August, 2014
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Life with Eloheim, Kids and Cats ~ 2014-06
I’m very sensitive to the energy of places.
I’m also sensitive to the energy of people; I’ve put in a lot of effort to “turn off” that sensitivity as it gets really overwhelming. The energy of places is somehow different for me.
I’ve often experienced riding in a car and “knowing” I’ve been in a place before I “see” that I’ve been in that place before.
I could live just about anywhere there is an Internet connection, yet I’ve made my home for 14 years in a small town called Sonoma, CA. I’m blessed to live in a cottage, on the top of a mountain (which, now that I’ve seen the alps is really a large hill), with two cats and a lot of quiet.
The energy of this place is right for me.
Being so sensitive to the energy of a place makes me always shake my head that I am rather lazy about vacuuming the floors. Nothing changes the energy in the house faster than vacuuming yet I tend to put it off. That and changing the sheets on the bed! Fresh sheets are magically different than those that have been slept in, yet I wait on that luxury as well.
Traveling with Eloheim last month gave me lots of chances to feel the energy of different places and to see what affected and shifted that energy.
My summary:
KIDS shift energy! Continue Reading…

Life with Eloheim, Making the Request ~ 2014-05
“Can I have another croissant?”
It’s only five words, yet it felt like a huge accomplishment.
I’m very outgoing.
I talk a lot.
I have a lot of energy.
None of those things means I can easily ask for what I need.
It ties into my Core Emotion.
Unhealed version: Fear of being kicked out of the tribe.
Healed version: When I am in my truth, I create authentic community – and get another croissant.
Making requests risks rejection. Not making requests guarantees not getting what I want.
Hmmm. I think this writing things down idea might be a good one! Never realized that second part until it came out of my finger tips.
Back to croissants. We were on the plane (12 hours) from San Francisco to Zurich Switzerland. We were getting pretty close to the end when they served us breakfast. The croissant was the best part and I was still hungry. I decided to ask for a second one!
The flight attendant may have replied, “But of course madam.” That could also be a line from a Grey Poupon commercial. Either way, he was very sweet about it and brought me a second one right away.
I don’t have a picture of the croissant, so here is a goofy picture of us in the airport before we took off.
I love this picture! Continue Reading…
July, 2014
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Life with Eloheim, Queues and Cars ~ 2014-04
Thing is, when you travel, there is a lot of waiting around. It’s fascinating to observe how other people wait.
For instance, in Turkey they queue as a mob. Lines? What are they? Every opportunity to go one at a time is approached as a big blob of bodies.
We took a day trip to Greece (isn’t that amusing!) for a bit of sightseeing. Just popped over on the ferry. Well sort of…
See it’s all well and good and sounds all sorts of sophisticated to “pop over” to another country for the afternoon. However, in this case, the other country isn’t in the EU so you have to queue for passport and customs ON BOTH SIDES, BOTH WAYS.
That means mob queues and baggage scans and passport stamping four times in one day. That’s a bit much frankly. It was especially amusing to be yelled at for “not being in line” during the mob queue scene.
However, it does allow you to do this!
That’s the Mediterranean Sea or the Aegean Sea depending on who you ask and where you are standing. We are on Rhodes Island which is Greece now and has probably been a zillion other countries before.
This is the ferry we rode parked next to a huge cruise ship! Continue Reading…

Life with Eloheim, Audacity ~ 2014-03
Thanks to Google for the definition
Being in Europe and hanging with all the multilingual folks made me aware of words in a new way. I like this word audacity. It came to mind as soon as I realized that someone looked at this mountain
and said, “We want a convenient way to go to the top of that mountain on a regular basis.”
It’s about 8000 feet high. Otherwise known as “no problem.”
They have a cable car that takes you up there.
Well, they call it a cable car.
THIS is a cable car!
In Austria, THIS is a cable car!
Which we call a Gondola!
They told me that this is a Gondola!
Which of course it is!
Now that that is all cleared up, let’s move along shall we??? Continue Reading…

Life with Eloheim, Europe part 2 ~ 2014-02
I never intended this series to be strictly chronological and it’s a good thing because today I’m jumping forward to the middle of our trip even though this is only my second post!
If I had an overall mantra for this journey it would have been, “I don’t know what’s going on.” (IDKWGO for short)
I must have said that or thought that a thousand times!
A card from our newest offering: The Levels of Creating
Order your deck at
Many of you are familiar with Eloheim’s tool: I don’t know anything or as I posted above: I don’t know everything.
I don’t know what’s going on is something totally new. At least for me.
I don’t know anything has always been a mental tool for me. It helps me broaden the number of thoughts I permit myself to think.
I don’t know what’s going on was a full body experience!
Don’t speak the language.
Can’t read the signs.
Don’t know where I’m sleeping next.
Have no idea what I’m going to eat or when.
Don’t know where we are going.
Don’t know who is picking us up.
Don’t know why I’m on this bus!!!!!
Ok, that last one probably needs some explanation.
Continue Reading…

Life with Eloheim ~ Europe part 1 ~ 2014-01
People consistently ask me about my experiences with Eloheim and seem to enjoy hearing about the day-to-day things that go on since I can “talk to Eloheim anytime you want!”
I’ve decided to start sharing more of these stories here on the website.
It’s 4:34am and my body seems to think I’m still in Lech, Austria. Jet lag is such an odd thing. I didn’t have any jet lag on the way to Europe as we jumped into lots of activities as soon as we landed and stayed on the new schedule. I did nap just about every day which I do when I’m at home so that felt pretty normal. However, sleeping twice a day made the trip seem a lot longer than 15 days. Also, it was rainy most of the time which made it really hard to judge the passage of time. That contributed to the feeling of being in an experience of “time out of time.”
I wish I had taken a photo of my beautiful room at the Hotel Sonnenburg. Frankly, I was too overwhelmed by the beauty to even think about it. As soon as I opened the door, I started to cry. I’ve never stayed in a nicer hotel, but that was just a small part of it. Continue Reading…