December, 2008
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ELOHEIM: An Interesting Learning Experience
It is really amazing to see the Eloheim teachings working in my day-to-day life. Here is a doozy of an example from last night!
Wow, what an interesting experience I had tonight. It started off rather simple. I was doing some laundry. I heard the dryer stop so I carried another load out to the machines and set the clothes on top of the dryer. I started removing the clothes from the dryer and realized that they were still wet. I had a moment of panic thinking that the machine might be broken, but caught myself and went into “what is this teaching me” mode. That completely changed the experience. I felt as though I ‘got bigger’ in some way. I clearly experienced having access to more than just my own thoughts.
I tried starting the machine again, but there was no response to my repeated pushing of the ON button. I remembered that when this had happened once before and my landlord has easily fixed it. I couldn’t remember WHAT he did, but I knew it was possible that there was a quick fix to be had.
This too is teaching me. Ask for inspiration.
I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in…no dice. Then, inspiration hit, maybe it was a fuse! Sure enough, when I opened the breaker box, one of the fuses was flipped. I slid it back and forth and gave the ON button another shot. Wallah! Clothes started getting dry. I left the laundry basket in the walkway to remind me to continue the laundry process once I returned from the channeling meeting. Sometimes I am a bit out of it after the meetings, so I knew this would be a great and needed reminder.
I went about getting ready for the meeting. I loaded up the car taking extra care to remember all the plugs for the camera and computer. I was very conscious during my preparation. I gathered some firewood so that I could get the room warm before everyone arrived. I had plenty of time to get it all ready. I had everything I needed.
Once the car was loaded, I went back in for my keys to lock up the house and get on my way.
I am quite habitual (yikes it is hard to even type that word these days) about where I put my keys. There is a hook by the door and that is where they go. I haven’t lost my keys in years. I don’t even think about it (yikes, again).
So, I look around….and I keep looking….and now I am going to be late to the meeting and still no keys. I had them yesterday when I came home from the store, maybe they are in the refrigerator or the freezer or in with the silverware or in my dresser drawer or …. I mean I LOOKED. Maybe they are under the couch, on the front porch, under the bathroom sink, in the garbage or the recycling ….. WHERE could they be?
While I was looking I was asking, What is this teaching me?
See, I KNOW I shouldn’t drive myself to the meetings. I haven’t driven myself to a Wednesday meeting for YEARS. I was just going to be stubborn and do it this week. I had convinced myself it would be OK. I won’t be THAT out of it.
Yeah right!
I knew I should have called for a ride or called a cab or SOMETHING, but I was being stubborn. I knew (was conscious) it wasn’t a good idea and now the keys are lost!
I also knew better than to try and get Eloheim to tell me where the keys were. I knew that they would just laugh at me. They might say something along the lines of, What are you Learning? and leave it at that. I knew what I was learning AND I knew if I found the keys I would ignore what I was learning, be stubborn, and drive myself anyway.
I called the cab company, they said it would be at least 20 minutes…. I called three people for a ride, couldn’t connect. It was getting later and later.
Now, I was LATE for the meeting and still stranded. Finally I got in touch with someone at the meeting who came and got me.
I wasn’t panicked, but concerns did arise. Most of my concerns fell into the category of “that’s my core emotion showing up again.” I was able to set those concerns aside quite easily (and that is extremely cool).
While I was waiting for my ride I looked around and asked, What is this teaching me? I really sank into the moment and the beauty of Sonoma at night. Thoughts/Concerns came up and I let them drop away with, ‘accept this moment.’
That was very, very, cool.
Eloheim, of course, had plenty to say about me losing my keys during the meeting.
Afterward, I arrived home and saw the laundry basket. Ah Ha! Good planning! I will check the dryer and start another load. I walked up to the laundry machine and moved the dirty clothes (which I had left there when the dryer had malfunctioned earlier) out of the way so I could access the washer.
Sure enough, there were my keys!
Now, there is absolutely no need for me to have keys to use the laundry. It is not a shared laundry facility, there isn’t even a door. I wouldn’t have needed my keys to get in the car as I don’t lock it while I am home. There is NO reason for my keys to be outside of the house unless I am actually going to drive my car and I hadn’t needed to drive my car in the last 24 hours.
How they found themselves outside under dirty laundry I will never know. The most interesting part is that IF the dryer hadn’t malfunctioned, I would have found the keys well before I needed them as those dirty clothes would have been been clean by then.
Wait, do you think the keys were there the whole time or did they just hide there until after the meeting? (Yikes, good thing I don’t need to answer THAT one!)
The bottom line is that the keys hid so that I could learn something.
What did I learn? Among other things:
Don’t drive yourself to the meeting. Ask and someone will pick you up, even if they have to drive across town to do it.
If the dryer stops working, check the fuse box before you decide it is broken.
When you know you have a plan of action that isn’t supporting your high vibrational state, reconsider the plan.
Soul’s are very clever!
I really love Sonoma and even when it is cold out it is still nice to go out and look at the view.
The whole experience wasn’t harder on me than it needed to be. I found the keys within 3 minutes of getting home. I am grateful for that. Who really wants to try and replicate your entire ring of keys? NOT ME!
Wow, I really have gone through a lot of transformation. Before Eloheim’s teachings I know I would have been completely triggered and made myself miserable in the process.
I was able to be conscious of the issues as they arose in me and deal with them in a much more balanced way. That sure is an easier way to live.
Thanks Eloheim!
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November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of December 2008
Wow! Eloheim was ON FIRE and ready to go about three hours before the meeting started. By the time the meeting began they were bursting at the seams. This meeting was very powerful. In it, they focus on: The Energies of Thanksgiving, The Energies of the Holidays, The Energies of December 2008, and The Energies of the year 2009. The entire meeting was 85 minutes and was held on 11-26-08.
There is SO MUCH in this introductory talk that I can’t even begin to find specific sections to quote! It starts off big and gets faster and faster! I can’t imagine trying to shorten this material so I am going to provide two clips to cover the 17 minutes of information.
These clips contain the unedited beginning of the meeting and includes their discussion of the energies for the remainder of 2008. The meeting begins with Barbara playing her didgeridoo and Richard playing his crystal bowl.
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ELOHEIM: The Tipping Point and Your Contribution!
This clip is from the 11-12-08 meeting in Sonoma. Eloheim explains how we are at the tipping point moving into high vibrational living. They clarify how we can each make a contribution toward the increase in vibration of our entire race.
We are talking about the discipline to hold the course, to hold onto the truth of the matter, which is: lower vibrational temptations are constantly presented to you, non-stop, opportunities for fear are constantly presented to you, opportunities to feel like you are in lack are constantly presented to you, those things don’t abate, what does abate is your willingness to engage with them….you are learning not to fall for the trap of low vibration, the trap of habit.
Be disciplined in the energetic you are willing to run….that is the great service you can offer.
As you are at this fulcrum point, you are being invited to be disciplined about your contribution.
…when you spill the orange juice in the kitchen it DOES matter how you react to that, even if you are the only one in the house. It DOES matter. It does matter, because that could be the tipping point! You don’t know. We don’t know. But, the tipping point is there and your contribution not only blesses you on your spiritual journey but it infuses society with a high vibrational energetic which can help with the tipping point.
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ELOHEIM: Owning your Reactions or Neutral Observation
During the 11-5-08 meeting Eloheim further clarified the concept of Neutral Observation and re-phrased it as Owning Your Reactions.
Owning your reactions means being conscious in the moment. It also means not letting it (the reaction) run away with you. Not run away from you, but run away with you.
Own your reaction(s) because that let’s you learn from them rather than judge the moment.
This leads to Bliss. “Bliss” is the space where every moment teaches me.
This too can teach me, this too is something I can learn from.
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ELOHEIM: Living in the AH AH Moment 11-2-08
This clip is from our first meeting in Martinez, CA on 11-2-08. We have scheduled the next Martinez meeting for Sunday, January 11th, 4:00-6:00pm. If you would like to attend the January 11th meeting, please RSVP by email to If you would like an audio download or CD of the meeting, please visit our new download page at
Eloheim was thrilled to be in Martinez. They were ‘fired up’ and the meeting moved at a fast pace. This clip begins with a question about dreams and extends into a discussion of living in the Ah Ha moment, Free Will, communicating with your guides, Soul to Soul communication, moving from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritus, running your life through insight, living in the moment, Ascension, raising your vibration, consciousness, transformation of your biology, ‘shaking your finger’ at your guides and Soul, and even more!
Take the revelation of the Ah Ha moment and use it to inform the next moment!
Give up on ‘I’ve got to figure it out’ and open up to ‘I can just let it in’. It is all there waiting for you now.
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October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of November 2008 NOW NOW NOW
This is from the opening of the meeting on 10-29-08. Eloheim covers the energies of November 2008. This talk also gives some very interesting insights on the election. Eloheim refers to Light Workers ‘no longer holding the rope’ and that they are now ‘Spiritual Free Agents’. If you would like further information about this shift that happened back at the end of March 2008, follow this link:
Here are some quotes from the 10-29-08 meeting:
Now is the time for you to do what you came here to do, which is to be high vibrational, conscious, and allow yourself the experience of observing from a neutrally observant place.
Neutral simply means this: that you don’t make a decision about the right or wrong of what you are seeing. You let yourself see it as a learning experience and you say ‘what is this teaching me’. It is ok to set boundaries from the place of neutral observation. What we would advise against is setting boundaries based on emotional reaction.
Go into neutral observation FIRST and then find your way into setting boundaries for yourself. This isn’t the time for celebration, this is a time to integrate your tools so that you can infuse the energetics of your maturing Soul Group with a new concept. Which is right/wrong win/lose don’t exist in our reality. What exists is opportunities to learn and opportunities to bring a higher vibrating consciousness into our culture.
Now is the moment you have been waiting for!
Everything that is being shown to you is being shown to you as an opportunity to grow.
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ELOHEIM: Soul to Soul Vibrational Communication 10-15-08
This clip is from the 10-15-08 meeting. Often Eloheim opens our meetings with a talk which typically last 30 minutes or so. This meeting they left the subject up to the group. One of the participants asked a question about music. He wondered if music exists in other types of incarnations or even on a Soul level.
This subject led into a very interesting discussion about communication. The clip I chose describes Vibrational Communication and how we communicate Soul to Soul. Eloheim speaks to Margaret Henderson who opens and closes our meetings with intutive sounds. Eloheim describes how sound healing works and talks about the potential that exists within that modality.
When you are generating vibrations from your entire being and it is not limited to language, but is actually infused consciousness….this is the ability to communicate vibrationally.
When your vibration gets high, you emanate ripples of high vibration. Imagine that you were actually able to modulate and, in essence, control those ripples that you send out. Then you have a completely new level of communication available to you which is modeled on the communication style you use as a Soul.
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ELOHEIM 10-8-08: Summary of their Teachings
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting of 10-8-08. Eloheim took some time to summarize their teachings and give an overview of what is going on for light workers at this time.
The clip begins with Margaret Henderson providing intuitive sounds. Margy is a sound healer in Sonoma, CA. Her website is:
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September, 2008
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ELOHEIM 9-24-08: Preview of the next 6 months
In this clip from the 9-24-08 meeting, Eloheim summarizes what is going on energetically and previews what the next 6-7 months will be like:
This is the time of choice.
You are choosing, every single moment, to support your high vibrational life, your high vibrational experience, OR to go habitual, to go matching low vibration, and to go diminishing.
No one can take that choice from you because you live in free will zone, and no one can make those choices for you and, more importantly, no one can make you choose.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public. Admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email

ELOHEIM VIDEO: 9-24-08 Ask, does this support High Vibrational living?
During this clip, Eloheim gets SERIOUS. They talk frankly and directly about how we are living and how those choices affect our ability to live in a high vibrational manner.
The question that needs to be asked over and over again: Is this a high vibrational situation? Because if it is not, especially now, you need to re-think the situation.
There is NOTHING ELSE YOU HAVE TO DO but be high-vibrational.
If, for some reason you think the consequences of ‘sucking up’ a low vibrational situation are somehow acceptable, then we want you to reconsider what you feel you deserve and what standards you have for yourself. Because no one else can give you permission but yourself. This is the pathway to embracing who you truly are. This is the way to become an Ascended Being.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public and admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email