April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: In HABIT? Do you want a shovel or a ladder? 04-2009
Classic Eloheim quotes set to Rob’s amazing photography! Thanks to Laney for the idea!

ELOHEIM: Transform Shame, Guilt and Embarrassment 4-21-10
Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting was really powerful. The Council is focused on helping us transform our relationship to our shadow places so we can continue ascending and live as Homo spiritus.
The love you have for yourself is being corroded by the places that you are hiding from yourself. The Girls
You have hidden from yourself to survive….hiding from it is the survival instinct….but we are here to evolve the survival instinct to give you the opportunity to transform out of the fear based operating system into the consciousness based operating system. Eloheim
You have moved into the right relationship to the truth of you! You walk into the field [of battle] but the field is within you.The Warrior
4-21-10 ~ 77 minutes
Eloheim: Energetic billboard tool: Energetically what are you telling people about yourself? You’re a culmination of all your life experiences and now a culmination of your soul’s expressions and you’re emanating that into the world. Job interviews, you’re interviewing them to see if you want to emanate in their environment. Explains what a core emotion is.
Visionaries: Part of what is the conundrum for you about emanation is that you are uncomfortable with the completeness of you. The best place for you to start with owning your energetic is with owning your shadow.
Warrior: What have you conquered? You have conquered the inertia, you’ve moved past the procrastination, and you’ve transformed the fear that you feel when looking at your truth. You have moved into the right relationship with the truth of you.
WE are always with you.
BE Courageous!!
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010

ELOHEIM: Being the Question of You 4-7-10
Hello everyone!
Wednesday meeting really hit home with me and it continues to unfold. I know I am what Eloheim terms and “overachieving lightworker.” I have sought answers to questions my entire life and not always in a relaxed way.
Of course the answer to “Who am I?” has long been sought. Hearing the Council address how this isn’t a question we are even meant to answer, but instead to ‘abide in’ was such a wonderful relief to me.
It was like the teacher saying, “Learn all you want about this. There won’t be a test or a term paper or anything like that, just you and your exploration.”
It took me out of seeking and into being at a level I hadn’t accessed before.
To experience the wholeness of you is the outcome of every situation that has a question mark in it. How is the wholeness of me expressed in this questioning state? …find that sense of completeness within a question because there are always going to be more questions. Who am I? You always live in a question!The Guardians
What is the question I am exploring by the current way I am living? We want you to become comfortable with being a question mark. Consciously knowing you are in a questioning state. Clarity isn’t a momentary sense of certainty. Clarity is the moment’s answer to the question, but the question doesn’t go away simply because you had an aha in this moment. The Visionaries
4-7-10 ~ 79 minutes
Guardians: “What does this really tell me about me, what does this really show me about me, what is this illuminating about me?”
Visionaries: “What is the question I am answering by the current way I am living? What is the question I’m exploring by my expression?” The questioning state is a permanent condition of your soul’s nature
Eloheim: You’re here because you want to be here so that you can answer the question and explore the question “Who am I?” You are a question that you are exploring forever.
The Girls: Simply by taking a breath you have earned your place here. Every heartbeat is the only requirement for existence on this plane. You don’t have to do anything special to have your spot.
Warriors: When you’re a question you’re constantly able to move and flow, to bend like the reeds, to sway like the trees. It makes you one with the movement of nature. It makes you one with the changing of nature.
Matriarch: “I can stand in the truth of me and see more truth of me as it’s a question unfolding rather than a question that must be answered.”
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010

ELOHEIM: Break out of Lack ~ 3-31-10
Wow, do I have news before I get to this week’s meeting:
1. Have you voted for us as the Next Top Spiritual Author? Every vote is needed and it is quite easy to do. Follow this link to our page: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=1933
2. The Q&A channeling sessions are going to be held every 3rd Sunday of the month. For April, that makes it the 18th. If you have questions for Eloheim, this is your chance to ask them! We also webcast our weekly meetings. Register on this page: https://eloheim.com/web-casts/
3. I will be on KSVY radio next Friday, April 9th, at 8:45am Pacific. I will be a guest on the Mornings in Sonoma program. You can listen live from the radio’s website: http://sunfmtv.com/fm/?cat=6
4. Please follow this link http://EzineArticles.com/4027921 to read an Eloheim article about the four levels of the law of attraction. This is a new venue for sharing the Eloheim teachings and the more clicks we get, the better our ranking will be and Waller says that is really important. Please click and share!
On to this week’s meeting!
The meeting included all six members of The Council sharing their insights. The video below includes Eloheim speaking about lack and how to ensure that you are comparing YOU TO YOU here in 2010 and not somewhere in your past.
Eloheim also talked about what The Council does at the meetings. The Girls took Eloheim’s “What is your left big toe doing?” tool to another level. The Warrior took us deeply into how to access our alternate expressions (past lives) and receive the gift that even violent lifetimes have for us. The Guardians did multiple energy clearing sessions. The Visionaries talked about the overall picture and The Matriarch did another powerful meditation.
3-31-10 ~ 78 minutes
Guardians: Energetically you can release without having to understand or know or examine even everything that comes off.
Visionaries: Now, the grand step that’s currently ready for you is the grand step that says, “I can live, I can live, from consciousness.” We want to facilitate you living from a position of consciousness where in essence, as Eloheim has called it, it becomes a healthy habit to default to consciousness.
Eloheim: Tool – who answers the door? Describes how the Council communicates. Tool – . “I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways,” Lack is one of the lowest-vibrational states you can find yourself in.
The Girls: We want to make sure that you recognize that you’re in a body. You’re in a bod-y. And your body needs from you love for you.
Warrior: You want knowledge of and acknowledgment of the foundational aspects of the Warrior lifetimes.
Matriarch: When you find yourself confused or distraught or mixed up, there can be solace in the idea and the fact that you’re not alone. But not simply, “I’m not alone, I’m not alone,” but, “I am part of something that is non-divisible.” Non-divisible.
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010
March, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Betrayal, Work, Money, and More ~ 3-14-10
Hello everyone!
Sunday’s Q&A webcast was wonderful. The video has a sample of the answers Eloheim offered. I loved this quote:
There is no wiggle room for being unconscious about your choice to be conscious!
We are webcasting tonight (March 17th). I hope you will join us. The sign up link is at the top of this page.
If you would like to watch a replay of the webcast or download the audio recording of the meeting, please follow these links:
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010

ELOHEIM: March Energies, The Flow of Fascination 3-3-10
Wednesday’s meeting included The Guardians, The Visionaries, The Girls and Eloheim talking about the energies of March, 2010 which they summarized as: The Flow of Fascination. There was also a discussion of just how deeply we are choosing for the situations we experience. The Matriarch closed the meeting with a very powerful meditation.
You can view the entire webcast replay on demand or download the complete audio recording through the links below. I have also prepared a 10 minute highlight video from the meeting.
Allow yourself to experience fascination with the experience as it unfolds
Fascination, Integration, Emanation
Fascination is the doorway. The Visionaries
It is very easy to slip into frustration. When you feel frustrated ask, “Where is the flow?” Frustration is masking the flow that you could be experiencing. The Girls
3-3-10 ~ 88 minutes
Guardians: Opened the session by asking us to focus into allowing ourselves to feel the energetic of the moment in our bodies.
Visionaries: Went further on the topic of energetic integration. Cautioned us not to decide ahead of time just exactly what that integration is going to be like. Fascination in the moment allows integration to be revealed. Integration then emanates a difference. That emanation creates a further new expression.
Eloheim: Brought us into a fuller discussion of the idea of using Fascination, Integration, Emanation as a tool. Fascination with the moment. Integrating alternate expressions. Emanating the changed energetic. The group gave examples of things they are fascinated with. Eloheim expanded and discussed these, and the role of choice in our spiritual growth.
The Girls: Talked about the idea that during the process of Fascination, Integration, Emanation, it’s very easy to slip into frustration. They went on to look at frustration and what it can signal about your journey.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by leading us in an exercise to open and experience the heart chakra.
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010
February, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Living Authentically in The Moment ~ 2-24-10
Last night was a wonderful gathering and not just because the Girl Scout cookies arrived 🙂
The Guardians came in multiple times to help clear unneeded energies, Eloheim popped in and out as the ring master and also to offer their insight (and eat a cookie), The Visionaries offered clarification on living authentically. and The Girls spoke about emotional detox. BUT, the highlight of the evening was The Matriarch.
WOW! She came further into my body than ever before and the energy she carries is unlike anything I have ever felt. It felt like she was embracing the entire room. It was remarkable. I had no idea that channeling could feel like that.
How do you walk the truth of you? Release the need for there to be a result..some kind of a finish line…some kind of a pay off. Are you going to live in what [the experience] taught you or live in the pain of it? Ask yourself, where am I still carrying the baggage of this lifetime? The Visionaries
You are purging your cells of places where you haven’t loved yourself well….it is like a detox. This emotion is a choice! Recognize that they emotion you are having has many layers to it. Let yourself have the emotion, but know why you are having it.The Girls
“I don’t know anything” is freedom because it takes you out of the limited mind based perspective. I am willing for my Soul’s insight to partner with me in this experience.Eloheim
2-24-10 ~ 90 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting us by helping us feel ourselves being in the moment, and encouraging us to open to the opportunity of focusing into it.
Visionaries: Discussed the question: How do you live the truth of you? Also further discussed the effects of integrating our alternate expressions and our soul’s energy.
Eloheim: Answered questions and discussed the idea of releasing baggage. They talked about the idea that what is changing now is an internal process. The internal change will eventually be evidenced in our external world, but we tend to think that the external world will change first. There’s another layer past creating your reality and that is magnetizing your truth. Magnetizing a reflection of your internal journey, seen. That’s where we’re headed.
The Girls: Said that as we learn to love ourselves more, we go through something like a detox. The love goes in, fears and other emotional baggage gets shaken loose. When you’re feeling powerfully emotional, it’s very difficult to see it as a choice, but it is a choice. The more you train yourself to see emotions as choices the better you’ll be able to handle the detox that you’re going through and other intense situations that we are going through in this time.
Matriarch: Closed with a loving message of how they see the truth of us at all times, and advised us to call on them when we want to experience ourselves as they do.
Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010

ELOHEIM: Your Internal Journey ~ 2-10-10 ~ Girls, Visionaries, Guardians, Matriarch
Hello everyone!
Wednesday was another powerful channeling session.
All of your experiences can be measured by one standard: Am I in bliss? The Visionaries
When you bring a vibration of appreciation into your day to day life you create within you a magnetism for being appreciated…..appreciation is another way to bring yourself into the moment. The Girls
We love being with you! It so fun and fascinating and interesting and it is getting more and more juicy every week! Eloheim
Guardians: Opened the meeting by calling us together, asking that we “bring our presence to the present” and allow ourselves to be open to the energetic of our time together.
Visionaries: Your inner truth is externalized through your life, and a lot of times it’s the discomfort that you notice. Try to start paying attention to the bits that reflect an internal journey that’s actually moving toward bliss, that’s actually on a transformational path.
The Girls: Asked for examples of how people in the group were expressing self-love, then discussed them in detail. When you start with an energetic appreciation for yourself, it becomes magnetic for others to appreciate you.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group and discussed neutral observation, alternate expressions, intimate relationships, and abundance.
Matriarch: Talked about the interaction between the chakras and how they support each other.
Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010
January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Evolving the Survival Instinct 1-27-10
Wednesday’s meeting had two distinct sections. The first part was Eloheim, The Visionaries and The Girls all giving their perspectives on evolving the survival instinct. The second part was all about collapsing lifetimes and included TWO powerful examples from the group.
Quotes from the meeting:
Is the default position going to be the fear based operating system…or is the default position going to be the consciousness based operating system? The Visionaries
You are evolving the survival instinct and it is going kicking and screaming! The Visionaries
Loving yourself gently and well. Eloheim
Be as tender with yourself as possible. Eloheim
Visionaries: We’re holding you to the vision that you agreed to participate in when you decided to incarnate into this time. Is your default position going to be the fear based operating system or the consciousness based operating system?
The Girls: Habit leaves holes in your auric field. Habit doesn’t move and consciousness emanates.
Eloheim: Checking in with your body. “What’s my left big toe doing?” Powerful examples of integrating alternate expressions (past lives.) You have to always keep in mind that other people are simply reflections of your internal experience.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010

ELOHEIM: Why are we here? How can I get love? 1-20-10
Hello everyone!
Before I get to the quotes and video from the January 20, 2010 meeting, here is a bit of news:
1. Friday, I was interviewed by Anne Mackenzie for her new project, http://freepsychicnewsletter.com/ I am the featured practitioner for February. Sign up at her site to get the February edition as soon as it is released and for a chance to win free sessions with featured practitioners. One of the prizes is a 30 minute private session with Eloheim!
2. Webcasts are happening weekly! $10 per meeting or $40 per month. This includes a download of the complete audio recording of the gathering. Here is a testimonial from a webcast participant:
While I’m writing this I just wanted to say how sincerely I appreciate your putting the Wednesday meetings on line for those of us who are on the same path but far away without any sense of community. I would like to thank you for giving us an opportunity to share your meetings with all of you that have the gift to be able to be there in person every week. Karin
Now, on to January 20, 2010! Another powerful meeting with The Guardians, The Visionaries, The Girls and Eloheim. Visionaries answer the question, “Why are we here?” The Girls continue their discussion of relationships, Eloheim answers questions including, “How do we handle people not loving us the way we want them to?”
Don’t slip into a service mentality! The Visionaries
Be present to yourself. The Visionaries
You can only be a gift to all if you are emanating your complete self. If you are emanating a service vibration you are NOT being a gift. The Visionaries
Eloheim: The change that you’re here to facilitate, is the change to emanation of your complete ensouled self. Would you say that to a four-year-old child of a friend? The relationship you have with yourself, would you have that with someone you love? What is true now, what is fascinating about this moment, if I don’t go in fear where can I go into fascination?
Visionaries: Be present with whatever is in your lap. As you show up as your completeness you are a gift to all. Why are you here?
The Girls: Every single person in your life is there by your choice. If you’re interested in exploring being a creator and you’re interested in pushing the 2012 timeline and you’re interested in ascending and you’re interested in being Homo spiritus and you’re interested in ensouling the human form for the first time, then you have to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life on a much, much, much deeper level than you’ve ever been willing to before.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010