March, 2016
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Veronica interviewed by Les Jensen
Same show on YouTube if that’s easier for you
Blog Talk Radio Interview with host Les Jensen
March 16, 2016
The Simple and Eloquent Teachings of Eloheim through Veronica Torres
During this second great interview of the day, Les was full of interesting questions, first, for Veronica and later, for Eloheim.
Veronica explains to Les that Eloheim teaches us how to move out of our self-imposed limitations into our full potential, with the help of the simple tools Eloheim has devised over more than a decade of teachings. Veronica says the teachings show us how to be in the “now” moment in a positive and healthy manner.
Les: How have the teachings touched you
, Veronica? Why do you call them “they?” What do you think about all this, ie time and space, puppy dogs, and radios shows (said with tongue-in-cheek humor)?
At this point, Eloheim gave a brief and loving message to the listeners, declaring they are so impressed by us all. Coming to Earth, they said, is a very intense experience that requires bravery. Eloheim described their work with humanity, “That you create your reality through how you choose to react to the moment you’re in.” Is your reaction conscious or habitual? That is the perfect time to use the tools.
Here are some the many questions Eloheim answered for Les:
When you look at humanity, do you notice an enormous amount of change?
What about the media, politics, and fear, how can we be positive?
How do you see the collective unfolding, time-wise?
Eloheim, are you here for many generations? What did you sign up for?
Who is your ideal client?
What would you tell humanity as a whole at this time?
Don’t miss this replay, it’s a fascinating listen with new information for everyone!

Veronica Interviewed by Robert Sharpe
Same show loaded to YouTube if that’s easier for you.
Blog Talk Radio interview with host Robert Sharpe
March 16, 2016
The Choice for Consciousness
What, you say, another interview? Crazy, right? But fun! Veronica’s on a roll right now! This was an easy and informative interview to listen to, so head on over and check it out.
Veronica started out the interview explaining the process of channeling, acknowledging that it is considered “out of the norm,” but that it had been done since biblical times. She also shared a rarely-told tale of her past journey to Eloheim. Veronica then answered questions from the host: Who is Eloheim? How do we get insight from our own nonphysical guidance similar to what Veronica does? How did Veronica begin channeling? Was she afraid? Did she lack trust in them at first? Why does Veronica call them “they?”
Veronica told the story of how each of the other six Council members, unexpectedly and one by one, came to join the meetings with Eloheim. The Council is made up of the Guardians, the Visionaries, Eloheim, the Girls, the Warrior, and the Matriarch, and each has a different focus and a different manner of teaching. They all came to help us because they love and admire humans and desire to teach us how to live consciously using the tools that Eloheim, and sometimes the others, create to break our habitual responses.
Eloheim then joined the broadcast with an important message for the listeners. “The idea that you create your reality is not to be used to be mean to yourself!” In fact, we have only one rule, Don’t be mean to yourself!

Eloheim Interview on Money and More
Healthylife radio interview with host Jean Adrienne
Veronica Torres and Eloheim
After Jean and Veronica shared the typical background information about Veronica’s journey with Eloheim, the conversation was steered towards the numerous Eloheim tools. These tools were created by Eloheim over many sessions when the need arose (and new ones continue to be added as needed) to help our human family live conscious, inspired, and emotionally healthy lives.
The host zeroed in on one of Veronica and Eloheim’s books, Unraveling Your Money Mysteries: How to Stop Blocking Abundance, and expressed interest in those types of tools, saying that money is a topic that lays quite heavily on most people’s minds.
Veronica said Eloheim teaches us to begin asking ourselves, what are our underlying feelings about money, where do our beliefs and feelings about money come from, and then, how can we change them? One good way to shine light on our money issues is to practice Eloheim’s “Money on the Counter” tool. Veronica also suggested using their money mantra, “I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways” while, at the same time, noticing all the ways in which abundance does come to us.
Eloheim joined the conversation following the money discussion, and the host asked them about the fear that is currently running rampant around the world on many issues, especially in the US during this political season. Eloheim’s answer was uplifting, inspiring, and reassuring, and that answer alone is worth the time listening to this interview.
Along the way, Eloheim explained how everyone is “just fixing their fears” and how and when we set boundaries with other people.
To close the show, the host asked Eloheim for a few more tools with which to leave the audience, so they shared a super useful tool that hasn’t been discussed in previous shows called, “Using ‘I’ Statements,” as well as a few others like, “I’m Tempted To…,” “What is True Now,” and then ended the talk with a brief “Fear or Fascination” discussion.
This was a show with a lot of really helpful tools and some great Eloheim wisdom on the world in it that you won’t want to miss.
Eloheim is best known for their dozens of easy-to-apply tools that offer life-changing support for personal transformation.
The Choice for Consciousness: Tools for Consciousness Living series offers step-by-step tools to show you how to break unhealthy habits and discard victim mentality so that you can fully embrace the truth of the statement, “I CREATE MY REALITY!”
Volume one of the series contains 22 tools which help you recognize where you are experiencing victim hood. With that awareness, you can begin to live as a creator.
Volume two’s 16 tools help you to live as a creator of your life by illuminating your relationship to the moment. This will empower you to create the life you have always dreamed of.
Volume three includes 15 tools to help you learn to fully take responsibility for your reactions to your creations thus living the life of a creator. The tools fall into four categories: • Readiness for change • Managing your energy • Seeing things a new way • New relationship to money
ebook contains all three Choice for Consciousness books and 90 minute BONUS video of Eloheim explaining the tools
All three of our paperback Choice for Consciousness books
$30 including shipping (in the US, outside of the US, please email for a shipping quote)
Card Deck, 53 cards one for each tool in our three Choice for Consciousness books
US shipping is $4. International shipping is $13.

Be The Change Replay
Are you Acting Like a Victim or Are You living as a Creator? How to tell the difference. With Veronica Torres and Eloheim
Time for another interview! Available for a limited time! Click here
The host, Keli Meagher, begins the show with a bit of information about Veronica and Eloheim’s background. As Keli was curious about what channeling really was, Veronica explained the fascinating process, disabusing everyone of the notion that it has anything to do with being “possessed.”
Both Veronica and Eloheim talk about the main topic of the show, how to recognize the habit to slide into victimhood and the “I suck” feeling. They discussed many of their tools that help humans live from a more empowered state. Eloheim explains that the tools give us practical ways to interrupt habitual patterns and form new neural pathways, pathways out of victimhood and into self-empowerment.
Eloheim says, “We’re here to help you reach your potential.”
Callers had questions about physical body symptoms, financial concerns, and boundary issues to which Eloheim replied with super helpful advice regarding re-languaging, equal signs, and using your words.
As usual, this was a wonderful call filled with tips and tools from the Eloheim body of work. For those new to the work, and even for those who have followed with Eloheim for awhile now, this was a call not to miss.
February, 2016
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Eloheim and Veronica Interviewed by Solarzar
Good Vibrations Radio Interview with Solarzar on Radio Monterey
The broadcast began with the host, Solarzar, asking Veronica to share the intriguing story of how she became the channel for Eloheim. After which, Solarzar expressed his amazement regarding Veronica and Eloheim’s book, “Discovering You.” This book was written after a private session with Eloheim and is the only private session shared publicly and with permission from the person getting the session. The host revealed that this was the first channeled book he had ever enjoyed. He feels the message of the book is easy to understand, adaptable to anyone, and that he didn’t have to search for the meaning. In other words, he loved it!
Eloheim then joined the talk, and Solarzar asked Eloheim for a message for his listening audience. Eloheim responded by first noting that the audience drawn to this show had already done a lot of work on themselves. Eloheim suggested that the folks listening not be discouraged by an apparent lack of progress or evolution and to look for small changes, both in themselves and in the outside world. Even the smallest of changes are important to note, for they are markers of evolution. Eloheim offered a few of their simple and practical tools to help with this endeavor: “What is in your lap?” “Red hat” and “Look out the window.”
Questions asked during the interview:
What would you like to see us humans pay more attention to?
Regarding the question of “Who answers the door?” tool, who do we really want to answer the door?
Can you talk about victimhood and being human?
What about the community who wears rose-colored glasses?
A caller asked how to not be triggered while in chronic pain.
Veronica returned to the interview to chat about the many ways to interact with Eloheim and Veronica which includes their website, books, private sessions, the facebook group, and Eloheim’s regular monthly broadcasts.
Solarzar then asked Veronica a final question, “How has channeling Eloheim changed your life?” Briefly, the fascinating answer to that was that fear no longer runs her life.
More than seven of Eloheim’s tools were shared during this interview, including “Who answers the door?” “The current version of you,” “Step by step,” and finally, the number one and only rule Eloheim has ever made, “You don’t get to be mean to yourself.”

53 of Eloheim’s amazing tools for personal transformation
FREE with ebook purchase!
A 90 minute video of Eloheim discussing the tools!
About Eloheim:
Eloheim has been with us since the beginning. They were tasked by the creator to provide an opportunity for Souls to incarnate into a free-will zone. Our beautiful planet is that place. We have come to the point in our spiritual development where we are ready to make the jump to Homo spiritus. Homo spiritus is a state of bliss that exists outside of duality and allows us to access the full potential of being human; a brand new way to live on Earth.
The journey to Homo spiritus starts with transforming your relationship to yourself and others. Eloheim specializes in reading the underlying energetics in any situation. Once they have that clarity, they create an easy-to-apply tool that can quickly shift blockages. This book is a collection of those tools developed over the last 13+ years. Using the tools you can make powerful changes right now. Changes that last!
Eloheim’s practical tools for conscious living will empower you to transform your life, and bring the highest version of you into each interaction.
Working the tools give me a ‘handle’ on every aspect of life..from triggers to joy. Recently I’ve worked an Eloheim tool and found my way through layers of frustration to my sense of adventure. Who knew the rapids could be so fun? With tools in my belt I navigate ‘each moment’. I feel a sense of purpose, ability, skill, pride and moments of pure bliss…ahhhh.

Don’t Miss This One!
This was an amazing conversation
Quantum Conversations Webinar with Lauren Galen
featuring Veronica Torres and Eloheim
February 17, 2016
The webinar with Veronica and Lauren opens with the story of Veronica’s journey, and her introduction to channeling and to Eloheim in 2002.
Veronica discusses the basis of Eloheim’s teachings regarding duality, conscious creating, and creating your reality. She tells us that Eloheim explains how falling back into habits is a typical human behavior and that E’s many practical tools can help to change those habitual reactions. The tools allow the Current Version of you to react to a situation instead of habits. These tools are “pattern interrupts”and help you change your habits and become more conscious in your daily life.
Veronica then gives a few examples of the Eloheim tools:
I’m Tempted To…. This tool interrupts and changes neural pathways.
What Is True Now? This tool brings you into the current moment, into the Now.
What Is My Big Toe Doing? This is a tool that keeps you in the present and out of the past or future.
Short Factual Statements. This tool is used to untangle your thoughts as you describe what is happening in the current moment.
Veronica and Eloheim say in order to get clarity and to understand each other better, we need to define what a specific word means to both parties. They say, don’t assume to know what a certain word means to another.
Veronica goes on to describe who Eloheim is to the audience and why it is spelled with a second ‘e.’
The next part of the show is a Question and Answer session with Eloheim but before they talk to callers, they give a short message about “Service Mentality.”
Questions asked and tools suggested:
Unwanted houseguests – the Boundaries tool.
Finance/career – the Step by Step tool.
Feeling angry in general – the Don’t Be Mean To Yourself and the Energetic Billboard tools.
Releasing anger – more Service Mentality talk and using the “I” Statements tool.
Roadblocks preventing forward movement and being around negative energy – “tell the world what you want.”
How to stay balanced, centered, and find passion – Eloheim talked about the Hamster Wheel Mind, 50th Stepping, and suggested using all the previously mentioned tools to get out of the past and future and back into the present.
Eloheim sums up the session with “Our work quiets the things that cover up what you already know” and reminds us that everything we need is already within us.
Veronica returns at the end of the Q&A to discuss the Special Offer Package and to let people know about the private Eloheim group on Facebook.
It was a fascinating talk, and we hope you enjoy it!
Scroll down on that page to the access the replay.

Dr. Pat Interview Replay Available
I had a great time on The Dr. Pat Show yesterday! The FREE replay is now live. Dr. Pat and I talked about a variety of Eloheim tools and then Eloheim took calls offering great insights to several people who had concerns about their jobs. Tips include ways to increase sales and improve job satisfaction!
January, 2016
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Interview Replay Available
Yesterday’s interview is now ON DEMAND. It was a great time! Eloheim answered questions about connecting with those who have died, the energy of 2016, how to love yourself and more!
Click here