April, 2011
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Choosing Where to Put Your Attention ~ 4-20-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a great time during our April 20, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians talked about “becoming conscious of things you are not ready to attend to.” They reminded us that we can be aware of things, but not require ourselves to take action. “Am I really ready to interact?” They did not give us a pass to be unconscious of things, just reminded us that we can use our free-will to decide what we want to interact with. The Visionaries continued this idea and tied it to the concept of “going with the flow.”
Eloheim stayed on this theme. Their main talk started with: “If you were a Guru” and went from there. I chose it for the YouTube video this week.
Your awareness will expand and your ability to physically do something will not. What you choose to apply your physical skills toward is your free will and the difference [between the two] is your spiritual challenge. Eloheim
The Girls explained how to use the behavior we observe in others to focus our own spiritual journey.
When you become aware of other people’s journeys ….you are not emanating your truth if you are wondering why “they won’t get it.”
Fred made everyone laugh describing the sports he would want to play. Yes, he tied this into spiritual truths as well. He is amazing.
The Warrior told the story of their first time hunting a dragon and how they learned that “you don’t eat dragon.”
The Matriarch closed the night in her wonderful way.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

The Magnificence of YOU – You Will Know It ~ 4-13-2011
Hello everyone,
As the meeting of April 13, 2011 started, it was very clear that the energy of the room was very different. Everyone in the room had huge energy “standing behind them.” The YouTube video this week is the Visionaries explaining why this was happening and what it means.
You are going to know the magnificence of you through this journey. You will experience yourself as part of the infinite nature of creation. We are going to explore awe! ~ The Visionaries
The Guardians opened the meeting. Eloheim’s section of the meeting included very moving examples of integrating Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The Girls reminded us to be loving to ourselves as we encounter these other lifetimes. Fred spoke about Pluto. The Warrior continued the story of being a young man and traveling away from his home village. The Matriarch concluded the meeting.
Veronica will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

How Does Time Work? How Can We Work With It Differently? ~ 4-6-2011
Hello everyone!
I put in a request to Eloheim to speak about time. I have been experiencing so many strange time shifts and collapses and speed ups and you name it! The feedback I have received is that I am not the only one so I figured it was time 🙂 to get some insight about it.
Eloheim covered the topic in quite a lot of detail. The YouTube video this week is a portion of their comments.
We’re talking about the energetics of what you call time! The movement of creation is infinite and constant and you’re experiencing it from only one view point but you actually have infinite perceptions of it from your Soul’s perspective. ~ Eloheim
The entire April 6, 2011 meeting was wonderful and included powerful messages from each Council member. The Council continues to discuss how we are working with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives.) This week, they tied that idea into how we perceive and interact with time.
The Guardians and the Visionaries explained that energetically we have left the canyon and are now standing on the edge of a vast vista. The vista includes limitless potentials and lots of places that we are uncertain about.
The vista of possibilities is now yours to play in ~ The Visionaries
The Girls shared that the suspect strongly that connecting to “UFOs” is actually connecting to “future lifetimes.” They go on to remind us not to equate technological advancement to spiritual advancement.
You are the one you have been waiting for ~ The Girls
Fred spoke about the energies of Neptune. The Warrior offered a rousing pep talk. The Matriarch made everyone laugh by following the Warrior’s talk with a vision of us all as babies carrying swords on our backs.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

Integration of Alternate Expressions (Past/Future Lives) ~ 3-30-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, YouTube and I are not communicating well. I can’t seem to get the video to load up. I will keep trying. [EDIT: it took 11 hours to load a 5 minute video! You will find it below] In the meantime, I wanted to post the links to the March 30, 2011 meeting. It was amazing! A powerful discussion of integration and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council. Plus, the Warrior told a story from his childhood and Fred talked about Mercury and Mercury Retrograde. The links to the audio and video are below.
A deep discussion of integration of and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council.
March, 2011
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A High-Vibrational Relationship to TAXES!! 3-23-2011
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting on March 23, 2011.
The Guardians talked about the “Potentiated Space” we are experiencing; The sense that anything is possible. They shared that we are experiencing an awareness of opportunity in our heart chakras.
The Visionaries talked about how they see our separate paths coming together and joining with other people of “similar desire, even if they are not exactly like you.” This is in sharp contrast to the loneliness that many light workers report and was surprising to hear them talk about it. They called it: A Gathering of the Pathways.
The You Tube video this week is Eloheim talking about how we relate to taxes. Eloheim also talked about vibrational mismatches and the difficulties that can generate in social situations.
The Girls spoke about how we will work with our Alternative Expressions (past/future lives) in a deeper way.
The Warrior told a very emotional story of Marianna being ill and the repercussions of her illness.
Fred told us about the energies of Earth’s Moon. Fred made it very clear that he wants to talk before the Warrior in the future because “only the Matriarch is studly enough to follow the Warrior.”
The Matriarch closed the meeting in her wonderfully loving way.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011

The 2012 Energetic and Knowing Yourself in a New Way ~ 3-9-2011
Hello everyone!
Some time ago, Eloheim said that the meeting of March 9 would be powerful in some way. Turns out they were right…again! The meeting was an introduction to the energies we will be working with for the next 18 months.
The Guardians came in to help us shift the energies which we were ready to release.
The Visionaries explained how we have to “draw the line in the sand” about our habitual thoughts and to take a deeper responsibility for the creations that stem from our current thinking.
Eloheim spoke at length about the energies of 2012 and how we can work with that portal now. They went on to speak about how we create our current reality from the past and how we can use the new energies to actually create from this moment rather than reconfiguring the past. Eloheim also further clarified the concept of sandpaper people and situations.
Am I going to create this moment from the past or am I going to create it from the insight I have about its potential?
The Girls offered their support and insight.
The Warrior finally told the story of being called in to take care of the dragon.
Fred explained the energies of Mars.
The Matriarch left us with a reminder that instantaneous manifestation can’t be possible until we have a new relationship to our thoughts.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011

Open to Possibilities -Don’t Skip the Moment ~ 3-2-2011
The meeting of March 2, 2011 was intense and full of powerful information. The Guardians started off with a long (for them) talk about how to make sure that while we open to possibilities, we don’t skip over the moment. I have chosen their section for the YouTube video below.
The Visionaries challenged us to stand toe-to-toe with our triggers, later the Warrior continued this idea by explaining that our triggers are our most intimate companions and how we can use them for our growth.
Eloheim’s section was long as they lead a discussion of the ‘speed bump’ we are all moving over and how to get to the other side. They tied this idea into the equal signs discussion from February 16th.
You cannot allow yourselves to repeat patterns you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy or your best friend.
Your relationship to “I am uncertain, I don’t know” is going to define you going forward. How you handle “I don’t know” is how you are going to know yourself.
The Girls section was skipped due to time, but Eloheim did a very funny summary of what they had planned to say.
Fred continued the study of the planets he began last week by describing how our soul’s interact with Jupiter
The Matriarch closed the meeting.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011
February, 2011
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Sing the Song of Your Soul with Saturn ~ 2-23-2011
Hello everyone,
Wednesday’s meeting was long and powerful. Fred, The Visionaries, The Guardians, and the Warrior all caught me by surprise with what they decided to talk about.
FRED even made the YouTube video this week. He talked about how a part of our soul hangs out in the rings of Saturn and sings. Trust me, I wasn’t expecting anything like that, but it is very cool and they explained it really well.
The Warrior and Cedric took some time to themselves to discuss Cedric getting married. You are going to love the Warrior’s marital advice. I think it will surprise you.
The Guardians spoke for a long time (for them) about engaging the heart chakra and the power chakra in a new way.
The Visionaries told us that many changes are on the horizon and how to handle them.
Eloheim, the Girls, and the Matriarch offered wonderful contributions as well. You can listen to the entire meeting by following the links below.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011

What Is Insight From My Soul? How Do I Access it? ~ 2-16-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of February 16, 2011 was a partial whiteboard meeting. Eloheim did an amazing presentation about the tool: Equal Signs. The video clip today is from the end of that presentation when Eloheim was asked about Insight.
All of the members of the Council participated in the meeting as well.
You can access the entire video or audio of the meeting by following the links below.
The book is moving right along. The cover art has been finalized, the content is 98% finalized, and I am doing all the zillion things that need to be done in order to have it offered as an ebook, paperback, and hardcover. Stay tuned! I anticipate having more news very soon.
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to get out of our brains and centered into the moment.
Visionaries: Talked about embedded advertising and how we can be conscious of it and use it as a game to open our awareness.
Eloheim: Used the white board to discuss the equal signs tool.
The Girls: Encouraged us to recognize that we have become more than we were, and to experience the grander version of ourselves.
Warrior: Continued his story of having more children, then discussed worry and how worrying makes you impotent by taking you out of the moment.
Fred: Talked about remembering the experience of why we chose to live our lives in the human form.
Matriarch: Closed with a message of love and encouragement.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011

A Crash Course In How to Love Yourself ~ 2-9-2011
Hello everyone!
First some announcements!
The book is coming along nicely. It has been to the editor and is now back with me. I am adding the copyright page, the acknowledgments, some background information about the Council, the ISBN, and a few other things. THEN IT WILL BE READY!!!
Once that is done, I will do the additional things that are required for me to sell it on Amazon as a Kindle book and on the other ebook platforms. Things like cover art, writing the blurb (back cover copy), and getting it converted to the correct format to be read on all sorts of different devices.
The meeting of February 9, 2011 included messages from each of The Council members. The highlights for me were Eloheim taking the What is True Now? to a new level, the Warrior making it home in time for the birth, and the Girls giving us a crash course in loving ourselves.
The Girls star in the YouTube video this week:
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011
Guardians: Opened the meeting with a request to open and clear.
Visionaries: Discussed out hold-out places of fear, and advised us on moving toward consciousness using our tools.
Eloheim: Talked about using the “I’m tempted” tool and “What is true now?” to help us change our neural pathways from fear to consciousness.
The Girls: Gave us a crash course on loving ourselves.
Warrior: Continued his story of Marianna giving birth, including the panic he feels and how he deals with it.
Fred: Checked in on our crown chakra connection to our souls’ perspectives.
Matriarch: Closed with a message of love, and suggested we take the time to notice our crown chakra connection.