March, 2014
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Morning Message #2014-06 March 5, 2014
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-06 March 5, 2014
What are your first thoughts upon waking? Each morning as you transition from sleep to awake something quite marvelous occurs. You experience something completely different. You can use this to facilitate further transformation.
The sleep state offers you access to different thought patterns and energetics. It opens doorways with you. If, upon waking, you immediately rush into thought patterns pre-programmed by the night before, you miss a chance to integrate the NEW that sleep offered.
We observe that you often reflect upon sleep by evaluating your dream (if you remember) and consider how rested you feel. Yet so much more has happened!
We don’t even have to get esoteric to know this is true. You weigh less, your digestion has been working, etc. It’s tempting to go right to your todo list as soon as you can open your eyes. Let’s see if you can insert something else in that space. Perhaps an exploration of gratitude, a contemplation of the sounds you hear, an awareness of your body from head to toe. Anything that interrupts whatever pattern you have now if that pattern does not include an acknowledgment that things are new each day.
Part of spiritual and personal growth is making sure to take time out to notice that it is happening.
Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.

Morning Message #2014-05 March 4, 2014
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-05 March 4, 2014
When you seek growth and desire your life to change, you open to uncertainty. Uncertainty doesn’t feel like the old way felt. We summarize this new feeling you experience as “discomfort” and advise you to abide in the discomfort of uncertainty. The habit is to run back to old patterns and find a “familiar suffering” to avoid the discomfort of uncertainty. With that background, let’s talk about this discomfort.
It doesn’t seem to go away. The more you choose for consciousness and the more frequently you invite in the new, the more often you experience uncertainty. They key is to create a new relationship to the discomfort. Begin by ensuring that you are not seeing discomfort as danger. If you make an equal sign between these two, you will have deep difficulties allowing change into your life.
Another important point is not to try and avoid experiencing the discomfort of uncertainty. You don’t want to condition yourself to stuff this discomfort away as that conditions you (creates a habit) which says “don’t spend time here” thus cutting you off from the very states (change) you are seeking. Instead allow yourself to admit, “Of course this feels uncomfortable. I am doing something new, something I have no experience with, it’s unreasonable to imagine this would feel the same as something I have done for 30 years”.
When you recognize that the discomfort of uncertainty is a normal expression of change, you can begin to create a healthy, conscious relationship to the truth of the discomfort. It’s a signal that you are in NEW! Take a look around! Let go of preconceived notions about what is available to you.
Make sure you do this as the current version of you. Don’t jump too far out of the moment you are in. You don’t need to multiply the discomfort by adding in projecting out to the non-existent future. There is plenty of NEW to explore in this NOW.
Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.

Morning Message #2014-04 March 3, 2014
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-04 March 3, 2014
When you walk through your world, you are broadcasting a signal. You are telling everyone all sorts of details about you. Most people broadcast and interpret these signals unconsciously or subconsciously. As you become more conscious and aware of your inner world, you will start to recognize more and more of these broadcasts, both incoming and outgoing.
Most broadcasts are generated by habitual patterns established in childhood. This is a big contributor to the observation of “she married someone just like her dad” and why partner after partner will share similar traits. You are broadcasting the signal which says, “This is what love looks like to me. Who agrees?” When that broadcast is based in abuse or trauma, it can attract continued difficulties.
As you become more conscious, more aware of your broadcast, you can modify it to something that more accurately reflects the current version of you. A great tool for this is “I am tempted to.” Say, “I’m tempted to see this as loving because it’s how my parent ‘loved’ yet I recognize it’s an experience I no longer wish to repeat.” Then ask, “What is true now?” to discover how loving looks from the current version of you.
Knowing what YOU experience and feel as love NOW, allows you to broadcast a new signal. The habit of accepting the abuse-based version of loving will still be strong. Keep using “I am tempted to” to hold the habit at arms length and allow your new broadcast a chance to move within you and out into the world.
The old version of loving will feel “comfortable” but that’s only because it’s a familiar suffering. The new version of loving will likely feel uncertain and even disorienting. That’s the feeling of growth; it’s you releasing you from the trap of repeated pain.
Veronica writes:
I’ve been in a deep exploration of a new way of being…. so far, it’s nearly impossible to describe with words. This MM came after a particularly intense look at how I’ve experienced and observed partnership over the years.
Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.

Morning Message #2014-03 March 2, 2014
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-03 March 2, 2014
Today it’s still and quiet. Silence surrounds you. The choice is the loudest thing now. What will it be? Will you linger with the remnants of a disturbing dream or will you ask, “What is true now?” and sink into this silence to discover what it offers?
Pause now and listen with your whole self. Feel into the silence and see the choice it represents. When neutral observation, the willingness to the being in the “I don’t know space,” and the ability to experience a non-adrenaline based outlook combine, you find opportunities.
They don’t feel the way opportunities previously felt. Let us use an example we’ve used before. You are in a small boat on a raging river. You paddle (make choices) to steer your way. You can’t predict what the river will do or be like at any one spot. You evaluate and act as best as you are able to chart a course that meets your current preferences. You keep choosing and reacting to presented situations as your boat ride continues.
The option now is to experience this same boat ride in a new way. Your paddling represents a trajectory rather than an effort at certainty. Your path is an exploration of the experience rather than a continuing judgment of right or wrong. Unplanned occurrences are met with fascination rather than a sense of failure.
In both examples, you are in a boat and you are moving with the current. You are also deciding which stance you will take.
We like this word stance. The energetic opportunity we see now is living from a stance of clarity rather than obsessing over evaluating each moment’s preferred/not preferred status. We will have to say more about this.
Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.

Morning Message 2014-02
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-02 March 1, 2014
The porch roof has come loose in the storm.
Bang! Bang!
It’s loud enough to wake you.
Bang! Bang!
It’s as though it is asking “How will you react?” It only sounds when there is a big gust. Enough time passes in between for you to pretend it’s not an issue.
Bang! Bang!
Oh yes, it’s still asking, “How will you react?” Continue Reading…
February, 2014
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Morning Message 2014-01
Occasionally, on days when there is no reason to rush out of bed, I have conversations with Eloheim. I document these messages by texting them to a friend who types them up.
These “Morning Messages” are delivered in short bursts whose coherence always surprises me when I read them strung together.
I started sharing them with a small group and they became very popular very quickly. I’ve decided to share them here as well.
Morning Message #2014-01 February 28, 2014
The rain falls from the sky, the drops sink in and soak everything. The sound is like an orchestra of different instruments. You notice them so keenly. It feels fresh and new. Rain is common, until it’s not. There’s nothing like the absence of something to make its eventual presence sharper and more vibrant.
This is an ideal example of how remarkable things seem when we connect with Veronica and interact with you. It’s always filled with new sounds and sensations. There’s always something to explore. You can grow weary of the “same old thing” and the “same problems.” If you look closely at anything, you will see nothing is ever the same.
Allow fascination to guide your deeper exploration of now. Find one difference and then look for another. Has the vista shifted, have your feelings changed, do you seem new here?
Don’t require this shift to be filled with excitement and adrenaline to “count” as new. This exploration can be one of subtle changes of awareness. Adrenaline-based living, like habitual-based thinking, can only take you so far on this journey.
Allow yourself to explore the more that is here now.
**Here in Sonoma, CA we have had almost no rain for about eight months. Today is very wet and Eloheim used that in their message.**
Your financial support for this offering is very much appreciated.

Change Your Reaction to Change!
I’ve made a new Morning Message video!
This is the 28th Morning Message video. Click here to watch the rest.
October, 2013
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How to STOP being mean to yourself! MM #8
Have you answered our four question survey? Please do! It will help me plan the 2014 event calendar.

Healthy Boundaries? How do I do that? Morning Message #7
Healthy Boundaries? How do I do that? Morning Message #7
Private sessions with Eloheim are available by phone or Skype click here for details