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January, 2007

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Eloheim: 12-27-06 God, Higher Self, Soul, Holy Spirit, How do they relate?

A very interesting clip where Eloheim defines the Soul and talks about how it relates to God, Holy Spirit, and the Higher Self.

[odeo= odeo.com/audio/5432513/view]

Eloheim: 1-18-06 Creating this World and Free Will Zone

In this short clip, Eloheim talks about the word “elohim” and how it applies to the Eloheim. They also joke about driving the bulldozers when creating this world.


Eloheim: 1-03-07 A Different Way to Use The Tarot

Eloheim promised a fun exercise to start the new year. They had me take all of my Tarot decks to the meeting. Each person picked a deck that resonated with them. We set the books/instructions aside. They then asked us to divide up into pairs.

Eloheim asked us to connect to the Earth and to our Soul. We then set an intention for choosing a card. This clip was part of the discussion after we had chosen a card that would illuminate the next 30 days for our partner.

Eloheim didn’t want us to rely on the books’ interpretation of the card, they wanted us to rely on our Soul to give us the interpretation. This was an exercise designed to further our connection to our Soul and its Guidance.

This theme, Connection to the Soul, has been Eloheim’s primary focus for some time now. They tell us that through our Soul, we have access to all knowledge.

Here is part of the commentary about this way of using the Tarot.


Eloheim: 1-03-07 Audio of Re-healing

By request, here is a section of the audio of last night’s meeting. Eloheim talks about dealing with difficult experiences and finding the path to gratitude by discovering the gift in the situation.


Eloheim: Exploration of the Soul’s Journey 12-27-06

Eloheim started the most recent meeting with these comments about the Soul’s Journey.


Eloheim expresses Gratitude to us! 11-29-06

Eloheim began the 11-29-06 meeting with these comments. They thanked us for helping them grow!

December, 2006

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Eloheim Speaks about Homo-Spiritus from 10-18-06

This is a very interesting 7 minute clip about the spiritual journey and where we are headed.


The Spiritual Journey with the Physical Body

On 12-25-06 we had a short visit with Eloheim. He/They asked us to share this clip.


Eloheim meeting: 12-13-06

In this 6 minute clip from the 12-13-06 meeting, Eloheim talks about In-Souling your body, energetic shifts and how to work with them, a new way of being, and encourages us to “look for the opportunities your new vibrational state allows.”


Checking things off of your list.

Here is Eloheim in a short clip talking about checking things off of your list. We also typed a definition of this term in the grey box to the right of this post.



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