December, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of 2009 – Inspiration
This clip is from the meeting held on 11-26-08. Eloheim talks about the energies of 2009. This clip came toward the end of the meeting. Eloheim is pretty mellow by the time the section came along.
If you are interested in hearing Eloheim’s insight on the energies of the remainder of 2008, please visit this link:
Here are some quotes from the clip about the energies of 2009:
Inspiration – that’s the word for 2009, both being an Inspiration and receiving Inspiration.
2009 will be about learning to live through inspiration….as your guiding force, instead of habituation…
Operating from a place where you are collaborating with your Soul to accelerate the process of Ascension.
[the process] It’s not ‘figure it out’, it’s not ‘understand’, it’s not ‘generate answers’, it’s neutral observation to allow space for inspiration to guide you.
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November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of December 2008
Wow! Eloheim was ON FIRE and ready to go about three hours before the meeting started. By the time the meeting began they were bursting at the seams. This meeting was very powerful. In it, they focus on: The Energies of Thanksgiving, The Energies of the Holidays, The Energies of December 2008, and The Energies of the year 2009. The entire meeting was 85 minutes and was held on 11-26-08.
There is SO MUCH in this introductory talk that I can’t even begin to find specific sections to quote! It starts off big and gets faster and faster! I can’t imagine trying to shorten this material so I am going to provide two clips to cover the 17 minutes of information.
These clips contain the unedited beginning of the meeting and includes their discussion of the energies for the remainder of 2008. The meeting begins with Barbara playing her didgeridoo and Richard playing his crystal bowl.
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ELOHEIM: Owning your Reactions or Neutral Observation
During the 11-5-08 meeting Eloheim further clarified the concept of Neutral Observation and re-phrased it as Owning Your Reactions.
Owning your reactions means being conscious in the moment. It also means not letting it (the reaction) run away with you. Not run away from you, but run away with you.
Own your reaction(s) because that let’s you learn from them rather than judge the moment.
This leads to Bliss. “Bliss” is the space where every moment teaches me.
This too can teach me, this too is something I can learn from.
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