesday morning receiving a download of information from Eloheim. What does that even mean? Well, it is sort of like listening to a lecture. I don’t hear it with my ears. It it most similar to the voice I hear when I am thinking. However, it doesn’t ‘sound’ like my voice and they tell me about things that I haven’t considered before. Therefore, it’s Eloheim.
The download went on whether or not I was paying close attention. The most similar thing I can think of is when I used to listen to books on tape. The story continues even if I am not listening carefully.
But, Eloheim was talking about something I was very interested in, so I was paying attention!
They wanted to explain the difference between Feelings and Emotions. THIS WAS HELPFUL!
The entire Council decided to weigh in on the subject as well. I have clipped out the Visionaries section for the YouTube this week. I like how the Visionaries present material. It almost feels like they are reading from a script. They are very concise about it all. I also love how the rest of the Council rounds out the explanation and adds their unique insights.
During the meeting, folks were passing around a big, plastic bag of those yellow Goldfish crackers. When the Girls came in they wanted to try a fish cracker. One cracker on my tongue was all it took. It was absolutely overstimulating to them. My whole body felt like I was scratching my nails on a chalkboard. I had intense chills going down my spine. My tongue felt like it was coated with about an inch of …. stuff. The Girls let the cracker FALL OUT OF MY MOUTH! Then they did this crazy thing with my tongue trying to get the flavor off. The people participating live seem to have voted it the funniest moment in the history of my channeling.
I thought the funniest part was that the Girls wouldn’t put MY FEET back on the ground because they didn’t want to touch the fish cracker WITH MY FEET.
Like I said, lots of good stuff in the webcast replay. YES! The Warrior continued their story. They kindly didn’t leave us on such a cliff hanger ending this week!
8-4-10 ~ 88 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to bring our attention the moment and be present.
Visionaries: Discussed emotive states and the difference between emotions and feelings. Emotions are habitual, feelings are in the moment.
Eloheim: Expanded on the discussion of feelings and emotions, and took questions to help illustrate the concept. Also, gave us a weather report for the autumn and winter, into spring.
The Girls: Had a humorous time trying to eat a goldfish cracker. Brought the discussion of feelings and emotions around to self-love and the difference between vulnerability and weakness. They advise: Recognize and express your feelings and let that give you vulnerability rather than weakness.
Warrior: Continued the story of going to see the king, and dealing with Eric, illustrating unconsciousness versus consciousness.
Fred: Explained that by discerning the difference between emotion and feeling and delving into feeling in the moment, we allow our soul’s perspective into our being.
Matriarch: Invited us to allow ourselves to take the time to revel in the feelings of joy that can be associated with physicality.
Audio from the five meetings held in August, 2010
July, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Question and Answer Session ~ 7-18-10
We had a great Q&A with Eloheim last Sunday. Some of the questions Eloheim answered are listed below.
I am chatting with the people at FLIP right now to try and sort out why I am having so much trouble with the video editing software. Hopefully I will be able to add a YouTube video from this meeting soon.
EDIT: About 24 hours later and I got the software working! Video below!
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010
My preferences narrow the range of what I like in my surroundings and culture. I think I may have to move to find my people.It would be so much easier to fall in love with the community in my back yard. Is there a tool or something I might develop to have all that I need here?
My husband passed away five years ago and I’m kind of on the fence with whether or not I would like another man in my life. My questions is with all this new energy coming in; I keep hearing that we’re going to be our own best friends. I have been isolated for so long I think I’m to the point that I’m ready to meet someone, if not a love interest at least a really good male friend.
I have a lot of extremely violent nightmares and was wondering if there is anything you could share about why this is.
I’ve had a really fascinating physical experience this week…contact dermatitis with big blisters, swelling, etc. It came on slowly, was very intense, then healed quickly. This morning I woke up and looked at my hands and have been in awe of my body ever since. I’m growing new skin! It’s really beautiful. My question: The entire process seems to have taken place really quickly. Is this part of the “new paradigm”?
We’ve worked on becoming conscious in our thoughts, emotions, and biological responses… what’s next? sleep states?
members of the council say they walk beside us. sometimes i can feel the warrior with me. But I’m wondering if there’s something to say or do to FEEL the council members with us when we REALLY need their support.
Could you, please tell more about the significance of this consciousness convergence weekend?
I would like to know if the person i met in 2006, is my ‘soul’?in other words, did my ‘soul’ came to me in his ‘form’ and interacted with me? If so, why?
How do you give true attention to the process you find yourself in when you have lost any interest or joy in that process and your just trying to get to the end of it. I understand that there is supposed to be valuable stuff there on the journey so how do you really pay attention without the feeling of “Fine lets do this so I can get it over with.” and dragging it out longer than necessary.
I was using short sentences to create the job for me as you suggested at the private session. I feel that something is holding me back for the job to manifest. I would appreciate your insight on what is it and release it.
I wanted to know if you are in the same place as our higher selves are and are you in communication with that part of ourselves. If you are in communication with my higher self I was wondering if there is anything my higher self would like to tell me.
I am currently working for a very demanding boss (new job) who reminds me of my mother who was bipolar and OCD (obsessive compulsive). I have trouble reading his handwriting and my eyesight is worse because of the stress. The channel who usually reads for me says that there is an important life lesson here that I would get again if I were to bail. Do you have any tools/guidance for me in this situation when brings up so much fear?
My question is this: Even though I feel like I won the job lottery, when I look at all the crazy events that led me to this point I almost feel like there was an invisible hand that sort of pulled me to the place that I really had no conscious knowledge. My logical mind and fanciful wishing of how things would go had me pointed in an entirely different and easier direction. And although I AM WILLING and think this will be an interesting experience for growth, I’m kind of amazed at this new life I have created. I could use a little clarity.
How about a flashback video? Since 10/10/10 is coming soon, let’s flashback video to 9/9/9. I had just started channeling the Visionaries when they took on this this really complex idea.

ELOHEIM and The Council: I am OPEN to more ~ 7-14-10
The entire Council was present at the meeting on July 14th. The video files recorded properly, but I can’t get any of my editing programs to work. I have been trying for several days now. I am sure I am learning quite a lot, but I mostly just get to deal with being frustrated. I decided to break my habit of clipping out video from the meeting and do something completely different. Check it out!
7-14-10 ~ 82 minutes
Guardians: Remarked on a strong connections with us through our power chakras. We are constantly in a state of renewal, bringing in new energy and growing. As we do so, it is necessary to release. They advise us to allow for things that no longer serve us to be available to be released.
Visionaries: As we expand and become more conscious, we naturally take time to contract (go inward) to experience the change. The Visionaries advise us to be generous to ourselves in allowing for an expansion-and-contraction way of interacting with the world, rather than demanding that it has to be a certain way.
Eloheim: On being in the world: Allow for your vulnerability, and know that your truth is unassailable. Answered questions on fear of putting oneself out there on the Internet, and also on what would be a good spiritual topic to teach to eight-year-olds.
The Girls: When we go out into the world with our power chakras and our heart chakras, our second chakras are affected, also. The third chakra contains: “This is me taking me into the world,” and the second chakra contains: “This is me allowing the world into me.”
Warrior: Continues their story of going to see the king. They advise: Don’t let fears and habits tell you who you are.
Fred: Be open with willingness to more of the truth of you.
Matriarch: The truth of you can open into much, much more. The truth is a starting place to expand from.
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010