February, 2007
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Eloheim answers: 1-31-07 Why isn’t the entire Soul in the body?
Eloheim has talked many times about In-Souling our bodies in this lifetime. They have explained that the first step to In-Souling our bodies is clearing fear, guilt, and lack from our lives. This clearing allows more ‘room’ for the Soul in the body and opens us up to new abilities, experiences, and transformation. In this clip, Eloheim explains why the entire Soul isn’t in the body to start with.

Eloheim: 01-24-07 What is IS, and how to be in balance
Eloheim meetings tend to fall into three different types.
There is the question and answer meeting. Lots of folks ask questions on all sorts of topics and Elohiem answers them. There typically isn’t much of a theme to this type of meetings.
There is the WHO KNOWS meeting. This is when Eloheim throws us a curve ball and we do energetic exercises or read tarot for each other or WHO KNOWS what.
Then there are the conversation meetings. The entire meeting becomes an extended conversation between the group and Eloheim. These meetings tend to stay on one topic and that topic is discussed throughly. Group members ask questions and contribute comments, but the questions and comments are to further the conversation that is in process. These are my favorite type of meetings and I find them very fulfilling.
The meeting of January 24th was a coversation meeting. It does make it challenging to find good clips to post here as there aren’t the natural breaks that a Q&A meeting gives.
This clip covers a lot in just a couple of minutes. I wasn’t even sure what to call it! Enjoy.

Eloheim: 1-24-07 How to deal with Frustration.
Eloheim began the meeting of January 24th, by revealing that I had been frustrated all day and then started a discussion of frustration. Here is one clip of that conversation:
January, 2007
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Eloheim answers: What happens after we die?
What happens to humans after they die such as being reborn, going to heaven or hell, or just stop existing?
What you have to remember is that you have the ability to create your world and that because the spiritual never truly ends, and because you’ve involved yourself in a free-will environment, you can actually create that which you will experience after you die. It’s important to recall in this situation that it doesn’t take 100% of your soul to run a physical body on Earth. So your soul can never be lost in these illusions you create in a free-will zone. But a portion of your soul’s energy, or “hard drive”, could be spending time in hell, but not your entire hard drive… and at some point because hell then would be a free-will zone… at some point you might just get sick and tired of it and using your free will you could free yourself from it… which might be challenging. That’s a big lesson for a soul to go through… and many portions of souls are going through this at this time.
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Eloheim: 1-03-07 A Different Way to Use The Tarot
Eloheim promised a fun exercise to start the new year. They had me take all of my Tarot decks to the meeting. Each person picked a deck that resonated with them. We set the books/instructions aside. They then asked us to divide up into pairs.
Eloheim asked us to connect to the Earth and to our Soul. We then set an intention for choosing a card. This clip was part of the discussion after we had chosen a card that would illuminate the next 30 days for our partner.
Eloheim didn’t want us to rely on the books’ interpretation of the card, they wanted us to rely on our Soul to give us the interpretation. This was an exercise designed to further our connection to our Soul and its Guidance.
This theme, Connection to the Soul, has been Eloheim’s primary focus for some time now. They tell us that through our Soul, we have access to all knowledge.
Here is part of the commentary about this way of using the Tarot.

Eloheim: Exploration of the Soul’s Journey 12-27-06
Eloheim started the most recent meeting with these comments about the Soul’s Journey.
December, 2006
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Eloheim is asked, Why am I here? (Core Emotion)
As I mentioned in other posts, Eloheim talks about Core Emotion on a regular basis. There are many, many different core emotions. Here is an example of Eloheim and a member of our group discussing hers on January 26, 2005.
Q: I find myself going along remarkably well, feeling wonderful and then I can step into a black hole. The black hole is obviously one that I have had forever. That is the biggest one that I haven’t quite dealt with and that I am perpetually dealing with. It is very simple, “Why am I here? Why should I be breathing? Why am I not outta here?” The question of “to be or not to be.”
So life is lot like an onion. This example is an onion that got whomped on the counter and has a bruise in one spot. As you go through your spiritual life, you go around the onion dealing with things. One layer of the onion comes off. But, each time you go around you come back to that bruised area. This is like the dark night of the soul. This is the place where you have unresolved issues that are… not necessarily….we don’t want to call them unresolved issues because that is such a trite thing to say. This is such a deep, core issue; A core emotion.
Your core emotion is, “Why am I here?” and your whole life is a study of that question. “Why I am here, what is the point?” When you were young you couldn’t see a good answer to that. Now that you are not so young you are starting to decide, “Well, I am here, so I may as well explore what it means to be here and to get tools for being here.” As you explore the core emotion that you experience.
Using the onion analogy, each time you come around to that pit of “Why am I here?” Recognize that it is just the time to go through this at the new level you have achieved. So your energy raises, as you en-soul your body, as you become more knowledgeable, as you are inspired by Guidance, all of these things…you have to pass through that core emotion each time your energy raises. We would hope that it is less of a violent experience for you each time.
But, it is what it is. It is there because it is. Core emotions are not something that you can say, “Why do I have it? I don’t want to have it.” It is what it is. The best thing to do with your core emotion is to embrace it as you would a small child and honor it for being your greatest teacher of this lifetime.
In a sense….you were born Caucasian. It is just what it is. You might be able to have a gender change, you might be able to dye your hair, you might be able to gain weight or loose weight, but you don’t change your racial makeup. It is what it is. You are Caucasian.
In a sense, this is what your core emotion is like. It just is.
If all of you can actually show unconditional love to your core emotion, it will help transform it faster. But, it never quite goes away. Because once you heal it, it then it becomes your greatest asset.
Q: I really appreciate your analogy. Because what I have to deal with is everytime I come around to it again, and I do, I feel like AGAIN! Is some thing wrong with me? It made me feel like a failure, every time it came around. But, this perspective is much better and it is actually much truer, because it does come around again and it is less intense.
Eloheim: And you learn something new about it each time because you are a new Being. You can express who you are and why you are here in a different way. But, as you heal that, once you get comfortable with “I am here because I am here”, the healed core emotion becomes your greatest asset.
Of the things we can wish for you, this is high on the list.
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Non-commercial, unedited sharing of this message is encouraged and appreciated. Please include the entire message with this paragraph. http://Eloheim.com/ Commercial outlets may contact eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for reprinting permission. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.[/stextbox]

The Spiritual Journey with the Physical Body
On 12-25-06 we had a short visit with Eloheim. He/They asked us to share this clip.

QUOTE OF THE DAY, Everything is within waiting to be revealed.
Each moment is an opportunity to shift that what you are caught up in. It is not that you should say,