July, 2012
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Paperback Books ON SALE on Amazon
Amazon has our PAPERBACK books on sale!
Four of our books are on the 4 for 3 promotion.
This means that you can get all four and only pay for three!
I don’t know how long this offer will last as it is an internal Amazon promotion.
Here are the links:
Choice for Consciousness, ONE ~ $9.99
Choice for Consciousness, TWO ~ $9.99
What Will Happen in 2012 and Beyond? ~ $5.95
They also put the Warrior’s book – The Journey of Consciousness, A Warrior’s Tale – on sale (not in the 4 for 3 promotion) for $10.34.
June, 2012
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Discovering YOU ~ Eloheim’s Latest eBook, Now Available ~ $1.49
I’m thrilled to announce that Discovering YOU is now available as an ebook for $1.49.
Are you “drained from doing too much”? Are you trying to answer the question, “What am I here to do?” Do you feel trapped and confused by your life? Are you wondering how you can take care of yourself AND meet your responsibilities?
Kay was feeling the same way when she contacted Eloheim for a private session. Eloheim’s answers to Kay’s inquiries are so powerful and apply to so many different life situations, I knew before the session was even over that they had to be offered in book form.
Follow along as Eloheim offers Kay a new, empowering perspective. Eloheim’s insights include 12 tools specifically tailored to help Kay (and you!) discover “What is true now?” and how to use that truth to live more fully.
From Kay:
“Eloheim is a straight-talking, humorous resource for my soul and for any and all who feel lost within themselves. I was questioning within my being who I am as an essence, and my place in this world; this session helped guide me to the important spark of light and influence that I emanate….! ( As opposed to the sometimes random feeling of being just another cog in the wheels of life.)
Eloheim as channeled through Veronica helped point my feet in the right direction.
The information here while simple in its wisdom had a profound effect on me claiming my birthright as a divine co-creator of my wildest dreams!!”
To order this eBook for $1.49, please follow this link:
Discovering YOU contains the transcript of Kay’s session, 12 tools and 68 definitions of terms and concepts.
May, 2012
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The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 2 NOW AVAILABLE!
Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to announce that our new book is now available on Amazon!!! The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living: Vol. 2 ~ $3.99 ebook
Follow this link to place your order.
Volume one is on sale for $2.99 to celebrate! Use this link to order volume one.
Through the act of loving yourself, you give the gift of the truth of you to this world.
The most powerful way you can be in the world is by loving yourself well and then living your life from that place. The question is: how do you do that? How do you love yourself when faced with overwhelming responsibilities, guilt, and feeling like the world is stacked against you?
You love yourself well when you make the choice for consciousness. Consciousness changes the way you view yourself and the way you view your life.
Change is rarely easy; yet staying the same offers no relief from suffering. The choice for consciousness is challenging, but familiar suffering is painful–and it’s a pain with no end in sight!
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living series is designed to offer step-by-step tools to support your movement out of fear-based living and into consciousness-based living;
to help you let go of baggage, static, and unhealthy habits; and to show you how to discard victim mentality, so that you can live fully as the creator of your life.
Volume One of the series contained tools to help you realize that you create your reality. This volume contains tools crafted to help you begin to LIVE as a creator.
The tools can be used in any order and are very powerful when combined with each other. This book is not a narrative, but a reference text we hope you will return to again and again.
The fear of change and the habit of staying small collaborate to say, “No, no, no, don’t you dare change because that could be dangerous. Who knows what will happen if you change?” That’s the moment when you have to take the risk of allowing yourself to walk the truth of you in the world. When you hear the voice that says, “No, no, no, I can’t be that big. I can’t shine my light that much. I can’t emanate the truth of me to these people,” that’s the point when you need to say instead, “I want healing above all else. I want healing above all else. My desire for healing is stronger than my fear of what will happen if I shine my light, than my fear of how my truth will be received. My desire for healing is stronger than that. Emanation of the truth of me comes first.”
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support the journey out of fear-based living into the consciousness-based operating system.
December, 2011
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The Warrior’s Book is Available in Paperback and eBook
“This entire story is to help you
know who you are.” This “fairy tale for grown-ups” follows the Warrior’s journey as he encounters castles and kings, battles and beasties, while learning to live from an open heart. The Warrior explains how to live the truth of you, how to have a healthy relationship to authority figures, and how to be vulnerable and strong at the same time.
“Anything that is presenting itself to you is presenting itself to you for growth.”
Filled with humor, sage advice, penetrating insight, and above all, profound support for your process, the Warrior’s tale clarifies your spiritual path.
“Now, it’s really fun to see the King when you stink. Why? Because what you want the king to know is that you are not just a little pawn in his game to be manipulated to his benefit. When you go to see the king, whomever the king is in your world, take who you are with you, and if that means you drop mud on his perfect floor, well, there you are.”
The Warrior is one of the seven Council members channeled by Veronica Torres. The Council’s teachings focus on spiritual growth and the movement from the fear-based to the consciousness-based operating system. They specialize in offering specific tools which will facilitate your spiritual growth.
In addition to the Warrior’s story, The Journey of Consciousness includes the following tools: Clarity vs. certainty; Feet under shoulders; How ridiculous does it have to get?; I don’t know anything; Lay it down and walk away; Mad scientist; Neutral observation; “No” is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/judgments; Script holding/Script-holders; Strongest chakra; Vulnerability vs. weakness; What’s in your lap?; What is true now?; Where am I lying to myself? “Wow!”, not “why?”, and You to you (comparing). It also includes 126 definitions of terms and concepts used in The Council’s teachings.
“When you’re facing your triggers, if you start to waiver in your courage, just imagine that we stand behind you. We will stand beside you in consciousness and courage any time you wish.” – The Warrior
This book is awesome! I can’t stop reading and rereading.
Oh my god, Veronica! This is so freaking WISE and hilarious and strangely tender. Up to Chapter 11 and laughing my ass off. THANK YOU
Enjoyable. Riveting. Inspirational. I felt as if the warrior was speaking to me. I still feel the strength of his presence.
The Warrior book is great. I finally turned off the kindle at 1:30am!
This book clearly presents all of the Warrior methods and tools in a concise and easily understood format. It is also a great review for those who have been perfecting the tools though previous webinars and mp3 releases. This ebook helps me keep the tools at the ready for conscientiously practicing now, moment by moment.
October, 2011
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The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Collection 1 – eBook NOW AVAILABLE
The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Collection 1
Includes Vol. 1 through Vol. 8
266 pages
EBOOK VERSION. You will receive the PDF, ePub, and Mobi (Kindle) versions of the book.
COLLECTION ONE of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 1-8. These volumes are also available individually.
COLLECTION ONE includes transcripts of EIGHT Eloheim and The Council channeling sessions held between July 7, 2010 and August 25, 2010.
The focus of COLLECTION ONE is:
It’s not WHY is this happening? It’s WOW this is happening! Experiences are here to facilitate growth, expansion, and transformation. Nothing happens TO you, it all happens FOR you. You create your reality by choosing your reactions to your experiences.
The spiritual journey is a natural process of expansion (growth) and contraction (contemplation). Through this process, you discover the truth of you and learn to emanate that truth into the world. Empower yourself by discerning the difference between vulnerability and weakness. Evolve your relationship to the survival instinct; don’t let fear and habits tell you who you are!
The truth of you is emanated into the world through your choices about how you react to your creations. If issues come up again, it doesn’t mean you’re broken, it means you’re going deeper; allow yourself to go deeper with it.
Feelings are not emotions! Feelings are a deep and powerful pathway to ascension based on what is actually occurring in this moment. Emotions are habitually, biologically, and/or culturally based. Be vulnerable. Tell the truth. Be honest about your feelings. Be willing to admit when you want to learn something. Open to the fact that you don’t know everything.
When you’re tempted to be in the past or the future, we invite you to say: “Am I courageous enough to be with me now? Am I courageous enough to attend to my concerns about me? My fascination about me. My insight about me. Am I courageous enough to do that?”
Where do you feel unlovable? The answer is the doorway to the next level of your spiritual growth. The true nature of your infinite, and immortal self resides just a breath away in any moment, and it exists for you to access at any time.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system.
COLLECTION ONE includes 29 tools:
Big toe, left elbow; Choose and choose again; Color with all the crayons; Don’t be mean to yourself; Equal signs; Feelings are not emotions; Feet under shoulders; Go to the bathroom; How ridiculous does it have to get?; Mad Scientist; Money mantra; Neutral observation; “No” is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/Judgments; Re-queue; Script holding; Short, factual statements; Velcro; Vulnerability vs. weakness; What is in your lap?; What is IS; What is true now?; Where am I lying to myself?; Who answers the door?; Why, why, why?;Wow!, not why?; You can’t have change without change; You to you (compare).
Additionally, COLLECTION ONE includes 126 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.
June, 2011
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The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 1 FREE Sample
FREE sample of The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 1
This sample contains seven tools. The full version of this book contains 22 tools and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts along with special features and additional information.
The full version of The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living, Vol 1. is available on Amazon.
Ebook ~ $3.99
Paperback ~ $9.99
May, 2011
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The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 2
Our latest book, The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 2 is now available as an ebook.
The spiritual journey is a natural process of expansion (growth) and contraction (contemplation). Through this process, you discover the truth of you and learn to emanate that truth into the world. Empower yourself by discerning the difference between vulnerability and weakness. Evolve your relationship to the survival instinct; don’t let fear and habits tell you who you are!
Volume two of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the transcript of the July 14, 2010 meeting and includes the following tools:
Don’t be mean to yourself; How ridiculous does it have to get?; Money mantra; Neutral observation; Preferences/Judgments; Short, factual statements; Vulnerability vs. Weakness; What is, IS; Where am I lying to myself?; You can’t have change without change; You to you (U2U).
Volume two also includes 108 definitions of terms and concepts including the following new terms:
Aura; Core Emotion; Heart–power chakra combination; Lateral pass; Mt. Everest; On the bus; Your internal world creates your external journey.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system. These tools are developed during private sessions and public gatherings.
Each book in the Homo Spiritus Sessions series consists of the transcript of one of our public sessions, enriched with supporting material. The supporting material includes information about Eloheim and The Council, descriptions of tools referenced in the session, and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.
Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 1
It’s not WHY is this happening? It’s WOW this is happening!
This subtle shift of language facilitates a huge shift in perspective. Experiences are here to facilitate growth, expansion, and transformation. Nothing happens TO you, it all happens FOR you. You create your reality by choosing your reactions to your experiences.
Shift your perspective to WOW and then allow for your changed perspective to change your life.
Volume one of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the transcript of the July 7, 2010 meeting and includes the following tools:
Color with all the crayons, Feet under shoulders, Neutral observation, Point fingers, Preferences/Judgments, Velcro, What is true now?, Where am I lying to myself?, Why, why, why?, Wow!, not why?, You can’t have change without change, Compare you to you (U2U).
Volume one also includes the definitions of over 100 terms and concepts.
March, 2011
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My Journey in Self-Publishing or I Have a Micro-Press or I’M PUBLISHED!!!
First off, a BIG thank you to Joe Konrath of http://jakonrath.blogspot.com/. If you are thinking of self-publishing your book, go there and read all about it. Be sure to read the comments on his posts as there are often lots of great tips hidden in there.
As it turns out, even if you can get a publishing contract, you typically wait 18 months or more to actually see your book in print. I didn’t want to wait that long and I didn’t relish the idea of shopping my book around either.
Joe’s example and my own entrepreneurial spirit (read: don’t like anyone else telling me what to do or when to do it) made the self-publishing route very attractive to me.
The self-publishing ebook field is on fire right now. Things are growing at a fierce pace. There are lots of books and lots of blogs offering help and insight. This post isn’t meant to be a step by step or even comprehensive explanation of the process. It is meant to detail some of the things that I had to figure out myself often by investing a LOT of time and energy.
Here are some of the things I have learned so far:
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