November, 2010
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Only You Can Make I DON’T KNOW a Position of Strength 11-3-10
Hello everyone!
The Guardians started off the meeting of November 3, 2010 with a bang. They challenged us to bring the truth of us forward in our fields. Eloheim took over and used the example of a crazy, busy day I had recently to explain how we can do this.
If you are a very psychic, intuitive, or empathic person, you will likely find this video clip especially supportive.
Eloheim refers to the Film in the Camera tool several times during this clip. If you are not familiar with this new tool, please click here.
They also mention the vulnerability vs. weakness tool. That tool was first introduced on 5-26-10 (click here for that meeting). Here is a Eloheim describing it:
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October, 2010
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Is This A Healing Relationship? 10-27-10
Hello! The meeting of October 27, 2010 was long and full of powerful information. In the video clip below, Eloheim addresses the ideas: Is this a healing relationship? Do I want your film in my camera? The lack we feel when we consider changing relationships or ending friendships. The freedom this lifetime offers for choosing our location and companions. AND MUCH MORE!
The meeting also included Eloheim explaining how creating our reality works with large events like the World Series. They also gave further information about how to clear static from our lives.
The rest of the Council shared their insights including a new addition to the Warriors’ band!
What am I going to lose if I tell the truth in this moment?
Not having a good relationship with yourself if the greatest form of lack we know.

Why is that Film in Your Camera? 10-20-10
Hello everyone!
Last Wednesday’s meeting was “one of the most impact-full” meetings we have ever had. Eloheim started the meeting by drawing a picture which illuminated their new idea: The Discernment of the Why.
As we realize we create our reality and we take responsibility for our creations, how do we discern WHY we created what we have created and how do we shift that creation to something we prefer?
I have to agree with the emails I have been receiving, Eloheim’s explanation and examples have sunk so deeply into me. It is quite remarkable. I find myself looking at my life in a brand new way.

October Q&A ~ 10-10-10 ~ A new tool and MORE!
Hello everyone,
We had a wonderful event on 10-10-10. It started off with a potluck which always delights Eloheim.
The meeting began with an introduction by The Visionaries. Eloheim answered questions and ended the meeting by introducing a new tool: The Strongest Chakra.
I have received multiple emails about this new tool and how powerfully it is already working in people’s lives. It sure is helping me!
This week’s video is a review of the tool: Short Factual Statements. Eloheim feels this is the most powerful tool they have given us recently and this is a great review of how it works.
The list of questions answers during the meeting is below
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NEW PORTAL – Your Relationship to Triggers ~ 10-6-10
Hello everyone!
The meeting of October 6, 2010 revealed a new portal. The Council described our ability to have a new relationship to triggers. I clipped out the Visionaries section for this week’s YouTube video because, let’s face it, when it comes to laying out the details of something new, they are the best!
Trigger = Opportunity. Evolving your spiritual outlook! You are looking at the opportunity to experience triggers as the great friends they are.
September, 2010
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Certainty, HOPE, Clarity ~ 9-22-10
The Visionaries and The Guardians started the meeting by talking about the energies of the equinox. Eloheim then did an individual session for everyone present AND did a group session for those tuning in by webcast.
It STILL amazes me how Eloheim can pick up on just what is going on with a person by simply accessing their energy. The Matriarch closed the meeting.
A powerful and unusual meeting!
From an email I received after the meeting: “I will say this: I felt connected to the message for every person there. Some more than others, and some very intensely.”
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September Q&A ~ It’s all about the Body! ~ 9-19-10
Hello everyone, September’s Q&A was all about the BODY! Almost every question focused on our relationship with the physical. The list of questions is below as are the links to purchase the on demand video replay or the audio recording.
Questions answered during this meeting:
I have a lot of self-judgment concerning body-image. Both negative and positive, but lately, mostly negative. It’s so deep-seated that it almost feels like a core emotion issue.
Would you please discuss any tools that I can use to help me move through this?
Do we indeed incarnate with a group? And if so, can the group have a common theme that they are exploring, such as power, addiction, poverty, etc?
What is it that’s blocking me from being able to transform my relationship to money – or better yet, transform my relationship to the lack of it? – I feel really ready to heal this issue in my life now.
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August, 2010
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ELOHEIM: More on Feelings are NOT Emotions ~ 8-25-10
Wednesday night included a wide range of topics. The overall subject was: Emanating the truth of you and loving yourself completely. The Visionaries talked powerfully about, “Where don’t I love myself?” Eloheim answered questions about the disappearance of the honey bees and the flooding in Pakistan. In response to several requests, Eloheim further addressed their teachings about Feelings are NOT Emotions. I clipped that section for the YouTube video. Continue Reading…
July, 2010
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ELOHEIM and The FULL Council ~ FRED Joins us ~ 6-30-10
Well June 30, 2010 was the night. The final Council member, Fred, joined us. I am now channeling the entire Council: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, Eloheim, The Warrior and Fred. They take turns throughout the night. They are all so very different from each other. It is truly amazing. The meeting was short (65 minutes), intense (everyone seemed to be in an altered state from the word go), and POWERFUL.
Oh, and YES, it kicked my butt. I was FREEZING cold and in bed most of the day Thursday, but I felt great Friday.
Fred seems to create a lot of physical reactions. Here are some of the experiences people are having:
* I got very, very hot as soon as Fred started to talk
* Fred really clicked with me. His delivery was sort of hilarious, but so direct and targeted. Very intense. I had a lot of physical sensations. Especially around my 2nd chakra.
* Fred is awesome
* Fred is beautiful! The energetic for me was my soul entering in it’s purity without interference with my mind, personality, and other lives. Whatever that means is a mystery!!!!
* You could tell something intense was going on, but didn’t know what. Fred sounded like a 7th chakra robot. Short and direct.
6-30-10 ~ Fred joins The Council! ~ 65 minutes
Fred joins the Council.
Visionaries, Eloheim: If you want to move forward in the journey to Homo spiritus, finger-pointing is off the list. Take responsibility for all of your creations, no one else can create in your world but you.
Fred: Explains the new opening that he represents and supports, a connection with your soul through the crown chakra.
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: The Gulf Oil Spill and much more ~ 6-27-10
Hello everyone! The monthly Q&A with Eloheim was great. We had a lot of wonderful questions and Eloheim ate grapes! I have included a video of Eloheim talking about the Oil Spill in the Gulf. This video is (by far) the most popular Eloheim video I have ever loaded to YouTube.
Three quick announcements first:
1. We will find out if we advanced to the next round of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest on Tuesday, July 6th2. We are going to have a special event on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10). We have NO details yet other than the monthly webcast for October will be moved to that Sunday and we have room for people to join us. It will be held at our regular meeting room in Sonoma, CA. So, if you want to have some in person Eloheim and The Council fun on a Sunday – October 10th is your chance. More details will be provided as we decide what sounds fascinating.
3. We webcast our weekly meetings on Wednesday nights and our monthly Q&A on the 3rd Sunday. You can find the links to sign up for our webcasts on this page: I will add the July links very soon!
Questions answered during the meeting included:
- What’s really going on with the Gulf oil spill?
- I know Souls exist beyond the Akashic records so where do you teach from – the planes beyond the causal level consciousness?
- I heard in somebody else’s channeling that we offer the maximum amount of help to others just through our energetic expressions and that when we perceive being of help to others that that is only really for us to perceive what we offer. So basically the physical expression of us “helping” others doesn’t add anything more to what we are already energetically expressing. Based on the singular simultaneous experience thingy you talk about that seems to make sense to me but I would like your view of it.
- Is it necessary to let go of what we attracted ‘before’ to let in what we are attracting ‘now’? Is it a choice? or that is the only way it works? Why can’t I have both?
- When you talk about a “Free Will Zone” how does that relate to other places? By your use of the term it implies that there are Non-Free Will Zones so can you expand on what that means or is like?
- I was wondering if you could tell me about one or a few of my most confident (past) lives? What they did, who they were, etc… and what is a good way to integrate them into my life?
- I have been meditating with the intent to channel for about 2 years now (I HAVEN’T CHANNELED YET) and I wanted to know if you could take a look at me energetically and see if there is anything there that you can tell me that I could work on that will aid me in channeling…or if there is anything blocking or hindering my channeling progress…any info will help thank you! I discovered is that I really have a fear of experiencing my reality in an altered way……….any advice on how to not be fearful while in an altered state…..also is this blocking my channeling?
- I feel like a a horrible pet parent because I can’t find out why my dog’s skin itches.
- Does my ego run my free will and please describe the ego and it’s purpose. When I stop operating from my ego and live from soul’s perspective, do I still need or use free will?
6-27-10 ~ JUNE 2010 Q&A with Eloheim ~ 90 minutes
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010