April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Can We Control Aging? 4-18-10
Hello everyone, here is a portion of the Q&A meeting we had with Eloheim on the 18th.
The list of all of the answered questions and links to the entire meeting are below.
4-18-10 ~ 82 minutes ~ April Q&A session
Questions answered during this session:
For the past two and a half years I’ve been experiencing what I would call bleed throughs from concurrent life times. This has triggered various phobic attacks from time to time. I’d like to heal the phobia that is related to fear of glue, stickers, sticky tape and also knives. Feels like I experienced death by torture using some of these implements in some other time line. I’ve used conscious breath work, acknowledging the fear I’m feeling and even welcoming the wounded aspect back home to me. Then I read about acknowledging the fear and asking for only the highest vibrational aspect of that lifetime to be present. I’m still experiencing total fear even though I’m consciously working on this. Do you have any extra information relating to my intention to heal this please?
I’d like to know if it’s possible and if so, how, to regenerate my physical body to its original blueprint and keep it in that state to such time as I decide to leave this dimension. Is this possible in my current state of consciousness? I don’t seem to age at the same rate as everyone else and was wondering if this was due to increased light quota?
We’ve heard the Eloheim mentioned in several other channels. Recently one from St Germaine speaking about Eloheim as one of the many energies assisting on Earth right now. Are you the Eloheim that St Germaine and others have spoken about? If so, will you talk about your relationship to them.
The last two places I’ve lived have reached dramatic and very unpleasant crescendos, with my room mate getting an eviction notice which propels me to find a new place.This is happening right now though it’s less harsh than last time. How do I create a totally non-harsh way of moving on, severing ties etc? Ever since I’ve moved to New York it’s been like this.
If a belief you have worked on a lot and thought you had changed, reappears, and you realize is deeply entrenched and affecting you significantly, what’s the best way to transform it?
I’m overwhelmed. What’s the one thing I can do with fear to get some clarity? I really need help with the parenting of it all and the mate that’s not helping and the direction of my life’s path – to leave parenting or keep doing it or changing it, or?
Do you have some tools to take questions of the past and the future from your head or mind into your heart? I’m having trouble bringing that into the heart. What does that look like, how do you do that?
I’d love to hear more about our group connection to you and to each other. The love and openness is contagious. This is where I want to be.
Can you touch on the fine line between being helpful and infringing on other people’s journeys. I don’t mean giving our wax away but when you have extra to give; when it’s helpful and our responsibility to help others, and to what extent?
I am wondering whether the inverse gravity generator, as invented by John Searl, is poised to replace our fossil fuel energy worldwide soon and is my involvement with this project my life’s work here?
I expect to be very successful as a singer/musician/artist. My question is while I believe I will some day achieve great financial success, is expecting it the same as expecting ‘how things will go’? What’s the difference? I was visualizing a million dollars a week ago and I wondered, is this worth it, can I manifest it? Or is this getting me nowhere because I’m expecting a certain amount of money.
At a retreat this weekend I became very angry with someone that I thought talked too much. I was bored and became very angry and said so. This anger was unexpected. Where do it come from?
What’s the role of astrology in our lives? I’d love to hear Eloheim’s viewpoint on this.
What is our group collapsed warrior experience and to each other and you?
I was once attracting and ended up surrounded by secret groups who were feeding off of my energy in every imaginable way.
It was through these kinds of people I learned about my light but I also learned about secret societies. Now that I’m aware of secret societies I know symbols, hand gestures in our media and society that are very occult/ritualistic in nature. What kind of roles are these secret groups playing in our society as we head towards 2012?
I get the thinking part.However that’s all of who I am and what I do. How do I stop thinking? I don’t understand the heart stuff.
Are my Ahas from the soul? I had a dream that actualized completely last week. Seems to be happening more and more.
I wonder if that’s my soul’s input?
What color crayons are available? What can I get from this situation that I haven’t gotten? I want to see this from a different perspective.
Do you have something to say about confusing, disconcerting dreams?
This morning I woke up hearing a funny sound, six tones long. Seemed kind of odd.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010
December, 2009
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ELOHEIM: 3rd and 4th Chakras, Emotions ~ GUARDIANS AND VISIONARIES 12-2-09
This week’s meeting was WILD. It started off with me sharing a difficult situation in my life. I was crying and you can likely hear it in my voice. THEN, a NEW GROUP, The Guardians came in.
They are a very different energy to channel and boy was it strange. Then, Eloheim and The Visionaries contributed their perspectives to the discussion of ensouling the emotional system, the merging of the 3rd and 4th chakras, and finishing the questions from last week’s list.
It was an emotional night learning about emotions!
12-2-09 ~ 79 minutes (first appearance of the Guardians)
Summary: (First channeling of the Guardians)
Guardians: Introduced themselves and suggested we call them the Guardians.
Visionaries: Discussed where we are now and where we’re going with the 2010 energetic. They urged us to come to terms with our truth by “recommitting to the authentic expression of you, which is the ensouled energetic expressing physically in collaboration with the personality, and offering that as an emanation without it being dependent upon how it’s received.”
Eloheim: Talked about balancing the energy of our chakras, especially the third and fourth chakras. They also discussed how sometimes it’s hard to be graceful in telling the truth of ourselves. This is something that we will learn with practice. We can start by saying, “Even when I’m triggered, I can still tell my truth.”
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009
November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Losing Weight, Finding the Truth of You ~ 11-11-09
Last night’s meeting started off with 10 minutes from the Visionaries. They came in to further explain the “What is true now” tool and to offer encouragement to us to continue using it.
Eloheim spoke for 78 minutes. They offered deeper insight into how the “What is true now” tool works (with examples). Eloheim also covered obsessive thinking, gave a preview of the energies of 2010, talked about clearing the cells of the body, and much, much more.
The section of the meeting I chose to offer in video form is Eloheim’s answer to a question about wanting to lose weight (both physical and energetic). It has been a long time since Eloheim addressed this issue and their answer felt very powerful to me.
Acknowledge triggers in a new way in order to transform the outcome of those triggers.
My external self is starting to shift to reflect the inner truth of me. I am ready for the physical expression of me to reflect the truth of me I am knowing now.
Until you say YES to the moment you can’t change it.
11-11-09 88 minutes
Visionaries: Discussed “What is true now” and its use in uncovering our baggage. Issues that we’re unconscious about are always baggage until they become tools. Consciousness shifts baggage—either throws it off the ship or transforms it into a tool. “What is true now” points out the places where you get to make that choice so that we can ask ourselves, “Is this something that is an asset or is this something that’s a liability?”
Eloheim: Opened with a discussion of “What is true now,” and then took questions about how people were experiencing the new tool in their lives. This led to one especially deep discussion of body image/body weight and past experiences affecting our current lives.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009
September, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Deepening the Experience of the Body 9-2-09
Hello everyone,
This week’s Eloheim channeling focused on deepening the experience of body. It was a very warm night and we had both of the big doors open in our meeting room for the first time this summer. You can probably hear the crickets in the background. We could also hear the breeze in the trees.
This clip also includes the Energies of September.
The sound can become a feeling. Can you feel that sound as it just washes across the skin? When you are operating as an ensouled human…your senses become heightened because you are not ONLY operating from the human perspective any longer.
You’re the one deciding how deeply you experience the moment.
Energies of September 2009: Sneaky September. The truth of you has found you!
You start to live in a place that has no opposite: This is my TRUTH! That is how you live free: When your position is not dictated by someone else, but is instead created by your internal process.
I found a new function on my video editing software which is going to save me A LOT of time preparing the videos. This made it possible to pick snippets from various parts of the meeting for this week’s video.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009
July, 2009
Back to TopJune, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Shifting the Biological Response 6-24-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, the Eloheim channeling of June 24, 2009 started off with a bang. The reboot is in full swing and Eloheim made sure we knew it. There is so much in this 10 minute clip! The entire meeting was 92 minutes and is available for purchase below.
Eloheim has told us many times that they translate an energetic into words. They will use ANY word to do that. They make up words and they use (what some might consider to be) swear words as well. Their intensity at the end of this clip surprised me. They are really, really doing what they can to let us know how important this is.
This clip includes a discussion of the difference between the Homo Sapiens and the Homo Spiritus states.
Eloheim also puts out a challenge for those that come to the meeting (and those who hear the material online): Show up with an intention for growth.
Here are some quotes from the clip:
The main thing that is going on is you monitoring the biological response, that means how your body reacts to what is going on, as you deepen your ability to live consciously or reinforce your choice to live consciously.
I planned to add more quotes, but I got wrapped up in listening and never quite figured out what section should be singled out! No wonder Eloheim took a drink of water at the end of it, this clip goes at a fast pace and is almost one long sentence! Even the neighbor’s dog wandering into the meeting room didn’t stop Eloheim’s flow!
Alternative definition of Fear: A biological reaction to the idea of change.
The full meeting also includes a powerful discussion of healing the societal core emotion of service.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in June 2009

ELOHEIM: Physical Changes Through Consciousness
REMINDER: The Martinez, CA meeting has been postponed. We continue to meet every Wednesday in Sonoma.
Hello everyone,
The Eloheim channeling of June 17, 2009 was held in Sonoma, CA. The meeting focused on discussion and information following the appearance of the Visionaries during the meeting of June 10th.
Eloheim spent the meeting answering questions and ‘getting us all on the same page’ so that we can move forward.
Eloheim made it clear that we have been rebooted and are in a brand new place: Finding delight in the idea that ‘we don’t know anything’ about living from the Soul’s perspective so all things are new.
Eloheim did indicate that we may continue to have ‘special guests’ at the channelings. So, even in that way, we are in a new beginning!
This video focuses on our increasing ability to create physical changes in our bodies using consciousness.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in June 2009
February, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Consciousness and Fear – My Story
Before the meeting of 2-18-09 three interesting things occurred:
1. I forgot to plug in the laptop, so we don’t have video of the first 30 minutes or so. Managing electronics while in an altered state is a tricky proposition!
2. I requested that Eloheim summarize their teachings about fear.
3. I told a story.
The story was about my recent encounter with a police officer. I have been driving for about 26 years and had never been pulled over for a moving violation.
Recently, on my way through the Sonoma Plaza after dropping off some promotional materials for the Well Being Expo I am producing, I was pulled over for running a stop sign.
The experience continues to teach me quite a lot!
The officer was tucked in at a four-way stop keeping an eye out for folks running the sign. I saw the officer and actually thought, “Wow, he is looking for people to pull over for running the stop sign.” When he quickly pulled in behind me I thought, “He must have somewhere to go.” When he put on his red light I thought, “He must need me to get out of his way!”
He didn’t.
By this time my heart was racing and my body felt so strange. I didn’t have a clue what he wanted or why he had pulled me over. I didn’t know what one does in this situation AND, I kept remembering that Eloheim had used the example of getting pulled over as an example of how to deal with fear.
So, I watched my fear as best I could. It was on the brink of being emotionally overwhelming. However, I really knew that this feeling had a lot to do with my core emotion (everyone has one and mine is ‘fear of being kicked out of the tribe’). I kept watching it and tried to also keep my wits about me.
The conversation with the officer seemed to go on forever, but it was probably only a few minutes. He said that I ran the stop sign. I said that I knew the stop sign was there, felt that I had stopped, and that I had seen him watching the intersection so it is unlikely I would have ran a monitored stop sign.
Then he said the first very interesting thing (I am paraphrasing), “it is strange that we could have such different views on the same event.” Ah, I loved that comment! That put me into a more conscious place immediately. I didn’t find it strange at all. I thought that was the bit that made more sense then anything else that was happening!
You see, I was talking on my cell phone while I was driving. It is legal to talk on your cell hands free in California, but I still felt strange about doing it. Plus, I was leaving a message for a friend who I was ‘worried’ about. I WAS IN LOW VIBRATION.
I feel that I attracted the officer’s attention with my low vibrational state. He saw it as running the stop sign. I saw it as being less than fully conscious of what I was doing.
Once I got that big Aha, things shifted somewhat. I could feel the fear voice saying things like, “this is going to cost you money, you are going to have to go to a class, etc.” But, I knew that it wasn’t about money or time, it was about this moment. So, I focused on what what actually happening right now.
I was able to keep money/time fears at a minimum. The overwhelming adrenaline is another story completely though. Wow, the body response in this situation was so intense!
At some point during our conversation, I heard the small voice say, ‘make the request.’ I asked the officer if he could give me a warning. He then said the second most interesting thing of the conversation, he said, ‘How can I give you a warning for something you don’t think you did?’ I LOVED THAT RESPONSE! It was so conscious.
I replied that I would consider this driver’s training 25 years later and I promised to be more conscious about stopping fully at stop signs.
He said, OK, and let me go with a warning.
Whew! Shortly thereafter my cell phone rang. After stopping the car (!) I answered. It was a good friend saying, “My husband just saw you get pulled over on the plaza and I want to make sure you are ok. I am hosting a meeting at my house in five minutes, but I knew I had to call right away!”
Which goes to show:
1. Sonoma is a small town.
2. I have great friends.
3. I didn’t get kicked out of the tribe! (ah, the healing of the core emotion, such a powerful process)
The residual processing of the body’s reaction to this was much more difficult to process than the actual experience. I was in a lot of discomfort for the remainder of the evening. It has taught me so much that I am actually grateful for it now, but WOW was it hard at the time.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009
June, 2007
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Eloheim 05-30-07 Soul, Personality, Body – How do these relate anyway?
This clip from the 05-30-07 meeting includes a discussion between Eloheim and a new group member Simon. In this clip, Eloheim clarifies and explains many concepts including: How the Soul relates to the Body, What happens to the personality and its experiences after the incarnation, becoming Homo Spiritus, The point of this incarnation, and En-Souling your body.
Eloheim also gives a list of ways to facilitate En-Souling your body.
Eloheim 05-30-07 Soul, Personality, Body – How do these relate anyway?
January, 2007
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Eloheim: 1-10-07 What Does Physical Discomfort Have To Reveal?
The meeting of January 10, 2007 was a powerhouse! This clip starts with a comment about physical discomfort and goes on to talk about what discomfort will be like when we have out ‘super consciousness’ in our bodies. This comment followed the one I posted yesterday about cold weather. Maybe you will get Eloheim’s joke at the end, the group seemed to miss it completely. 🙂
[odeo= odeo.com/audio/6621453/view]