June, 2011
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A Doorway to a New Experience ~ 6-1-2011
Hello everyone,
The channeling session of June 1, 2011 included messages from each of the Council members.
The Guardians: What is in your experience that you are ready to move beyond? It is very important to be aware of that which you wish to infuse with your soul’s perspective.
The Visionaries: Is it “go” or “no go”? We will tell you that it’s “no go” if your habits, baggage, static, and un-boundaried perspectives are not being attended to. You don’t have to be finished or done. What you need to be is willing to align your free will behind the idea that this is what you desire and be attentive to what arises.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group including a profound discussion about lack. They also introduced a new tool: Doorway to a new experience.
The Girls: Were very impressed by Eloheim’s new tool and spoke about how the energies shifted in the room as the tool was explored. They also spoke about desiring “healing above all else.”
Fred: Finally talked about the energy of the Sun. The Sun is the life force, it’s the engine. It’s all about receiving!
The Warrior: Talked about setting boundaries quickly. Get clear about what your truth so that you can express it clearly early in the emotive cycle.
Matriarch: Remember, when you get triggered be sure to say, “I accept you, but I want more than you” to ensure you don’t build more static during the transformation of the trigger.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
September, 2010
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RELEASE, Lay it Down, and WALK AWAY ~ 9-8-10
Hello everyone!
September 8th was a great meeting. I have decided to include a long quote from each Council member who spoke.
Visionaries: (Please see the video for more from the Visionaries)
All that we’ve done recently is help you to refine your vibration in order to facilitate transformation, facilitate ascension, facilitate balance, facilitate moving into the Homo spiritus state, facilitate you living from your soul’s perspective. The soul does not know lack. Last week we talked about how to love yourself from the soul’s perspective. This week we want to talk about lack from the soul’s perspective or the absence of lack.
Continue Reading…
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Break out of Lack ~ 3-31-10
Wow, do I have news before I get to this week’s meeting:
1. Have you voted for us as the Next Top Spiritual Author? Every vote is needed and it is quite easy to do. Follow this link to our page: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=1933
2. The Q&A channeling sessions are going to be held every 3rd Sunday of the month. For April, that makes it the 18th. If you have questions for Eloheim, this is your chance to ask them! We also webcast our weekly meetings. Register on this page: https://eloheim.com/web-casts/
3. I will be on KSVY radio next Friday, April 9th, at 8:45am Pacific. I will be a guest on the Mornings in Sonoma program. You can listen live from the radio’s website: http://sunfmtv.com/fm/?cat=6
4. Please follow this link http://EzineArticles.com/4027921 to read an Eloheim article about the four levels of the law of attraction. This is a new venue for sharing the Eloheim teachings and the more clicks we get, the better our ranking will be and Waller says that is really important. Please click and share!
On to this week’s meeting!
The meeting included all six members of The Council sharing their insights. The video below includes Eloheim speaking about lack and how to ensure that you are comparing YOU TO YOU here in 2010 and not somewhere in your past.
Eloheim also talked about what The Council does at the meetings. The Girls took Eloheim’s “What is your left big toe doing?” tool to another level. The Warrior took us deeply into how to access our alternate expressions (past lives) and receive the gift that even violent lifetimes have for us. The Guardians did multiple energy clearing sessions. The Visionaries talked about the overall picture and The Matriarch did another powerful meditation.
3-31-10 ~ 78 minutes
Guardians: Energetically you can release without having to understand or know or examine even everything that comes off.
Visionaries: Now, the grand step that’s currently ready for you is the grand step that says, “I can live, I can live, from consciousness.” We want to facilitate you living from a position of consciousness where in essence, as Eloheim has called it, it becomes a healthy habit to default to consciousness.
Eloheim: Tool – who answers the door? Describes how the Council communicates. Tool – . “I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways,” Lack is one of the lowest-vibrational states you can find yourself in.
The Girls: We want to make sure that you recognize that you’re in a body. You’re in a bod-y. And your body needs from you love for you.
Warrior: You want knowledge of and acknowledgment of the foundational aspects of the Warrior lifetimes.
Matriarch: When you find yourself confused or distraught or mixed up, there can be solace in the idea and the fact that you’re not alone. But not simply, “I’m not alone, I’m not alone,” but, “I am part of something that is non-divisible.” Non-divisible.
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010