November, 2010
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Respecting Yourself, Setting Boundaries ~ 11-17-10
Hello everyone! The November 17, 2010 meeting was full of great information:
Visionaries: Something new is on the horizon! Abide in ‘I Don’t Know’ as a position of strength.
Eloheim: You’re not meant to have the final product figured out. What you are meant to do is, in the moment, open up to what insight allows. Ideas don’t come when you are trying to be at the end. Ideas come when you are in the now.
Eloheim also gave a long description of the Re-Queue tool to help us handling situations, problems, and triggers.
In this week’s video clip, The Girls talk about the challenge of setting boundaries and the importance of doing so.
Warrior: Is officially smitten by the Queen! Their discussion centered around working with chakras that aren’t our strongest in order to become more balanced. The year of 2011 is the year of balance.
Fred: Gave an example of working with the portal reminding us that we can slow down the flow of transformation, but be sure not to limit it. Be kind to yourself by asking it to slow down and be gentle with yourself by not going into lack when you do!
The Matriarch: Closed with a powerful definition of ‘transformational energy.’

Only You Can Make I DON’T KNOW a Position of Strength 11-3-10
Hello everyone!
The Guardians started off the meeting of November 3, 2010 with a bang. They challenged us to bring the truth of us forward in our fields. Eloheim took over and used the example of a crazy, busy day I had recently to explain how we can do this.
If you are a very psychic, intuitive, or empathic person, you will likely find this video clip especially supportive.
Eloheim refers to the Film in the Camera tool several times during this clip. If you are not familiar with this new tool, please click here.
They also mention the vulnerability vs. weakness tool. That tool was first introduced on 5-26-10 (click here for that meeting). Here is a Eloheim describing it:
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October, 2010
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Is This A Healing Relationship? 10-27-10
Hello! The meeting of October 27, 2010 was long and full of powerful information. In the video clip below, Eloheim addresses the ideas: Is this a healing relationship? Do I want your film in my camera? The lack we feel when we consider changing relationships or ending friendships. The freedom this lifetime offers for choosing our location and companions. AND MUCH MORE!
The meeting also included Eloheim explaining how creating our reality works with large events like the World Series. They also gave further information about how to clear static from our lives.
The rest of the Council shared their insights including a new addition to the Warriors’ band!
What am I going to lose if I tell the truth in this moment?
Not having a good relationship with yourself if the greatest form of lack we know.

Why is that Film in Your Camera? 10-20-10
Hello everyone!
Last Wednesday’s meeting was “one of the most impact-full” meetings we have ever had. Eloheim started the meeting by drawing a picture which illuminated their new idea: The Discernment of the Why.
As we realize we create our reality and we take responsibility for our creations, how do we discern WHY we created what we have created and how do we shift that creation to something we prefer?
I have to agree with the emails I have been receiving, Eloheim’s explanation and examples have sunk so deeply into me. It is quite remarkable. I find myself looking at my life in a brand new way.

NEW PORTAL – Your Relationship to Triggers ~ 10-6-10
Hello everyone!
The meeting of October 6, 2010 revealed a new portal. The Council described our ability to have a new relationship to triggers. I clipped out the Visionaries section for this week’s YouTube video because, let’s face it, when it comes to laying out the details of something new, they are the best!
Trigger = Opportunity. Evolving your spiritual outlook! You are looking at the opportunity to experience triggers as the great friends they are.
September, 2010
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Certainty, HOPE, Clarity ~ 9-22-10
The Visionaries and The Guardians started the meeting by talking about the energies of the equinox. Eloheim then did an individual session for everyone present AND did a group session for those tuning in by webcast.
It STILL amazes me how Eloheim can pick up on just what is going on with a person by simply accessing their energy. The Matriarch closed the meeting.
A powerful and unusual meeting!
From an email I received after the meeting: “I will say this: I felt connected to the message for every person there. Some more than others, and some very intensely.”
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September Q&A ~ It’s all about the Body! ~ 9-19-10
Hello everyone, September’s Q&A was all about the BODY! Almost every question focused on our relationship with the physical. The list of questions is below as are the links to purchase the on demand video replay or the audio recording.
Questions answered during this meeting:
I have a lot of self-judgment concerning body-image. Both negative and positive, but lately, mostly negative. It’s so deep-seated that it almost feels like a core emotion issue.
Would you please discuss any tools that I can use to help me move through this?
Do we indeed incarnate with a group? And if so, can the group have a common theme that they are exploring, such as power, addiction, poverty, etc?
What is it that’s blocking me from being able to transform my relationship to money – or better yet, transform my relationship to the lack of it? – I feel really ready to heal this issue in my life now.
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Is this a SELF Loving Act? ~ 9-15-10
Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting was FULL of powerful information.
The Guardians continued to do energy work with the group and connect with us non-verbally.
Eloheim started off the meeting by discussing their connection with me, describing Soul families, and sharing their insights about the radio interview we did earlier in the day (link below).
The Visionaries shared that our experience of our alternate expressions (past lives) will continue to expand. They revealed that I suddenly received inspiration to play the cello even though I have never had ANY interest in it before. I started cello lessons last week. The Visionaries ask: What is your version of, “I’m going to play the cello now.”? The gift you give your self is the exploration of the fascination you find yourself experiencing.
Eloheim returned to answer questions including, “What are the energetics of menstruation?”
The Girls spoke powerfully about self love. I clipped their section for the YouTube video this week.
The Warrior continued their story with an amazing example of what it looks like when we dim our emanation for specific people. This hit home so strongly on Thursday that it was, literally, life changing for me.
Fred and The Matriarch closed the meeting.
August, 2010
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ELOHEIM: More on Feelings are NOT Emotions ~ 8-25-10
Wednesday night included a wide range of topics. The overall subject was: Emanating the truth of you and loving yourself completely. The Visionaries talked powerfully about, “Where don’t I love myself?” Eloheim answered questions about the disappearance of the honey bees and the flooding in Pakistan. In response to several requests, Eloheim further addressed their teachings about Feelings are NOT Emotions. I clipped that section for the YouTube video. Continue Reading…

ELOHEIM: Turn Boredom to ESP! Q&A ~ 8-15-10
This month’s Q&A with Eloheim was really fun. Eloheim especially enjoys these sessions and it really is great to hear from people all over the world. For the list of questions answered during this session and to watch the video clip, follow the READ MORE link below.
The portion of the meeting I chose for the YouTube video includes a tool for turning boredom into extra-sensory perceptions.