May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Say YES to Now, YES This is MY Creation! 5-19-10
Hello everyone!
I am still catching up on the newsletters for the May meetings. Preparing our Round 2 submission for the Next Top Spiritual Author contest took center stage over the last two weeks!
Eloheim and the Council have made it really clear that saying YES to now is vitally important in our spiritual journey at this time. I have included Eloheim’s discussion of this concept in the video below, but all the Council members are talking about it.
It is taking the ‘being in the moment’ idea to a completely new level. There is more about this in the 5-26-10 meeting.
You can say YES to something that is difficult, without believing that you are creating more of it. When you consciously consider your shadow you often fear you are creating more shadow, however what you are actually creating is more conscious consideration.
5-19-10 ~ 75 minutes
Guardians: Brought our attention into the moment by pointing out the choice we can make between shifting our focus from the habitual mental way of experiencing ourselves, or allowing ourselves to be open to the moment without obsessive thinking.
Eloheim: Took questions and discussed our confusion about our creatorship. You’re allowed to have confusion about the need for your creation, but you must say yes to your creation nonetheless. Saying yes does not mean you want it to continue, it means that you acknowledge your creatorship. Also discussed the Warrior and how their energy is been experienced by people in the group.
The Girls: The body is an integral part of the Ascension process and the movement to Homo spiritus. When you say yes to your creations, be sure to be kind to your body and acknowledge that what it feels is valid.
Warrior: As you start off on a new path where there has been no path before, allow yourself to open to the possibility that there is a trail where you don’t see one, because what tends to happen is you assume you know and then you don’t explore. You have to allow yourself the presence of the observing moment to inform you of options you have yet to consider.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us that we are all One.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010

ELOHEIM: A review of 50+ tools! 4-28-10
The Eloheim channeling session of April 28, 2010 was unique and wonderful! Eloheim had me prepare worksheets which I distributed to the group. Eloheim and the group used these worksheets to review and categorize more than 50 of the tools Eloheim has taught over the last seven years.
I clipped out a bit of the meeting for the YouTube video, but there is SO MUCH in the 90 minutes we were together.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010
Here is the list of tools Eloheim reviewed during the meeting.
1. Am I in danger in this moment
2. Blue bubble
3. Checking things off your list
4. Choose and choose again
5. Clarity vs. certainty
6. Coloring with the unseen crayons
7. Don’t bring your baggage to the moment
8. Don’t put handcuffs on God
9. Fear is a choice and not a mandate
10. Feel your toes
11. Grace, ease and bliss
12. Going to the bathroom
13. How ridiculous does it have to get
14. Letting go of the rope
15. Magnetizing needs met
16. Neutral observation
17. None of your business
18. On the bus
19. Preferences, boundaries and consequences
20. Shovel or ladder
21. Set it outside of yourself
22. Superhero powers
23. Velcro
24. What am I learning from this
25. What is this teaching me
26. What am I afraid of
27. Why is this happening FOR me
28. Why, why, why
29. You can’t have change without change
30. Collapsing and integrating alternate expressions
31. Combined heart/power chakra
32. Letting go of service mentality
33. Where am I lying to myself
34. What is true now
35. Go on and love yourself
36. Short factual statements
37. Four levels of the law of attraction
38. Being a question mark
39. Compare you to you
40. Your energetic billboard
41. This emotion is a choice (math problem example)
42. What am I ashamed of
43. Fascination, integration, emanation
44. Appreciation brings you into the moment
45. I don’t know anything
46. Money mantra
47. Equal signs
48. Candle
49. Cascading and concurrent fears
50. Is it in your lap
51. Get me dead
52. Spilling the orange juice
53. Circle tool
54. Fingertip tool
55. Don’t be mean to yourself
[/stextbox]Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Transform Shame, Guilt and Embarrassment 4-21-10
Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting was really powerful. The Council is focused on helping us transform our relationship to our shadow places so we can continue ascending and live as Homo spiritus.
The love you have for yourself is being corroded by the places that you are hiding from yourself. The Girls
You have hidden from yourself to survive….hiding from it is the survival instinct….but we are here to evolve the survival instinct to give you the opportunity to transform out of the fear based operating system into the consciousness based operating system. Eloheim
You have moved into the right relationship to the truth of you! You walk into the field [of battle] but the field is within you.The Warrior
4-21-10 ~ 77 minutes
Eloheim: Energetic billboard tool: Energetically what are you telling people about yourself? You’re a culmination of all your life experiences and now a culmination of your soul’s expressions and you’re emanating that into the world. Job interviews, you’re interviewing them to see if you want to emanate in their environment. Explains what a core emotion is.
Visionaries: Part of what is the conundrum for you about emanation is that you are uncomfortable with the completeness of you. The best place for you to start with owning your energetic is with owning your shadow.
Warrior: What have you conquered? You have conquered the inertia, you’ve moved past the procrastination, and you’ve transformed the fear that you feel when looking at your truth. You have moved into the right relationship with the truth of you.
WE are always with you.
BE Courageous!!
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010

ELOHEIM: Steps to Live From Your Soul’s Perspective
Hello everyone,
This wonderful video was created by my co-author Waller. This message came out of a private session last year.
Eloheim has given us details about each of these steps and, as I type this, it occurs to me that this information would make a great book!

ELOHEIM: Dealing with Sandpaper People 4-14-10
Wednesday’s meeting was really nice. Waller made this great slide show sharing Eloheim’s teachings on their new tool “short factual statements.”
You are not here for the conclusion! The Visionaries
How am I supposed to love me when I know all of this about me? The Girls
If you don’t love yourself well, the moment is a scary place because you are afraid of your own company. The Girls
Here is video of The Visionaries, The Girls and Eloheim. The Warrior, The Guardians, and the Matriarch also shared during the meeting.
4-14-10 ~ 84 minutes
Visionaries: There is a misunderstanding that you are going to “get somewhere” past this and that this is what you’re doing by ascending; No. You are here now. It’s the journey, not the destination. The only place where things are happening is here, now.
Eloheim: The question of You. Accumulation of all of the “now’s” is ascension. You can’t get ascension until you get “the now.” The triggers you experience are the hand holds for you to climb with. Sandpaper people—You can ask for the same lesson to come to you in another way from someone less harsh. It’s up to you. With possibility comes responsibility comes free will transformation. Keep your “wax” precious to you—share your flame, keep your wax for yourself.
TOOLS discussion
What’s my big toe doing? (check in with body)
2010 version of self—who am I now and what is my truth, now?
Stay present in the moment.
Speak your truth
Stay out of “service” mentality
Hold firm to your boundaries; or create a boundary as the situation requires
Make clear and concise statements
Eloheim discusses the manifesting process of the “why” of the “want” and using clear, concise statements of why you want.
Girls: Don’t give your wax away—You can love yourself most/best—transform your inner most secrets by making clear, concise statements about them and looking again. The gift that you give to the all that is; is self-love. Short, factual statements. Stay present in the moment.
Warriors: We empower you all to show up with your tools. Which tools do you carry close to you?—Most comfortable tools? Keep them sharp and clean; in good repair; get new ones all the time. PRACTICE THEM. Use every opportunity to practice. Be not afraid to practice. Be ready to USE them.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010

ELOHEIM: Being the Question of You 4-7-10
Hello everyone!
Wednesday meeting really hit home with me and it continues to unfold. I know I am what Eloheim terms and “overachieving lightworker.” I have sought answers to questions my entire life and not always in a relaxed way.
Of course the answer to “Who am I?” has long been sought. Hearing the Council address how this isn’t a question we are even meant to answer, but instead to ‘abide in’ was such a wonderful relief to me.
It was like the teacher saying, “Learn all you want about this. There won’t be a test or a term paper or anything like that, just you and your exploration.”
It took me out of seeking and into being at a level I hadn’t accessed before.
To experience the wholeness of you is the outcome of every situation that has a question mark in it. How is the wholeness of me expressed in this questioning state? …find that sense of completeness within a question because there are always going to be more questions. Who am I? You always live in a question!The Guardians
What is the question I am exploring by the current way I am living? We want you to become comfortable with being a question mark. Consciously knowing you are in a questioning state. Clarity isn’t a momentary sense of certainty. Clarity is the moment’s answer to the question, but the question doesn’t go away simply because you had an aha in this moment. The Visionaries
4-7-10 ~ 79 minutes
Guardians: “What does this really tell me about me, what does this really show me about me, what is this illuminating about me?”
Visionaries: “What is the question I am answering by the current way I am living? What is the question I’m exploring by my expression?” The questioning state is a permanent condition of your soul’s nature
Eloheim: You’re here because you want to be here so that you can answer the question and explore the question “Who am I?” You are a question that you are exploring forever.
The Girls: Simply by taking a breath you have earned your place here. Every heartbeat is the only requirement for existence on this plane. You don’t have to do anything special to have your spot.
Warriors: When you’re a question you’re constantly able to move and flow, to bend like the reeds, to sway like the trees. It makes you one with the movement of nature. It makes you one with the changing of nature.
Matriarch: “I can stand in the truth of me and see more truth of me as it’s a question unfolding rather than a question that must be answered.”
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010
March, 2010
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ELOHEIM: This is a CHOICE ~ The Warrior and More 3-24-10
Hello everyone!
First some news. Tomorrow, March 29th, marks the beginning of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. I will send an email tomorrow morning with all the details! Please join us for this brand new chapter in the Eloheim journey.
In the video, I have included Eloheim explaining how each of the members of The Council attune to a specific chakra and how you can use that resonance to work with them in a new way.
The Warrior joined us again this week and this time I have included their message.
The video concludes with Eloheim talking about boundary setting and re-experiencing your core issues from a more powerful, healed place.
3-24-10 ~ 86 Minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by offering us a clearing of any energetic excess we no longer need.
Visionaries: Told us that all of the Council walks with us through our world. Discussed triggers: A trigger is an opportunity for you to know you; and then the next step, out of the triggered state and into consciousness, is you expressing the vision of you.
Eloheim: Took comments and questions about last week’s experience of the new Warrior energy coming through, and how it affected people since then.
The Girls: Looked at what the second chakra energy in our lives really means, from the fun aspects to the very serious aspects.
Warrior: Told us that judging ourselves, especially in our shadow aspects, brings suffering. Advised us to remember that our reactions to triggers are a choice.
Matriarch: Talked about lifting the veil from our true selves and allowing ourselves to experience our true nature. Asked us to accept the paradigm shift away from: “Will I ever get there?” to: “I’m there and I just need to reveal the truth of me.”
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010
January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Connecting with Soul, Chakra Check in ~ 1-17-10
Hello everyone from a VERY rainy Sonoma, California!
We had a great webcast on Sunday. We had folks from at least five different countries and had a great variety of questions.
I haven’t booked the February webcast yet. The date I was aiming for is taken up by a planned video shoot with the band. I need to check with the crew and see what other dates work. I hope to get that settled tomorrow night at the meeting.
In the meantime, we are webcasting the weekly meetings and I hope you can join us. Follow this link to sign up: Just in case you were with us on Sunday and were wondering what that final little thing was that kept us from using the new microphones: Turns out we needed the latest version of Flash. I downloaded it and got it all working this evening. YIPPEE!
Look at this cute little mixing board! I think she needs a name. Suggestions????
Owning the experience you are having and letting it reveal your truth.
The way you love yourself is how you walk in the world!
AUDIO – 01-17-10 – 83 minutes ~ Q&A Session
List of questions answered during the meeting:
I’m wondering if the folks in Haiti were on board for this (1-13-10 earthquake) as part of the plan to open our hearts and begin operating from our heart center?
What’s going on energetically today? I feel discombobulated – like I’m backslid few steps on my path.
I was there at the amazing meeting Wed night and have experienced some anxiety since then. Is that just the adjusting to the energy shift?
Spent years creating herself, can see the big picture, find the lesson, understand the thoughts and actions of others but this has left her in a place where superficial conversations, lack of expressions of love and folks being angry and upset, keeps her spending most of her time alone. Can’t find anything to connect to and is always the one folks bring their stuff to. She give a lot. How does she live and be happy and how does she stop wanting something in return when it seems like no-one has much to give when in need of so much. Why are people such takers? Good grief!
After experiencing many events during the past five years as 7.0 on the Ritcher scale, how can I clean the old energy out of the house or is that even necessary?
What does Be in Your Truth mean when you’re doing routine tasks like driving or doing the dishes?
Can you expand more on using our freewill to create in our lives? How can we better understand the connection between them?
I have a body ache in the upper part of my body that does not go away. It starts at the neck and goes down the shoulder joint and shoulder blade. It feels stiff and very tight – massaging and physical exercise don’t help but I keep moving the energy from left to right. Both shoulders are painful. Also pain in upper middle chest.
Sometimes I feel that if I had known this spiritual path was going to be this hard I would have chosen a different approach to life. If I keep working with all these tools will it all be worthwhile?
Now that we’ve crossed over the threshold into the new year, how can I connect with my higher self?
I have been dealing with triggers, looking at unconsciousness and there’s been a shift in perception. For some reason I’m starting to experience the world differently. How do I know my first five chakras, especially the 3rd and 4th, are functioning properly?
There is pressure in my throat area.
So asthma and those kinds of things that are coming up right now, might also be about the throat chakra?
I’ve had several experiences where my perception changed from outer to inner reality for a period of time. I’m unsure how to make that a permanent shift.
After the Christmas holidays I had an experience of a total meltdown; dealing with feelings of anger. That then shifted into feeling spiritually productive and wonderfully light (not listless). I’d still like to be having that same feeling of doing a lot of inner work. Now I’m back here doing things I’m not crazy about doing
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010
December, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Ascension Update ~ VISIONARIES 12-9-09
Hello everyone!
This week’s meeting was an interesting combination of the Visionaries giving us a Holiday pep talk and Eloheim discussing how our ‘past’ lives will start to be integrated into our current expression. WOW.
We want to make sure that in the busyness of the season, you don’t lose track of the reality of the moment which is that you are accessing the completeness of you …. and you can have that be who you are in all moments.
Stay with this! Don’t let this slip away from you! Everything you have worked for and all the attention you have paid to being conscious …. have all led up to … “I am prepared for the next movement into the beingness of [me].”
As an infinite and immortal Soul, are you really going to be satisfied with ascending just one lifetime?
12-9-09 ~ 66 minutes
Guardians: Opened with a mostly silent energetic alignment.
Visionaries: Want us to bring into focus the idea that our soul’s energy and perspective are available to us now. Urged us to seek our soul’s perspective in our everyday activities.
Eloheim: Talked about the how the Guardians are helping us with our heart chakras, and the effects we’re feeling. Urged us to practice being in the truth of ourselves no matter the situation. Also talked a bit about how our alternative expressions will become more apparent to us as we go forward.
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009
November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Witness the Truth of You 11-4-09 THE VISIONARIES
Two videos from last week were recently added.
Visit to watch them.
Hello everyone!
Well, WOW. Last night took everything up a notch. All the INTENSITY that has gone on in the last ten days seems to have been fertilizer for the process.
Some feedback from the meeting thus far:
WOW, can I just say WOW again, this week’s session was amazing.
The Visionaries came in for the first 30 minutes. Eloheim spoke for an hour after that. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries section. You can purchase the entire 92 minute audio file by following the links below.
I clipped out 10 minutes of the Visionaries talk for the video, but the entire 30 minutes was VERY powerful. I have listened to it many times already. If you are unclear about applying the “What is true now?” tool, this meeting offered lots of clarification; It was the only subject covered during the meeting.
“What is true now?” is a Bliss place of existence rather than a place of information.
“What is true now?” is a question that needs to be experienced constantly.
We are clear that “What is true now?” is dredging up all kinds up stuff…when you have to manage the past, the future, the biological response…you are constantly working on consciousness…you are clearing your cellular memory.
“What is true now?” will illuminate to you the places where you still have baggage. It is not the aHa that tells you where the baggage is. “What is true now?” is what comes up from the past, what comes up from the future, what comes up in the biology. “What is true now?” is shown by what the past/future/biological response reveals. The truth of you is what remains when you process through those things. That’s why you end up in bliss.
11-04-09 92 minutes
Visionaries: Talked much longer than usual, nearly half the meeting, about the importance of getting ourselves in shape to move from Homo sapiens to Homo spiritus. To do so, we use the “What is true now” tool. In this, our complete selves will begin to infuse our day-to-day lives.
Eloheim: Opened by talking about their perception of the Visionaries. Discussed in further detail the use of the “What is true now” tool. Answered questions about the Visionaries, the move to Homo spiritus, and the coming changes and energetics.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009