February, 2007
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Eloheim: 02-21-07 Why did I create this?
In this clip, a member of the group brings up sleep apnea and Eloheim uses this as an example of the four levels of creation. I really tried to make this a short clip, but I couldn’t bring myself to cut it any shorter than the 12 minutes it ended up being.
The discussion of sleep apnea moves into applying consciousness to determine what it is you actually wish to create, healing the things you have in ‘the closet’, investing consciousness in yourself, what you put out you attract, did I create cancer?, finding the gift, taking responsibility, and more. Here are some quotes from the clip:
Take the four levels of creation: Soul, unconscious, subconscious, conscious – add the free will to choose your reaction to the things that you create. Right now that is the best description of being Human we can give.
As the personality reacts to what is being created, the Soul can then build on the reactions to bring more creation in.
You all have had people say to you, ‘why did you create that?’…. And you can go, ‘Well, you know, I don’t think I would consciously sign up for cancer’….but there is reason why this is happening to me and I take responsibility for the fact that it is happening and I have my big eyes and my bright flashlight out looking for the reasons. Where is the gift? Because my Soul, my unconscious and my subconscious are collaborating to show me something. Something is coming up to be seen and I am going to look for it and tease it out of this so that I can apply consciousness and then BOOM receive gifts.
You receive strength and clarity and that is when you start to make more room for your Soul….you apply consciousness and all of a sudden there is more room for these things to raise up through the levels and your Soul can start making more things available to you to work with to bring more consciousness into your life. As you bring more consciousness into your life you have more of your Soul in your body and as you have more Soul in your body you have the ability to then do things that you never thought were possible before.
Eloheim: 02-21-07 Why did I create this?
Please note: Always consult a physician if you need medical care or advice. Eloheim’s comments are not meant to substitute for medical care. Always use your discernment.

Eloheim: 02-21-07 Conversation about creating paid off credit cards
This clip from the 2-21-07 meeting follows the clip I posted earlier about the Law of Attraction. Eloheim continues the explanation of the four different levels from which we create. Eloheim does this by asking for an example of something that we want to attract.
One of the group members offers her situation (wanting to pay off credit card debt) as an example and Eloheim walks through the process with her. Eloheim suggests that her anxiety about her credit card debt is really just a reason not to ‘go for her great nature’. If the credit cards were paid off, then she would have no excuse to hold herself back from reaching out and doing what she feels drawn to do.
This clip is a powerful example of Eloheim’s teaching us to become conscious of the ‘thing’ we are really creating from. The last 90 seconds is especially powerful as Eloheim sums up the conversation.
Eloheim: 02-21-07 Conversation about creating paid off credit cards

Eloheim: 02-21-07 Law of Attraction Question and Answer #1
This clip begins our Question and Answers about the Law of Attraction. Eloheim continues his/their insight on the subject. The focus of this clip is on how do you know what is ‘in your closet’ (what is holding us back from manifesting/attracting what we want) and what we do with what is in our closet. You may want to listen to the 12 minute clip I posted on 02-22-07 where Eloheim explains the Law of Attraction before listening to this clip.
There is a rough edit in this clip because we were interuppted due to a water line break outside of our meeting room.

Eloheim answers: 2-21-07 Explaining the Law of Attraction
Last night, I asked Eloheim to speak about the Law of Attraction as presented in the movie The Secret. WOW! Eloheim takes the Law of Attraction and explains how it works, the FOUR LEVELS you use to create, how to work with each level, what happens when you do, and so much more. The folks that attended last night’s meeting found this information so helpful that I wanted to get it posted right away. This is a 12 minute clip so it could take a moment or two to start playing.
After this clip we had a Q&A section discussing the Law of Attraction, so I will have more clips to come.

Eloheim: 02-14-07 Judgement is the Barrier to Spiritual Growth
Here are a couple of different ways that Eloheim shares their views on how we judge ourselves.
The judgment you inflict on yourself is the number one barrier to the spiritual growth you desire, number one, top of the list, by A LOT.
If you find yourself judging yourself, bring consciousness to that experience because you are on top of the barrier to your Spiritual Growth when you recognize that you are judging yourself.
After Elohiem shared this information about judging ourselves, one of the members of our group shared her experience of leaving her groceries in another town and her comment that she was feeling angry with God for it.
Eloheim takes this situation and builds on it (8 minute clip) sharing so many helpful tools including: creating your reality, taking responsibility for what you create, finding the gift, being in the moment, connecting with your soul, what IS is, Free Will, manifestation, leaving cause and effect behind, the difference between feeling and emotion, reaction rut, habitual response, and more. The questioner continues by asking how the information from the movie “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction can be included.
The clip ends abruptly because someone hit their funny bone and everyone started talking at the same time – about that feeling!
Eloheim: 02-14-07 Judgement is the Barrier to Spiritual Growth