October, 2017
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2017 Cruise Recordings
Cruise Recordings
Five hours of channeling
We had an amazing experience on this trip.
I was evacuated due to the fires five days before I left on the cruise. Right now my house smells and feels like I have been camping (with all of my stuff) for a month! Plus, there’s so much to put away that was thrown in the car both for the evacuation and the trip. It’s a MESS!
My home and my cat are both safe. 28.5% of the Sonoma Valley burned.
I’m in the middle where it says Boyes Hot Springs
Then I did this….it was surreal for the first few days and then very healing
The first channeling covered all of our reactions to the fire and began the teachings for the retreat. INCLUDING the theme for the year!!!!
On the second day
, we started what E is calling the “Ph.D program.”
E introduces and incredible new process that I know you will love!
On the third day, we continued the Ph.D program and also heard from the Warrior and the Matriarch.
Includes two bonus channelings!
March, 2017
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30 Day Email Series with Eloheim
This retreat will offer fun ways to learn more about Eloheim and to study the tools for conscious living.
It’s perfect for those that are new to Eloheim’s offerings AND for those that would like to review the foundational teachings.
There are no set times for attendance. Everything is at your own pace.
A great way to get to know Veronica & Eloheim and to connect with their amazing community.
Really awesome course. This was really wonderful and I learned so many new tools to help me. Thank you so much! I look forward to the next one!
This has been amazing! I experienced such a strong commitment to immersing in this online retreat. I’ll be taking it all in for quite some time. Loved the enthusiasm and open sharing. And Veronica, your gifts of creating this – wow – thank you so much!
Thank you Veronica, I’ve been slowly working on the tools you’ve posted. I’ve found the tools easy to understand, I love your matter of fact way of presenting, making it all feel very ‘normal.’
I have really enjoyed this opportunity to become familiar with the teachings/tools of Eloheim and the others. I will continue to learn more and practice in my life. This has been a great opportunity.
What I liked most about the teachings is that each steps are described in details with good examples and they are accessible to anyone whatever is your level of consciousness or your education.
The greatest compliment I can give this work is that I am more now who I wanted to be and only a margin of who I was. Each step provided growth
, expression, self awareness, integrity. My path is unique, and yet the tools / information supported me finding me the entire way. It has truly been a blessing.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the cost?
100% FREE!
When does the retreat start?
It starts when you register! You will receive an email every other day for 30 days. Each email will feature Eloheim teachings. Each teaching will build upon the ones that came before!
I can’t be online everyday, can I still participate?
Absolutely! It’s all at your own pace.
I’m brand new to Eloheim’s teachings, is that ok?
Perfectly ok! This retreat is a wonderful introduction to Eloheim.
February, 2017
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Online Retreat with Eloheim – The Levels Teaching
Registration is OPEN! Follow this link:
On November 11, 2011, Fred (channeled by Veronica) told us that he would teach us to live fractally. At the time, Veronica was very skeptical that Fred could pull off such a thing. With the help of the Council, HE DID!!!
What does it mean to live fractally? It means that you are empowered to evaluate your experiences in new ways, to mine the potential of every moment, and to live as a CHOOSER.
This is you living as the BIG version of you
This is you living without baggage and static
This is your pathway to Homo spiritus
This is your birthright
We will be using Eloheim’s Levels of Creating deck to facilitate this journey. It’s strongly recommended you order your own deck before May 1st (to allow for printing and shipping time – this is a print on demand product). You can place your order on this page: https://www.eloheim.com/levels/
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the cost?
The online retreat is 100% FREE
When does the retreat take place?
May 17 – 27
, 2017
I can’t be online everyday, can I still participate?
Absolutely! It’s all at your own pace. Veronica will add new activities each day. Participate in whichever you like.
I’m brand new to Eloheim’s teachings, is that ok?
If this is your first experience with Eloheim’s teaching, a recommended preparation is to explore the items included in this package. https://www.eloheim.com/special-packages-online-retreat-follow-up/
Do I need a Facebook account?
Yes, this retreat will take place inside a private Facebook event so you will need an account for the duration of the retreat. After you register, Veronica will connect with you on Facebook and invite you into the retreat.
Can I invite my friends?
Please do! Registration for this retreat ends May 18th.
Registration is OPEN! Follow this link:
January, 2017
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FREE Online Retreat with Eloheim!
FREE! Our first Online Retreat with Eloheim!
This retreat will offer fun ways to learn more about Eloheim and to study the tools for conscious living.
It’s perfect for those that are new to Eloheim’s offerings AND for those that would like to review the foundational teachings.
There are no set times for attendance. Everything is at your own pace.
There will even be prizes awarded for participation!
Register here
Frequently Asked Questions:
100% FREE and there will be prizes for participation!
It starts February 2nd and ends February 15th.
Absolutely! It’s all at your own pace. Veronica will add new activities each day. Participate in whichever you like. The more you participate the more you will learn and the more points you will collect!
Perfectly ok! This retreat is a wonderful introduction to Eloheim.
, this retreat will take place inside a private Facebook event so you will need an account for the two weeks of the retreat. After you register, Veronica will connect with you on Facebook and invite you into the retreat.
Please do! Registration for this retreat ends February 8th. Give your friends this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/online-eloheim-retreat-registration-31275976287
Send an email to Veronica@rontor.com
December, 2016
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2017 Eloheim Retreat at Sea

Eloheim Retreat on Princess Cruise Line
October 15-22, 2017
Featuring THREE channeling sessions!
We have a specialist handling all the cruising details!
Book your passage by clicking here
Payment for the channeling is separate.
We will have three channeling sessions
in the mornings of the 2nd
, 3rd and 7th days.
Total cost for all three channeling sessions is $200
(includes the recordings)
July, 2016
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Sonoma Retreat in 77 Days!!!
Join us for our 2016 retreat
with Eloheim and The Council.
October 2-5, 2016
at the beautiful Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA.
Join us for our fifth annual, 4-day intensive retreat held at the Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA.
This event will be held from October 2nd through October 5th, 2016.
Personal transformation and healing!
Amazing meals!
Gorgeous setting!
Incredible people!
Breakout groups!
FOUR channeling sessions!
Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with Eloheim and The Council in person!!
Sunday, October 2
4:00 Arrival and check in
4:00 – 6:00 Meet and greet
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
7:30 – 10:00 Opening channeling session
Monday, October 3
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:30 – 12:00 Channeling session
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
2:30 Break out groups
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
8:00 After dinner activities
Tuesday, October 4
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:30 – 12:00 Channeling session
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
2:30 Break out groups
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
8:00 After dinner activities
Wednesday, October 5
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:30 – 12:00 Channeling session
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
2:00 – 3:00 Closing circle
3:00 Check out
San Francisco (SFO) and Oakland (OAK) are the closest airports and both are about 90 minutes drive away. If you have a choice
,I STRONGLY RECOMMEND OAKLAND AIRPORT. The drive is much easier as it’s almost all freeways whereas the drive from SFO is through San Francisco before you get to the freeway and SFO is often affected by fog which delays flights.
We have private Facebook group for retreat participants. Last year folks got to know each other that way and also arranged shared ground transportation ahead of time. It’s a lively forum that I visit multiple times each day. You will be added to that group (if you wish) when you submit your reservation.
You can attend as an overnight guest (shared room) or a day guest.
OVERNIGHT Guests receive:
Three nights lodging
Nine amazing meals
All activities
Recordings of all channeling sessions!
$699 in shared room
Payment is non-refundable. Cancellations prior to 30 days before the event begins will receive a 50% of payment credit toward our other offerings. Cancellations between 30 and 7 days before the event receive a 25% credit toward our other offerings. No credit will be offered if you cancel in the final week before the event.
DAY Guests receive:
Six amazing meals (Lunches and Dinners)
All activities
Recordings of all channeling sessions!
(NO lodging, NO breakfast)
Payment is non-refundable. Cancellations prior to 30 days before the event begins will receive a 50% of payment credit toward our other offerings. Cancellations between 30 and 7 days before the event receive a 25% credit toward our other offerings. No credit will be offered if you cancel in the final week before the event.
I have to say, the energy at the retreat was so high and intense the whole time that my old patterns of thinking about what the others where thinking of me would try to surface but immediately I had no resonance with that state and it felt like Teflon they had no sticking power. I truly experienced my life without that big thing for sure. I felt like I was in a huge bowl of love the whole time it was sooooo nourishing that I felt I didn’t even need to eat, although the food was so good I had to partake.
June, 2016
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Camp Out 2016 Recordings – Weekend with Eloheim
Day 1: Clarity and truth. That’s how Eloheim began the weekend on Day 1. Homo spiritus starts from knowing your truth, Eloheim says, and it starts from the inside, in each moment. As we move up the levels of consciousness, we are redefining and refining our tools.
One-on-one sessions took up the rest of the meeting time, and all those who sat with Eloheim brought body issues with them. Eloheim reminds us that the body gets it last and that we are waiting for the physical world to catch up to our clarity. Holding our balance is necessary while we are in the gap.
Day 2: Eloheim reveals that a lot of energetic work is currently in progress during the one-on-one sessions. And
, as we are letting go, detoxing, and integrating, it’s no surprise the body is slow to catch up. The individual sessions on this day brought up more body questions as well as issues with re-triggering and a lack of a shared language with others.
Day 3: The individual sessions continued on the final day to allow the rest of the group to sit with Eloheim. They discussed a myriad of topics ranging from being the man of the family to life purpose to being in the gap, as well as more body issues. This day also gave us the fun bonus of watching Eloheim comfortably hold and interact with a 4-month-old baby during their session with the mother.
Each individual session allows us to see ourselves in the chair and answers many of our own questions. Enjoy watching Eloheim help the group find clarity during this intimate weekend camp out.
“Eloheim does one on ones with folks with a wide range of things in their lap. Love relationships – newborn child & her siblings – authority figures – health issues – and everything in between. Insight on many topics the community is dealing with. It’s like having a long lunch with friends and getting caught up on what’s really happening.” ~ Mark
This is the first set of one-on-ones in a while, perhaps more than a year. I am always struck by Eloheim’s insight and compassion during these sessions. The information, examples, and tools are all excellent, and Eloheim makes them applicable to everyone. Simply witnessing the love, compassion, and sacredness of the process is restorative. ~ Richard
April, 2016
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Weekend with Eloheim – Camping Option
Eloheim Santa Rosa Campout June 10-12
At John’s new house! (and pool!)
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Friday June 10th
4:00 P.M. Arrival & Registration
6:00 P.M. Optional Dinner $20pp RSVP Appreciated
Mexican Fiesta
Salad & Bread
Dessert & Coffee
Wine & Beer
7:30 P.M Eloheim Opening Meeting
9:30 P.M. After Meeting Social Time
Camp Fire
Cracker Barrel – Snacks
Swimming Pool – Open
Saturday June 11th
8:30 A.M. Optional Breakfast $10 pp RSVP Appreciated
Eggs to order
Assorted Fruit
Cereal & Milk & Juice & Coffee
10:00 A.M. Eloheim Saturday Meeting
1:00 P.M. Optional Lunch $15 pp RSVP Appreciated
Beef Burgers
, Veggie Burgers, Hot Dogs
Special Recipe Macaroni & Cheese
Assorted Beverages
2:00 P.M. Free Time
Crafts Available
Swimming Pool – Open
Hiking- Armstrong Woods (Redwoods – 30 minutes Away)
Toning Circle or Attendee Led Event
6:00 P.M. Optional Dinner BBQ $20pp RSVP Appreciated
BBQ Surf & Turf Selections
Veggie Lasagna
Salad & Bread
Dessert & Coffee
Wine & Beer
7:30 P.M. Evening Activities
Camp Fire
Swimming Pool – Open
Movies Available – Home Theatre
Games Available
Sunday June 12th
8:30 A.M. Optional Breakfast $10pp RSVP Appreciated
Steel Cut Oatmeal
Eggs to order
Assorted Fruit
Coffee & Juice
10:00 A.M. Eloheim Closing Meeting
1:00 P.M. Optional Lunch $15pp RSVP Appreciated
Deli Bar- Meats, Cheeses, and Breads
Potato & Macaroni Salad
Salad & Assorted Fruit
Assorted Beverages
2:30 P.M. Goodbyes & Departure
Channeling – $150 pp (Maximum 20 people total)
Payment is non-refundable. Cancellations prior to 30 days before the event begins will receive a 50% of payment credit toward our other offerings. Cancellations between 30 and 7 days before the event receive a 25% credit toward our other offerings. No credit will be offered if you cancel in the final week before the event.
Camping, house fee, and food costs will paid be directly to John upon arrival.
Campout Sleeping Options
Yard Camping – $15 pp per night (tents available) – Children Free
Couch/Floor Camping – $15 pp per night – Children Free
Hotels/Motels – Numerous from $75 -$300 per night locally
A la carte or package price of $75 for all meals.
House Fee
All Attendees pay. $15 pp total – Includes snacks, bottled water, WiFi, pool use, etc.
All meal and camping and house fees are being accepted as donations towards sending Samantha Murray to Cazadero Flute Camp for two weeks in July.
Looking for something for the family to do while you are at the channeling session?
Family Fun Day at Sonoma Skypark on Saturday. It is a full day event and the airport provides food. It is always fun and well attended. Then the airport gives free rides to kids on Sunday! The family will have plenty of fun!

Sedona Diary – Last days
Read day 1 and 2 here
Read day 3 and 4 here
Read day 5 and 6 here
Day six
This was a full day off for me. My body was having a lot of reactions to the work and the travel so I staying home and rested in the morning. In the afternoon, we had an intense conversation using some of the new teachings. The new ideas about boundaries and vulnerability are peeling away layers in me and it was powerful to access new aspects of my truth.
Eventually the rest of the folks came home and we ended up in the hot tub (again!) I really want my own hot tub!!!
Day seven
Outdoor channeling day! When we were first talking about a Sedona event, I knew it would be a great place to have our first ever outdoor channeling session. I’ve been working on a hip issue for a few years now (you might recall seeing me use a wheel chair during our London events). I’ve been seeing a Pilates instructor weekly since about July and it’s made all the difference! I was thrilled to be able to walk to our outdoor location. I made a video so that you can come along with us! It was a lovely session in a beautiful spot!
I made a video showing our journey from the house to the final channeling spot.
Video player
Continue Reading…

Sedona Diary – Day 5 and 6
Read day 1 and 2 here
Read day 3 and 4 here
Read final days here
Day five
Well, really day 4.5. I woke up about 4am and had a chat with Eloheim. I realized that I needed some support processing a few things that had come up for me. Eloheim ended up crafting an entire teaching to answer my question and (of course) tied it into the teachings from the previous channeling.
E and I talked for over an hour. Thankfully I managed to sleep afterward. I was a sleepy head in the morning as I shuffled out to the group. Mindy propped me up by making breakfast and all the laughter and powerful conversation did the rest.
Tiffanny helped me by drawing up one of the diagrams that E had made the night before so that E could refer to it without having to redraw it.
I showered and we all settled in for the channeling session. It was a second white board session continuing on from the day before and incorporating all that E and I had talked about during the night.
I truly believe it will help you tremendously. Continue Reading…