January, 2016
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Live Interview
Tomorrow morning! Friday, Feb 22, at 9am Pacific / Noon Eastern
Listen here:
December, 2015
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New Interview!
I joined Richard of Everyday Connection for a lovely interview and channel of Eloheim. You can listen on the Everyday Connection site. Once you are there, be sure to scroll down below the player for your chance to win a paperback version of our book, The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 2 which I discuss during the interview.
December, 2014
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My Favorite Interview Thus Far!!
December 15, 2014.
Margy Henderson asked me great questions and I LOVED our conversation. A wonderful overview of the teachings of Eloheim and my journey with them.
November, 2014
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Dream Analysis
Dorothy has been following the Eloheim teachings for years and has just launched her new website!
“Dreams are the voice of your soul. What message are you being shown when you dream? Find out what your dreams mean by visiting my site and booking a session. Looking for a unusual gift this holiday season? You can give an Interpretation as a gift to a loved one!” Dorothy Gail, Dream Catcher Interpretations
I had some questions for Dorothy! Do you have some? Post them in the comments!
What drew you to dream analysis?
I have always been a prolific dreamer. One of the first spiritual sites I found had a dream analysis board so I posted one of mine. The lady who opened and ran the group was very psychic and I learned a lot from her about my gifts and abilities and this was one area that just immediately clicked with me. Her interpretations and generosity about answering questions opened my eyes even further as to how much more to life there is than what is in front of our physical eyes. After just a few dream interpretations, I would tell the dream and my interpretation and she would laugh and tell me I didn´t need her, that I understood them.
That and the fact that I had been studying tarot and symbols made all the difference to me in how I viewed my dreams. Symbols and animal totems and dream analysis all fascinated me. Instead of being freaked out about my dreams, they became interesting and changed how I viewed what was going on in my waking life.
What can dreams tell us about our waking life? Continue Reading…
October, 2014
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Channeling: What it is, What it’s like
October 1, 2014 Interview
This was our first Google hangout! It was great!
I’m using this format on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30am Pacific. I will interview various interesting people and channel Eloheim as well.
Our first show was an overview of the history of my own spiritual journey, how I connected with Eloheim, what it’s like to channel, and various stories about my experiences in the last 12 years with Eloheim. Mary George shared how she connected with the group and what is has been like assisting Eloheim and me with all of our projects (webcasts, books, etc.) over the years.
I channel during that last 30 minutes or so giving Eloheim the chance to share THEIR experiences too.
April, 2014
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Veronica Interviewed on the Awakening Zone
I had the pleasure of joining Awakening Zone Content Manager Jean Tinder last night. Jean asked great questions many of which I had never been asked before! It was a wonderful interview. Use the player below to listen ON DEMAND free!
I will be hosting my own show on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30am Pacific. Hope you can join us! Click here for details.
So glad it was recorded- listened to it this morning- great job!!
Thanks for the link, I was wondering if there are online archives for the show. I did listen live and enjoyed it so much that I was hoping to be able to listen again
You sounded vibrant, alive and refreshing…You bring in a totally new angle to spiritual growth…brilliant show
Loved it!
June, 2012
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FREE Transcript of the Imzaia Interview
On April 30, 2012 I was interviewed by Quan Yin and Lotus of Imzaia.com The Imzaia folks have prepared a transcript of the interview which we are offering to you as a gift! Use the sign-up form below to have the PDF of the transcript emailed to you. Please note: I don’t add you to my email list unless you sign up on the next page. We do need your email to send you the transcript. If you prefer, you can watch the interview in the video below.