June, 2011
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A Doorway to a New Experience ~ 6-1-2011
Hello everyone,
The channeling session of June 1, 2011 included messages from each of the Council members.
The Guardians: What is in your experience that you are ready to move beyond? It is very important to be aware of that which you wish to infuse with your soul’s perspective.
The Visionaries: Is it “go” or “no go”? We will tell you that it’s “no go” if your habits, baggage, static, and un-boundaried perspectives are not being attended to. You don’t have to be finished or done. What you need to be is willing to align your free will behind the idea that this is what you desire and be attentive to what arises.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group including a profound discussion about lack. They also introduced a new tool: Doorway to a new experience.
The Girls: Were very impressed by Eloheim’s new tool and spoke about how the energies shifted in the room as the tool was explored. They also spoke about desiring “healing above all else.”
Fred: Finally talked about the energy of the Sun. The Sun is the life force, it’s the engine. It’s all about receiving!
The Warrior: Talked about setting boundaries quickly. Get clear about what your truth so that you can express it clearly early in the emotive cycle.
Matriarch: Remember, when you get triggered be sure to say, “I accept you, but I want more than you” to ensure you don’t build more static during the transformation of the trigger.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
May, 2011
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Remaking Relationships with Clear Boundaries ~ 5-25-2011
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting on May 25, 2011.
The Guardians: Spoke about how strongly they felt the group “emanating their truth.”
The Visionaries: Summarized “the plan” of this incarnation and updated us on our progress. “More often now you are being reminded of triggers rather than being triggered.” We are past the “prep” work and we are now living from the Homo spiritus paradigm.
Eloheim: Used several examples from the group to speak about setting boundaries. Eloheim elevated “setting boundaries” to equal importance with clearing static/baggage, transforming triggers, and breaking habits; setting boundaries is a vital step on the ascension process.
The Girls: Setting a boundary is a loving act! What you are saying is, “It is not my truth to interact with you in this way.” Don’t set boundaries from an energetically apologetic way – use clarity.
Fred: Made everyone laugh by trying to share his message in a quick way.
The Warrior: Talked about how they experience setting boundaries given that they live in a more survival oriented lifetime.
Matriarch: Enjoyed the irony that The Council is teaching us to set boundaries in order for us to learn that we are all one.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011

Doing the “Stump and Stew”? I’m in Confusion! ~ 5-18-2011
Hello everyone!
Powerful meeting on May 18th, 2011 and I’m not the only one who thinks so!
This last channel was so great…there wasn’t a thing in it I couldn’t use…thank you so much.
There were so many amazing sections that I had a really hard time deciding which section to use for the YouTube video! I finally settled on “doing the stump and stew!”
You’re stumped and then you stew. Then you stew until you’re stumped!!
Those authority figure voices you are still hearing? You need to say, “Not my voice!”
When you know it’s not your voice, you won’t listen to it with the same authority!
If you have a project that feels stuck or confusion about moving forward, this is the video for you! It’s a longer video than I normally post, but I didn’t want to break up the teaching.
Each of the Council members made profound contributions to this meeting. Eloheim offered a new tool: “Past-Future-Moment,” told us what it looks like energetically when we are mean to ourselves, discussed the “Stump and Stew,” and explained how they are able to read our energy. Fred offered a powerful update about his portal. The Matriarch offered a new way of looking at our progress. The Girls talked about how when we deny an aspect of ourselves, we deny “the all” access to it as well. The Warrior offered further insight on how to work with the survival instinct.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011

The NEW Definition of the Moment, The Gift of the Moment ~ 5-11-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of May 11, 2011 included the entire Council sharing their insights. The Guardians and The Visionaries followed up on last week’s conversation about boundaries.
Your attention is a precious commodity. – The Visionaries
The Visionaries also revisiting the “I’m Tempted” tool. I feel the “I’m tempted” tool, along with the “Equal signs” and “Short, factual statements” tools are the most powerful tools The Council has ever offered. You can learn more about “Equal signs” and “Short, factual statements” in our newest book, The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3. The link is at the bottom of this post.
Eloheim spoke about the new definition of the moment and how it connects to insight from your soul. I clipped this section for the YouTube video this week. Eloheim also spoke powerfully about coming of age and parenting. Fred talked about the energies of the Earth.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3 is now available:
Change your life! Transform triggers, set boundaries, and learn to say NO comfortably. Explore possibilities and new perspectives; you are not your circumstances. Live in grace, ease, bliss, and serenity by choosing your reactions to your creations (experiences).
Volume three of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the transcript of the July 21, 2010 channeling session and includes the following tools:
Equal signs; How ridiculous does it have to get?; “No” is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/Judgments; Short, factual statements; Vulnerability vs. Weakness; What is true now?
Volume three also includes 112 definitions of terms and concepts including the following new terms:
Checking things off of your list; Fire hose; Lack; Triggers are handholds.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system. These tools are developed during private sessions and public gatherings.
Each book in the Homo Spiritus Sessions series consists of the transcript of one of our public sessions, enriched with supporting material. The supporting material includes information about Eloheim and The Council, descriptions of tools referenced in the session, and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.
When you order the eBook from my website, you will receive it in two different formats: PDF and EPUB. I prefer to read the book as an EPUB. You can download Adobe Digital Editions for free and use it to read the EPUB version. Follow this link for more details:
http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/. If you are happy reading as a PDF, then you don’t need Adobe Digital Editions. Either way, you get the same book.The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3 eBook – $2.99

Ego, Boundaries, Creating Your Reality, Relationships ~ 5-4-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a powerful meeting on May 4, 2011 and I am happy to report that I felt fine the next day! Eloheim started the meeting by setting a boundary.
WE need to have more focus from you guys in order to take you though the door you have opened.
This theme of boundary setting was continued throughout the meeting. If you are looking for support in setting boundaries, this is the meeting for you! The Girls were especially powerful on the subject of boundaries.
You show people how to love you by the way you love yourself first!
The Guardians and the Visionaries talked about the energy of, “I am willing.” Fred talked about the energies of the planet Venus – It’s the energy of self-love. The Warrior spoke about this lifetime being an “opportunity like none other” for us to focus on something new. The Matriarch closed the meeting.
This was also the first time I can remember Eloheim talking about Ego. I included that portion of the meeting in this week’s YouTube video.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 2 is now available as an ebook.
The spiritual journey is a natural process of expansion (growth) and contraction (contemplation). Through this process, you discover the truth of you and learn to emanate that truth into the world. Empower yourself by discerning the difference between vulnerability and weakness. Evolve your relationship to the survival instinct; don’t let fear and habits tell you who you are!
Volume two of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the transcript of the July 14, 2010 meeting and includes the following tools:
Don’t be mean to yourself; How ridiculous does it have to get?; Money mantra; Neutral observation; Preferences/Judgments; Short, factual statements; Vulnerability vs. Weakness; What is, IS; Where am I lying to myself?; You can’t have change without change; You to you (U2U).
Volume two also includes 108 definitions of terms and concepts including the following new terms:
Aura; Core Emotion; Heart–power chakra combination; Lateral pass; Mt. Everest; On the bus; Your internal world creates your external journey.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system. These tools are developed during private sessions and public gatherings.
Each book in the Homo Spiritus Sessions series consists of the transcript of one of our public sessions, enriched with supporting material. The supporting material includes information about Eloheim and The Council, descriptions of tools referenced in the session, and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.
When you order the eBook from my website, you will receive it in two different formats: PDF and EPUB. I prefer to read the book as an EPUB. You can download Adobe Digital Editions for free and use it to read the EPUB version. Follow this link for more details:
http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/. If you are happy reading as a PDF, then you don’t need Adobe Digital Editions. Either way, you get the same book.
The paperback will be available later this year.

Working For Money & How to Build Your Marriage ~ 4-27-2011
I will say it again, WOW!!
The meeting of April 27, 2011 was very unusual for me. It was powerful for many people, but I want to talk about how unusual it was for me.
First off the Guardians and the Visionaries spoke powerfully about the idea of “Where we put our expanded attention” which was introduced last week. Follow this link for more information. https://eloheim.com/5674/choosing-where-to-put-your-attention-4-20-2011/
Then Eloheim came in. I just watched Eloheim’s section and it seems light and fun like it typically is. However, that is not what I experienced channeling it. I felt things in my body I have never felt before. When Eloheim stopped the meeting to set the energy (just before the YouTube video starts), I had a very intense buzzing in my chest. They truly were setting and holding a very specific energy for the information they were going to bring in. They were VERY serious about this. I guess I am going to have to teach them how to make a serious face so everyone knows when they are being this serious!
The day after the meeting was extremely challenging for me. It took 36 hours to feel like myself again. That hasn’t happened in a long time.
Eloheim has asked me to hold off on making further comments about all of this as they want to address it in the next meeting.
Eloheim also talked about how to handle the low-vibrational thoughts we still experience and addressed instantaneous manifestation.
The Girls followed up on Eloheim’s discussion and talked about vibration and multi-tasking.
Fred spoke about the energies of Uranus.
The Warrior continued their story focusing on the energetic jumps we are experiencing and how we can lose ourselves in the rapidity of transformation.
The Matriarch closed the meeting by talking about the changes in our crown chakras.
It’s not WHY is this happening? It’s WOW this is happening!
This subtle shift of language facilitates a huge shift in perspective. Experiences are here to facilitate growth, expansion, and transformation. Nothing happens TO you, it all happens FOR you. You create your reality by choosing your reactions to your experiences.
Shift your perspective to WOW and then allow for your changed perspective to change your life.
eBook – $2.99
For more information, please visit https://www.eloheim.com/books
Eloheim’s first book featuring 22 simple but powerful tools for transforming your life! Also includes Eloheim explaining and defining nearly 100 concepts.
eBook – $3.99 ~ Paperback – $9.99
For more information, please visit https://www.eloheim.com/books
April, 2011
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Choosing Where to Put Your Attention ~ 4-20-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a great time during our April 20, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians talked about “becoming conscious of things you are not ready to attend to.” They reminded us that we can be aware of things, but not require ourselves to take action. “Am I really ready to interact?” They did not give us a pass to be unconscious of things, just reminded us that we can use our free-will to decide what we want to interact with. The Visionaries continued this idea and tied it to the concept of “going with the flow.”
Eloheim stayed on this theme. Their main talk started with: “If you were a Guru” and went from there. I chose it for the YouTube video this week.
Your awareness will expand and your ability to physically do something will not. What you choose to apply your physical skills toward is your free will and the difference [between the two] is your spiritual challenge. Eloheim
The Girls explained how to use the behavior we observe in others to focus our own spiritual journey.
When you become aware of other people’s journeys ….you are not emanating your truth if you are wondering why “they won’t get it.”
Fred made everyone laugh describing the sports he would want to play. Yes, he tied this into spiritual truths as well. He is amazing.
The Warrior told the story of their first time hunting a dragon and how they learned that “you don’t eat dragon.”
The Matriarch closed the night in her wonderful way.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

The Magnificence of YOU – You Will Know It ~ 4-13-2011
Hello everyone,
As the meeting of April 13, 2011 started, it was very clear that the energy of the room was very different. Everyone in the room had huge energy “standing behind them.” The YouTube video this week is the Visionaries explaining why this was happening and what it means.
You are going to know the magnificence of you through this journey. You will experience yourself as part of the infinite nature of creation. We are going to explore awe! ~ The Visionaries
The Guardians opened the meeting. Eloheim’s section of the meeting included very moving examples of integrating Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The Girls reminded us to be loving to ourselves as we encounter these other lifetimes. Fred spoke about Pluto. The Warrior continued the story of being a young man and traveling away from his home village. The Matriarch concluded the meeting.
Veronica will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

How Does Time Work? How Can We Work With It Differently? ~ 4-6-2011
Hello everyone!
I put in a request to Eloheim to speak about time. I have been experiencing so many strange time shifts and collapses and speed ups and you name it! The feedback I have received is that I am not the only one so I figured it was time 🙂 to get some insight about it.
Eloheim covered the topic in quite a lot of detail. The YouTube video this week is a portion of their comments.
We’re talking about the energetics of what you call time! The movement of creation is infinite and constant and you’re experiencing it from only one view point but you actually have infinite perceptions of it from your Soul’s perspective. ~ Eloheim
The entire April 6, 2011 meeting was wonderful and included powerful messages from each Council member. The Council continues to discuss how we are working with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives.) This week, they tied that idea into how we perceive and interact with time.
The Guardians and the Visionaries explained that energetically we have left the canyon and are now standing on the edge of a vast vista. The vista includes limitless potentials and lots of places that we are uncertain about.
The vista of possibilities is now yours to play in ~ The Visionaries
The Girls shared that the suspect strongly that connecting to “UFOs” is actually connecting to “future lifetimes.” They go on to remind us not to equate technological advancement to spiritual advancement.
You are the one you have been waiting for ~ The Girls
Fred spoke about the energies of Neptune. The Warrior offered a rousing pep talk. The Matriarch made everyone laugh by following the Warrior’s talk with a vision of us all as babies carrying swords on our backs.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

Integration of Alternate Expressions (Past/Future Lives) ~ 3-30-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, YouTube and I are not communicating well. I can’t seem to get the video to load up. I will keep trying. [EDIT: it took 11 hours to load a 5 minute video! You will find it below] In the meantime, I wanted to post the links to the March 30, 2011 meeting. It was amazing! A powerful discussion of integration and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council. Plus, the Warrior told a story from his childhood and Fred talked about Mercury and Mercury Retrograde. The links to the audio and video are below.
A deep discussion of integration of and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council.